Cách sử dụng seed trong Minecraft pc

Bạn đã bao giờ tự hỏi làm thế nào Minecraft có thể tạo ra 1 toàn cầu đồ sộ, cụ thể chừng như 1 cách rất tình cờ? Câu giải đáp là nhờ vào hạt giống. Nói 1 cách dễ ợt, Minecraft có thể liên kết các chữ cái và số, biến đổi chúng thành các trị giá dữ liệu. Từ ấy sử dụng trị giá này để xây dựng toàn thể toàn cầu trò chơi.

Điều này có tức là về căn bản có vô khối toàn cầu để game thủ khám phá. Trong bài viết này, hãy cùng mày mò cách sử dụng hạt giống trong Minecraft để tiếp cận bản lĩnh phần đông vô bờ của trò chơi.

Sử dụng hạt giống trong Minecraft cho máy tính

Bước 1: Chọn Tạo toàn cầu mới từ Người chơi đơn.

Sử dụng hạt giống trong Minecraft rất dễ dãi. Trước tiên, mở trò chơi trên thiết bị, nhấp vào Người chơi đơn và tuyển lựa Tạo toàn cầu mới.

Xem xét rằng chỉ dẫn này dành cho cơ chế chơi đơn. Mọi người có thể biến Minecraft 1 game thủ thành 1 trò chơi LAN nhiều game thủ từ thực đơn tạm ngừng. Tuy nhiên, việc lưu trữ 1 máy chủ online phức tạp hơn.

Bước 2: Nhập hạt giống qua thực đơn tùy chọn.

Nhấp chuột Các tùy chọn toàn cầu khác … ở cuối màn hình. Ở đầu thực đơn tùy chọn, game thủ sẽ thấy 1 hộp văn bản trống. Nhập bất cứ tổ hợp chữ cái và số nào vào đây, tất cả đều là hạt giống nhưng trò chơi sử dụng để phục vụ toàn cầu mới.

Văn bản mọi người nhập ko nhất quyết phải chi tiết. Thí dụ: “123456789“có bản lĩnh đem đến kết quả tốt như”Cleveland“. Xem xét rằng số âm cũng có thể được sử dụng (tỉ dụ: -10571284).

Bước 3: Mở đầu trò chơi với hạt giống bạn vừa nhập.

Điều chỉnh phần còn lại của setup trò chơi theo ý thích của bạn và nhấp vào Tạo toàn cầu mới ở dưới cùng bên trái. Thế giới trò chơi sẽ mở màn tải.

Khi trò chơi mở màn, game thủ sẽ hiện ra trong toàn cầu được tạo ra từ hạt giống được phân phối. Xem xét rằng lệnh có thể được sử dụng bất kỳ khi nào /hạt giống trong bảng điều khiển để xem hạt giống của toàn cầu nhưng đối tượng hiện đang ở.

Nhập hạt giống trong Minecraft Pocket Edition

Bước 1: Tạo 1 toàn cầu mới.

Từ màn hình mở màn, hãy nhấn Chơi > Mới ở góc trên cùng bên phải. Thao tác này sẽ mở ra màn hình tạo toàn cầu tiêu chuẩn. Sau ấy chọn cơ chế bạn muốn chơi ngay hiện giờ.

Bước 2: Nhập hạt giống vào Tăng lên.

Nhấn nút Tiến bộ ở góc trên cùng bên phải. Thao tác này sẽ đưa game thủ tới màn hình có hộp văn bản trống có nhãn Hạt giống. Tiếp tục nhập bất cứ tổ hợp chữ cái và số nào vào ô này.

Bước 3: Mở đầu trò chơi

Khi đã chuẩn bị, hãy nhấn vào nút Tạo toàn cầu!. Trò chơi sẽ sử dụng hạt giống được phân phối để phục vụ 1 toàn cầu mới.

Nhập hạt giống trong Minecraft cho bảng điều khiển trò chơi

Bước 1: Tạo toàn cầu trò chơi mới

Bởi vì giao diện thực đơn của các bảng điều khiển rất giống nhau, giai đoạn sử dụng hạt giống trong các bạn dạng Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One và PS4 của Minecraft phần đông hệt nhau nhau.

Trên màn hình mở màn, hãy chọn Chơi trò chơi. Trên màn hình tiếp theo, hãy chọn Tạo toàn cầu mới.

Xem xét: Mọi người có thể nhận thấy 1 số dị biệt bé trong các chỉ dẫn này tùy thuộc vào bạn dạng trò chơi đang sử dụng.

Bước 2: Nhập hạt giống vào thực đơn tùy chọn.

Trên màn hình tạo toàn cầu, hãy chọn. khuy ao Chọn lựa khác. Trong tab Tùy chọn toàn cầuchọn hộp văn bản trống có nhãn Hạt giống cho các máy phát điện trên toàn cầu. Nhập bất cứ liên kết chữ cái và số nào mong muốn. họp báo Mở đầu hoặc Xong lúc xong xuôi.

Bước 3: Mở đầu trò chơi.

Quay lại thực đơn tạo toàn cầu (đây là thực đơn có thể nhập tên toàn cầu ở trên cùng). Chọn lựa Tạo toàn cầu mới ở dưới cùng. Nhân vật sẽ hiện ra trong 1 toàn cầu mới được tạo ra từ hạt giống đã nhập.


Chỉ dẫn nhập seed trong Minecraft trên các thiết bị


Mọi người đã bao giờ tự hỏi làm thế nào Minecraft có thể tạo ra 1 toàn cầu đồ sộ, cụ thể chừng như theo 1 cách rất tình cờ? Câu giải đáp chính là nhờ các seed. Nói 1 cách dễ ợt, Minecraft có thể nhận các liên kết chữ cái và số, biến đổi chúng thành trị giá dữ liệu. Từ ấy sử dụng trị giá này để xây dựng toàn thể toàn cầu trò chơi.Điều này có tức là về căn bản có vô khối toàn cầu để game thủ khám phá. Trong bài viết này, hãy cùng mày mò cách sử dụng seed trong Minecraft để tiếp cận những bản lĩnh phần đông vô bờ cho trò chơi.Dùng seed trong Minecraft cho máy tínhBước 1: Chọn Create New World từ Single Player.(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})Sử dụng seed trong Minecraft rất dễ dãi. Trước tiên, mở trò chơi trên thiết bị, nhấp vào Single Player và chọn Create New World.Xem xét rằng chỉ dẫn này dành cho cơ chế 1 game thủ. Mọi người có thể biến Minecraft 1 game thủ thành 1 trò chơi mạng LAN nhiều game thủ từ thực đơn tạm ngừng. Tuy nhiên, việc host 1 máy chủ online phức tạp hơn.Bước 2: Nhập seed qua thực đơn tùy chọn.(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})Nhấp vào More World Options… ở cuối màn hình. Ở đầu thực đơn tùy chọn, game thủ sẽ thấy 1 hộp văn bản trống. Hãy nhập bất cứ liên kết chữ cái và số nào vào đây, tất cả đều là seed nhưng trò chơi sử dụng để phục vụ toàn cầu mới.Văn bản mọi người nhập vào ko cần phải là bất cứ điều gì chi tiết. Thí dụ: “123456789” cũng có bản lĩnh cho kết quả tốt như “Cleveland”. Xem xét rằng số âm cũng có thể được sử dụng (tỉ dụ: -10571284).Bước 3: Mở đầu trò chơi với seed vừa nhập.(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})Điều chỉnh phần còn lại của setup trò chơi theo ý mình và nhấp vào Create New World ở dưới cùng bên trái. Thế giới trò chơi sẽ mở màn tải.Khi trò chơi mở màn, game thủ sẽ hiện ra trong toàn cầu được tạo ra từ seed đã phân phối. Xem xét rằng bất kỳ khi nào cũng có thể sử dụng lệnh /seed trong bảng điều khiển để xem seed toàn cầu nhưng đối tượng hiện đang ở.Nhập seed trong Minecraft Pocket EditionBước 1: Tạo 1 toàn cầu mới.Từ màn hình mở màn, hãy nhấn vào Play > New ở góc trên cùng bên phải. Thao tác này sẽ mở ra màn hình tạo toàn cầu tiêu chuẩn. Sau ấy chọn cơ chế muốn chơi ngay khi này.Bước 2: Nhập 1 seed trong Advanced.(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})Nhấn vào nút Advance ở góc trên cùng bên phải. Thao tác này sẽ đưa game thủ tới màn hình có hộp văn bản trống với nhãn Seed. Tiếp tục nhập bất cứ tổ hợp chữ cái và số nào vào ô này.Bước 3: Mở đầu trò chơiKhi đã chuẩn bị, hãy nhấn vào nút Create World!. Trò chơi sẽ sử dụng seed đã phân phối để phục vụ toàn cầu mới.Nhập seed trong Minecraft cho máy chơi gameBước 1: Tạo 1 toàn cầu trò chơi mới(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})Vì giao diện thực đơn của các máy chơi game rất giống nhau nên giai đoạn sử dụng seed trong các bạn dạng Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One và PS4 của Minecraft phần đông hệt nhau nhau.Trên màn hình mở màn, hãy chọn Play Game. Trên màn hình tiếp theo, chọn Create New World.Xem xét: Mọi người có thể nhận thấy 1 vài dị biệt bé trong các chỉ dẫn này tùy thuộc vào bạn dạng trò chơi đang sử dụng.Bước 2: Nhập 1 seed vào thực đơn tùy chọn.Trên màn hình tạo toàn cầu, hãy chọn nút More Options. Trong tab World Options, chọn hộp văn bản trống có nhãn Seed for the World Generator. Nhập bất cứ liên kết chữ cái và số nào mong muốn. Nhấn Start hoặc Done lúc hoàn thành.Bước 3: Mở đầu trò chơi.Quay lại thực đơn tạo toàn cầu (đây là thực đơn có thể nhập tên toàn cầu ở trên cùng). Chọn Create New World ở dưới cùng. Nhân vật sẽ sinh ra trong 1 toàn cầu mới được tạo ra từ seed đã nhập.


#Hướng #dẫn #nhập #seed #trong #Minecraft #trên #các #thiết #bị

  • Tổng hợp: Phần Mềm Portable
  • Nguồn: //download.com.vn/huong-dan-nhap-seed-trong-minecraft-159966

Tổng hợp các bài viết thuộc chủ đề Cách Seed Trong Minecraft xem nhiều nhất, được cập nhật mới nhất ngày 04/08/2022 trên website Trucbachconcert.com. Hy vọng nội dung bài viết sẽ đáp ứng được nhu cầu của bạn, chúng tôi sẽ thường xuyên cập nhật mới nội dung Cách Seed Trong Minecraft để bạn nhận được thông tin nhanh chóng và chính xác nhất. Cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, chủ đề này đã đạt được 377.388 lượt xem.

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  • This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /seed command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

    Each Minecraft world is created using a seed in the World Generator. Say, you absolutely love the Minecraft world that you are exploring, but have no idea what seed was used to create the world. There is a way to find out the seed and then share it with your friends.

    Let’s explore how to find the seed for a world using the /seed command.

    Supported Platforms

    The /seed command is available in the following versions of Minecraft:



     Java Edition (PC/Mac)Yes (1.3.1)

     Pocket Edition (PE)No

     Xbox 360No

     Xbox OneNo



     Wii UNo

     Nintendo SwitchNo

     Windows 10 EditionNo

     Education EditionNo

    * The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.

    NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them inpidually for version history.


    There are no requirements for the /seed command. Even if you have cheats turned off, you can still run the /seed command.

    Seed Command

    Seed Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)

    The Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the syntax to find the seed value used to create your world is:


    How to Enter the Command

    1. Open the Chat Window

    The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. The game control to open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft:

    • For Java Edition (PC/Mac), pss the T key to open the chat window.

    2. Type the Command

    In this example, we are going to find the seed used to create our world with the following command:


    Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to run the command.

    Once the command has been entered, the seed value will appear on the screen:

    You will see the message “Seed: xxx” appear in the lower left corner of the game window, where xxx is the seed value. This number is the seed value that you would use to recreate this world again.

    Other Game Commands

    You can use other commands and cheats in Minecraft such as:

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  • Your Minecraft experience is shaped by where you choose to spawn, which is why it is so important to choose the right seed for you. Minecraft seeds are what make the game interesting and psent new challenges in gameplay, whether you pfer a pastoral environment or one made of ice and snow.

    However, some are better than others, and knowing what is available can make all the difference in how your gameplay experience is structured.

    It may seem like there’s an unlimited supply of seeds and the truth is that gamers are always creating new worlds to explore. Sifting through all of them can actually take away from your actual play time, so it’s good to know which options are most appealing – and the most fun.

    What are Minecraft seeds?

    Minecraft seeds are codes that generate the worlds that you play in. They cover a wide variety of places, including murky dungeons and landscapes with gorgeous views. Once implemented, these codes create a world in which you can build and explore.

    They can change the nature of your gameplay and the type of creations you want to build with your setting. You can also choose to play the same seed with a friend to see how your experiences may differ.

    Random worlds vs custom seeds

    While some players enjoy jumping into a randomly generated world, others like to have a bit more control over the type of game they are playing or the types of resources they can access.

    Custom Minecraft seeds allow you to personalize the entire Minecraft experience. Seeds customize the game for you and they provide a more dedicated plan about what you are going to build and what you can accomplish during gameplay.

    To choose a seed, enter the code associated with that seed. Almost all codes are a series of numbers in either negative or positive values. If you do not use a certain value, the game will automatically use a random seed that you haven’t chosen.

    Finding new seeds

    If you want to search for some new seeds to use then make sure to check out the iOS and Android app Seeds Pro. It’s a community-based app that allows you to share seeds with friends online and discuss them in detail.

    Best of all, you can link your Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) account so you can easily download the best Minecraft PE seeds created by other users.

    How to create a Minecraft world with a seed

    If you’re just starting out in Minecraft, creating a new world in the game is much easier than you may think. First, head to the World Generator, where you can consistently upload the same biomes and structures each time. Minecraft PE also allows you to create worlds separate from the random ones automatically generated by the game.

    For the Java edition on PC or Mac

    • Another screen will show up where you can choose “More World Options.” This is where you will want to have your codes available
    • Enter the number for the seed you want

    To create separate Minecraft PE worlds

    • Next, tap on “Seed” before entering in your seed value in the provided box
    • After you have inserted the proper numbers, tap “Done” and then “Create World!” to load it

    The differences between Minecraft seeds on PC, mobile, and console

    Minecraft has a few different forms of gameplay, and seeds work a little differently on each type. More people play Minecraft on console than those on PC and mobile, meaning that each base has its own fandom and has various required specs.

    Minecraft PE seeds

    The main difference between the PC and PE versions is that the latter’s worlds are only 256 x 256 blocks in size, making it more difficult to create a variety of worlds for players. As of 2022, sharing seeds either through mobile or PC has been ptty much the same, but you may need alternative codes depending on which system you use.

    Console seeds

    For consoles, you will need to determine which one you are playing before proceeding. The Minecraft PS4 seeds differ from the Minecraft PS3 seeds or Minecraft Xbox 360 seeds, for example, and there is no guarantee that you will spawn what you are looking for if you use the same codes across platforms.

    Verifying your Minecraft version

    Before entering a seed, make sure that it is specifically designed for your platform so that you end up with the compatible seed ready to play. There also aren’t nearly as many seeds for consoles as there are for the other editions, but more are being created all the time.

    You also want to make sure that your system is running the correct version of Minecraft so it can run the seeds you want. If in doubt, double-check to make sure.

    You may actually need to revert back to legacy versions of the game in order to choose the seeds you want, although it is extremely easy to do if you need to.

    To choose your version:

    • Enter in the version of Minecraft you would like to use
    • Go back to the “News” area, which will load the right version and allow you to play

    10 best Minecraft seeds

    Determining the best Minecraft seeds is no easy task, especially because it can come down to personal opinion depending on how you play and what you enjoy doing in the game.

    However, certain seeds are among the cream of the crop based on the number of times entered and their continued popularity. Here are some cool Minecraft seeds you can try next time you play.

    1. Minecraft Seed Island

    Buried treasure and hidden loot make this seed immediately exciting. With several islands available to explore, you have the opportunity to collect a number of cool items, including 2 enchanted tunics, 6 gold nuggets, 8 gold ingots, an iron sword, and a lot more.

    With 2 shipwrecks (the second offers the most rewards), you’ll have plenty of loot to search for. Look at the buried treasure map so you know how to get back to where you spawned.

    2. Temple of Doom

    Welcome to the jungle! You’ll be spawned right near a temple in a convenient place where you can cross over to a desert or a jungle biome – the choice is yours. You’ll need to explore thoroughly for items, and beware of the pillagers that take over this area.

    Arm yourself early on and you should be all set to experience an awesome survival game. Also, don’t forget to check out the river, ocean, and mountains for additional items.

    3. A Song of Ice and Spire

    You may also see some polar bears and rabbits roaming around, but don’t worry, they’re harmless. Gather some resources and begin building in this chilly and intriguing seed.

    4. Ultimate Farm Spawn

    If you love animals (especially the voxel-shaped, Minecraft animals), this is the seed for you. You’ll spawn right in the middle of a farm featuring horses, pigs, sheep, and ducks.

    Make sure to gather your resources from the nearby savanna biome in order to get the coal and stone you need in order to build your farm. After you start your furnace, you’re ready to let your imagination go wild and corral those animals.

    5. Village Cut in Half by Ravine

    6. Savanna Villages on the Great Plains

    With 2 savanna villages located in this seed, you’ll have access to plenty of resources so you can build to your heart’s content. To the right, you have a “large ocean savanna village,” which is a good place to start looking for items and resources.

    Once you have gathered what you need, you may want to expand to the plains biome or head to the “mountain savanna village.” There, you’ll find wood for building your next masterpiece.

    7. Horse Island Survival

    Have you ever wanted to live on a deserted island filled with horses? This seed spawns you on a small island where – you guessed it – your only company is a herd of wild horses. There’s also a shipwreck nearby where you can gather some unique items like a compass and buried treasure map.

    This seed is definitely geared more toward exploration rather than building, but you can have a lot of fun searching for treasure and interacting with the friendly horses on the island.

    8. The Titanic

    As you can imagine from its name, this seed features a shipwreck and an iceberg as its main focal points. But there are some unexpected features worth checking out as well. You’ll find a nearby island with a lush jungle and a giant pit where you can find the resources necessary to build your creations.

    Unfortunately, this seed does not come with a certain famous song by Celine Dion, so you will have to add that yourself.

    9. The Jungle Temple of Diamonds and Bones

    Note: The loot is different in this seed depending on your platform.

    You will arrive on the west side of a jungle island where you can then enter a temple filled with some amazing loot. Along with 2 diamonds to gather, there are some…bones? Nonetheless, this is a great spot to begin building your new empire or simply explore the jungle. If you are looking for some more resources, head past the temple to the ocean, where you can find a mine and cave spider spawners.

    • Seed code: 87953651674304230
    • System: PC/Mac/Pocket Edition/PE/Bedrock Edition

    10. The Pillager Outpost

    The best thing you can do is sneak up to the top of the tower past the pillagers equipped with crossbows. Avoid getting caught and you’ll be able to access your very own crossbow, which is located in the chest.


    There is a reason that Minecraft has remained so immensely popular since its release in 2009. Along with its unique combination of creativity and exploration, this timeless classic is constantly undergoing changes and updates, often through the variety of good Minecraft seeds that are available today.

    For our picks, some of the more innovative seeds that allow players to have the most exploration are The Jungle Temple of Diamonds and Bones and Savannah Villages on the Great Plains.

    These seeds offer a variety of loot and construction options, and they allow you to explore for hours upon hours. With these recommended seeds, you can experience an entirely new take on Minecraft and make it a new experience every time you play.

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  • Seed trong Minecraft PE giúp bạn tạo thế giới mới dễ dàng hơn. Các cảnh quan được tạo ngẫu nhiên khi bạn bắt đầu trò chơi, vì thế, hãy chọn một seed để tăng trải nghiệm chơi Minecraft của bạn.

    Cách dùng seed trong Minecraft PE

    Dùng seed tương đối đơn giản, chỉ cần đảm bảo thiết lập chúng trước khi tạo thế giới. Seed sẽ quyết định cách thế giới mới hình thành và chúng khiến việc sinh sản gần các đối tượng và khu vực đáng giá dễ dàng hơn. Để dùng seed trong Minecraft PE, hãy truy cập Create New World Game Settings:

    Sao chép một trong số các seed liệt kê ở bên dưới và dán nó vào khu vực text trong Seed. Sau đó, bạn có thể thiết lập phần còn lại của cài đặt cho thế giới, cuối cùng nhấn Create.

    Ngôi làng ma w/Hẻm núi & Lều tuyết (1.15+)

    Seed: 2056807939

    Nếu đang tìm một điểm khởi đầu ma quái cho thế giới tiếp theo thì seed này sẽ xây một ngôi làng ma quanh hẻm núi rộng lớn. Bạn cũng có thể tìm thấy lều tuyết gần đó, cung cấp cho bạn nơi trú ẩn ban đầu trong khi ra ngoài tìm kiếm thức ăn. Nếu muốn tới ngôi làng ít rùng rợn hơn, bạn sẽ tìm thấy một địa điểm không quá xa nơi đây.

    Tọa độ vị trí:

    • Ngôi làng ma & Hẻm núi: Spawn.
    • Lều tuyết: X: 1325, Y: 64, Z: 98
    • Ngôi làng lớn: X: 122, Y: 63, Z: 573

    Biệt thự lớn (1.14+)

    Seed: 2033394339

    Nếu muốn bắt đầu game ở một nơi sang trọng thì hãy thử seed bedrock này. Nó chứa một trong những biệt thự lớn nhất từng thấy ở Minecraft. Nó có nhiều tầng để bạn khám phá và thực sự con đường bao quanh biệt thự này hơi kỳ lạ. Bạn sẽ thấy một số vật dụng trong hòm và nhiều món đồ thú vị khác.

    Tọa độ vị trí:

    • Biệt thự: X: 526, Y: 91, Z: 81
    • Hẻm núi: X: 346, Y: 31, Z: -186
    • Spawner quái vật: X: 819, Y: 55, Z: -365

    Seed: -1231267014

    Đây là ngọn núi khá đẹp với một nông trang bên trong hang động và nơi sinh quái vật nằm ngay bên cạnh nó. Ở phiên bản mobile, bạn sẽ tìm thấy thác nước đổ vào một số nhà dân không may. Một ngôi làng xác sống nằm không xa nơi đây, vì thế, seed này là lựa chọn khá thú vị.

    Tọa độ vị trí:

    • Ngôi làng trên núi: X: -250, Y: 72, Z: -209
    • Spawner quái vật: X: -266, Y: 71, Z: -242
    • Ngôi làng zombie: X: 180, Y: 83, Z: -310
    • Ngôi làng lớn: X: -310, Y: 67, Z: -1136
    • Ngôi làng lớn khác: X: -295, Y: 64, Z: 644

    Ngôi làng trên núi tuyệt đẹp (1.14+)

    Seed: -1400738501

    Nếu đang tìm một ngôi làng tuyệt đẹp trên núi để bắt đầu thế giới Minecraft tiếp theo, hãy thử ngay seed này. Nó là một trong số thiết kế ngôi làng độc đáo với nhiều tòa nhà cao trên một ngọn núi. Không những thế, seed này còn cung cấp một ngôi làng lân cận với một pháo đài nằm sâu bên dưới. Nếu thích quần xã sinh vật đa dạng, hãy khởi đầu gần một đầm lầy lớn nếu khám phá khu vực cạnh làng Stronghold. Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy quần xã sinh vật Ice Spikes.

    Tọa độ vị trí:

    • Ngôi làng trên núi: X: 943, Y: 78, Z: -1104
    • Làng Taiga: X: 165, Y: 66, Z: 585
    • Làng w/Pháo đài bên dưới: X: 990, Y: 68, Z: -825
    • Stronghold: X: 948, Y: 24, Z: -825
    • Quần xã sinh vật: X: 1448, Y: 92, Z: -908

    Rất nhiều vật phẩm gần nơi Spawn (1.14+)

    Seed: 1961838222

    Seed này bao gồm rất nhiều món đồ khác nhau xuất hiện quanh khu vực spawn mà bạn có thể khám phá. Nếu muốn khởi động một máy xay quái vật, có một spawner nằm ngay cạnh nơi spawn. Chỉ cần đi qua khu rừng, bạn sẽ thấy một số khu vực mở dẫn tới hang động. Hãy tiến vào bên trong. Có một spawner bổ sung gần đó, vì thế, bạn sẽ không bị thương khi tìm vị trí tới nơi nuôi quái vật. Ngoài ra, seed cũng mang tới nhiều hẻm núi chứa kim cương, kim tự tháp và nhiều hơn thế nữa.

    Tọa độ vị trí

    • Cổng vào hang động spawner quái vật: X: 414, Y: 60, Z: -25
    • Spwaner quái vật: X: 390, Y: 44, Z: -16
    • Cổng vào hang động sinh quái vật thứ hai: X: 615, Y: 64, Z: 25
    • Spawner quái vật thứ hai: X: 615, Y: 39, Z: 14
    • Ngôi làng sa mạc: X: 535, Y: 66, Z: 522
    • Kim tự tháp sa mạc: X: 251, Y: 67, Z: 878
    • Hẻm núi w/Vùng chứa kim cương: X: 653, Y: 14, Z: -20
    • Tiền đồn của kẻ cướp: X: 668, Y: 68, Z: 205
    • Kim tự tháp: X: 379, Y: 71, Z: -354
    • Hẻm núi nhỏ w/Gần kim cương: X: 297, Y: 11, Z: -441
    • Hẻm núi lớn hơn w/Vùng lộ kim cương (Nhiều địa điểm): X: 426, Y: 12, Z: -371
    • Làng Savannah: X: 185, Y: 69, Z: 962

    Một số mã seed đẹp khác

    • Seed kim cương ở hẻm núi lớn (1.14+): -974562123
    • Seed quy tụ nhiều quần xã sinh vật (1.14+): 266794693
    • Seed nhiều quần xã sinh vật: san hô, ngôi làng trong sa mạc, đền thờ (1.14+): 343145341
    • Seed 3 hòn đảo đổ nát (1.14+): -1673096729
    • Seed đảo làng mạc (1.14+): -407474912
    • Seed đảo lớn (1.14+): 3254239

    Theo chúng tôi

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  • Village seeds in Minecraft are some of the best starting seeds out there, as they immediately provide players with a selection of resources that can kickstart any great journey.

    Both basic survival worlds and speedrunning worlds benefit from having villages near the world spawn point, as players can collect what’s available at the village -be it be food, loot from chests or crops from farms – that can ease the struggles that all Minecraft players face at the beginning of a new world.

    5 best Minecraft village seeds

    Here are five of the best Minecraft village seeds for game version 1.16.4 for players to use as the starting point for their worlds.

    #5 572779209

    This Minecraft seed spawns players right next to a savannah village, allowing them to collect the few hay bales, crops and chests scattered around the place.

    The area is right by a desert and a plains biome, so this seed is great for both survival building and speedrunning purposes.

    There is a lava pool not too far into the desert, and there are plenty of local caves for players to explore for resources.

    #4 1813745601

    This Minecraft seed has a spruce village not too far west of spawn. This town is adorable and has a bunch of younger villagers as well as adults in the community.

    It’s a ptty extensive cave system, but there are plenty of resources to collect on the way to the stronghold too, so Minecraft players won’t find it a missed opportunity.

    #3 8337235562809889622

    This village is great for Minecraft players who like to load up on supplies and food at the villages they come across.

    With so many hay bales scattered around the area, an iron golem and two chests in this village as well, there is so much for players to collect for their journeys.

    This is a great starter seed for players who are new to Minecraft as well as for those players who pfer an easy start to their game as a kicking off point to push them towards greatness.

    #2 8319794722483450039

    This seed is an incredibly lucky find. Not only does the Minecraft player spawn only a hundred or so blocks away from a broken portal (with a chest containing the remaining obsidian needed to complete the frame), there is also a massive lootable village right across the river.

    This village has lots of crops and chests to loot from, including a couple of emeralds that can be found in a house’s chest, meaning players can trade with villagers.

    To make this seed even better, there is an outpost directly to the right of the spawn as players face the village, meaning that once the players are done with looting the village, they can go and loot the outpost too!

    There are two iron golems at the outpost to kill once all of the villagers are dealt with, meaning the player can have even more iron on hand. Moreover, all of that off the chest at the top of the outpost is ptty loaded too.

    #1 1116837734288061943

    This seed, although seemingly not as important as the pviously mentioned ones, is amazing for those Minecraft players wanting to grow and expand a community to make a bustling town center.

    With two villages incredibly close to each other with only a river in between, this area has amazing potential for players to expand into a giant city if they wish to.

    For players who pfer looting villages and leaving them behind, these villages have some ptty good loot in the chests as well as quite a lot of hay and crops to collect too. Overall, this is an amazing Minecraft seed with a whole bunch of potential for players to make this area really beautiful and upgraded.

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  • Image via Minecraft

    When first loading this seed, players will spawn right next to a taiga village. However, that is not the focus of this seed. When traveling to coordinates 1300, 550; a desert temple morphed into a village will be found.

    The loot within the temple includes iron ingots, two enchanted books with Infinity and Looting III, emeralds, and golden horse armor. This is definitely a temple that is worth checking out.

    #3 8081493198926661304

    Image via Minecraft

    This is a very aesthetically pleasing Minecraft seed. Players will spawn in a large village that is generated in the middle of a flower forest biome, which adds a very colorful touch to the scenery.

    Right next to this village, players will find yet another taiga village that has many rare buildings.

    Traveling to coordinates -150, 1750 will reveal a desert village on the shore of a beach. In the ocean, players will find coral reefs.

    #2 769638685703192159

    Image via Minecraft

    This lonely village set on an island in the middle of the ocean resides at coordinates 1090, -220. While making the trek to this village, players may stumble across a shipwreck full of useful loot. Beautiful coral reefs can also be found in the surrounding ocean.

    This is truly a wonderful Minecraft seed.

    #1 -2616073310770286304

    Image via Minecraft

    When spawning in this Minecraft seed, players will immediately be placed in between a pillager outpost and a large village, both of which contain valuable loot.

    However, that is not all. There are actually three different villages within this seed. The villages can be found at these coordinates:

    1. -150, 400
    2. 50, 850
    3. 600, 550

    Subscribe to Sportskeeda Minecraft YouTube channel for more in-game updates!

    Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh

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  • Are you looking for the best Minecraft PE seeds? Need the best Minecraft Bedrock Edition seeds? Well, you have come to the right place. The Windows 10 version of Minecraft is different to the normal PC version of the game, and thus your traditional seeds do not work. This is because the Windows 10 edition is actually Minecraft Pocket Edition (sometimes called Bedrock Edition), as seen on mobile. That means you need different seeds to get the right results.

    Here are the best Minecraft PE seeds:


    Seed: 825217104

    The witch’s hut in this Minecraft Pocket Edition seed, can be found in the swamp next to the spawn location and beyond that a small village encased in mountains.


    Seed: 1425516286

    This tranquil world brimming with flowers is the perfect escape for mellow minecrafters to sit back and relax. Build your home in this garden of flowers and marvel at their beauty.

    Lava Cliff

    Seed: 98450566

    Waterfalls are so last year; now it is all about magnificent columns of lava spilling from a sheer cliff face. This Minecraft PE seed offers more than just visual spectacle too – just do a little digging around the spawn point and you will quickly find an abandoned mineshaft packed with iron, coal, obsidian, gold, and diamonds.

    Hidden Castle

    Seed: 66898262

    This Minecraft PE seed will spawn you in a beautifully constructed blacksmith’s village that borders both a desert and plain biome with a well hidden secret. Head to the village well and take the plunge to find the amazing castle that lies beneath.

    Mountain Village

    Seed: 50975

    Minecraft PE seeds tend to produce a village that is perfect in every way. Not this seed, though. This one attempts to build a village on the side of a mountain, resulting in a house towering above everyone on an unreachable plateau and a crop garden buried in the side of the mountain. A unique place to set up camp, to say the least.

    Small Town


    Villages tend to be isolated little huts surrounded by miles of abandoned ground. This Minecraft Pocket Edition seed is not content with tiny settlements: it combines three villages to make a bonafide town. It’s rare to find such a bustling area created entirely by the game, rather than players.

    Floating Woodland

    Seed: INFINITY

    This Minecraft PE seed spawns what at first appears to be a fairly generic woodland biome. But look up, and you will see things are not as pedestrian as they seem. Floating islands is this seed’s unique selling point of infinity, and the foundations for your own skybase.

    Desert Island

    Seed: MESA PLZ

    A brilliant Minecraft Pocket Edition survival seed, you spawn on a small desert landmass with nothing but endless ocean around you. However, underneath the island is a network of deep tunnels and caves filled with rare resources.

    Mesa Spikes

    Seed: 742382451

    Mesa Spike biomes don’t exist, but this Minecraft PE seed will make you believe they do. Take a stroll into the Mesa biome straight ahead and the landscape will soon produce giant, multi-textured stalagmite formations.

    Woodland Mansion

    Seed: -396676922

    What else could a mansion dweller possibly need? For everything else you need to settle into your brand new palatial abode, this seed has a village nearby for all the essentials.

    Mountainous Swamp


    Kick me from the hill is a swamp biome that’s bordered by an attractive, if extreme mountain environment, and it’s perfect for an afternoon hike.

    Related: Make these worlds pttier with the best Minecraft shaders

    If that is not enough for you, a sleepy nearby village contains a blacksmith’s workshop stocked with emeralds, gold, and an iron helmet.

    Minecraft City seed

    Seed: 1388582293

    You can spend forever hunting through a world for a good city. Save yourself time and use this Minecraft Pocket Edition seed to spawn on top of the mother of all villages. With multiple houses, gardens, smithies, and churches, this is a real Minecraft Metropolis.

    Desert Stronghold


    Load this Minecraft Pocket Edition seed and you’ll spawn by a desert village situated on the edge of a mesa biome. Jump down the nearby well and start digging to find a stronghold with an End portal.

    Icy Tundra

    Seed: KOP

    Hollow Mountains


    You would think that this Minecraft PE seed would generate an infuriating game, but instead candy crush saga crafts a beautiful set of hollowed-out mountains, complete with epic overhangs and flowing waterfalls.

    Festive Village

    Seed: 1410403532

    Explore a lovely snowy biome with towering ice spikes. The festive village on the edge can be a great starting home, too.

    Mushroom Peninsula


    One of the most charming elements of Minecraft is its giant mushroom biomes. While most other biomes are content to sort-of-realistically recreate geographic landscapes, this Minecraft PE seed sprouts 6ft tall fantasy red-cap mushrooms.

    It also spawns you within walking distance of a mushroom peninsula packed with red, fungal bovines. What’s not to love?

    Beautiful View

    Seed: 80432

    Head straight out to sea from spawn and you’ll find this wonderful mountain range jutting from the water’s surface. Nothing to find in terms of resources and materials, but the view is worth a hundred diamonds. Well, not really.

    Ocean Village

    Seed: ACE

    The joy of discovery in Minecraft is finding usual things in unusual places. The novelty is strong with this seed, which dumps a village in the ocean. With wooden plank decks joining the buildings together, this is a lovely little sea-side port town in which to relax.

    Jungle Resource

    Seed: -1068624430

    This seed spawns you on the edge of a jungle filled with towering taiga trees, making it the ideal seed for any budding Minecraft carpenter. You will not be running out of wood anytime soon.

    Rocky Mountain Village

    Seed: SUPER PIG

    Village Island

    Seed: 26248

    This is Survival Island with a twist: rather than marooning you on a desert island with only a tree for company, this Minecraft PE seed generates an island with a whole village on it. Why survive alone when you can be accompanied by mute NPC villagers?

    Desert Cliffs

    Seed: XNXX

    This seed produces a mountain biome with some amazing overhangs that are perfect for cliff-ping. The mountains sit on the edge of a desert and savannah biome, where you’ll find two villages with a blacksmith. There’s iron equipment, obsidian, emeralds, and apples to be looted there, too.

    Hillside Village Stronghold

    Seed: -8198

    This seed produces a hillside village with all the amenities you could require from a residential district. However, the real star of this Minecraft PE seed is that – if you do a little digging – you will find a stronghold within 64 blocks of your spawning location.

    Fast Loot

    Seed: ELBOWS

    Rife with villages just a few minutes from spawn, with the second one you encounter built above a mine shaft. If you’re looking for resources fast, a little bit of excavation work here will go a long way.

    Panda Watching

    Seed: 57558375

    A jungle biome rich with bamboo trees and cuddly pandas, not to mention their parrot pals. The perfect place to build your treetop home in a dense jungle, teeming with wildlife.

    Underwater Shipwreck

    Seed: 1193133207

    Located just off the shore from the spawn location, this underwater shipwreck has plenty of buried treasure to start you off in the world, and even a hidden treasure map.

    Desert Temple Loot

    Seed: -1115237354

    The temple at this desert looting spot can be found a short distance from the spawn location, and has four chests with a myriad of great loot including gunpowder and gold ingots.

    There you go, you lucky things: the best Minecraft Pocket Edition seeds for mobile and Windows 10 players. If you’re a desktop crafter, however, you can discover even more automatically created, wonderful worlds with the best Minecraft seeds.

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  • The new year of 2022 has arrived, and it’s time for another fresh batch of the best Minecraft seeds. The latest 1.11.2 update is ready and available, which opens an opportunity for some truly rare and unexpected places for you to discover.

    In this selection you will find all kinds of villages in huge numbers spawning next to each other. The blacksmiths have chests overflowing with insane stuff, such as diamonds, obsidian, golden apples, etc.

    Also, make sure to visit a few of the woodland mansions and igloos on your way to the Minecraft riches. And if you were wondering about the best Minecraft seeds from last year, then here they are.

    Seed: -2079592986

    Coordinates: -239 70 110

    Biomes: Plains, Desert, Savanna

    Here is a Minecraft seed with 9 villages and 10 desert temples! You will spawn right next to the very first of the villages. It stands between two biomes — mesa and desert — on a small patch of plains biome.

    The rest of the villages can be located by following these coordinates:

    -976 81 -851; -1267 79 -1319; 2896 75 2756; -3915 71 2837; -4348 69 2356; -2730 69 3429; -2908 71 3588; -4252 76 1813.

    The desert temples are all packed with chests full of valuables. Find them all here:

    -1669 74 -1238; -1814 76 -885; 2762 74 3209; 281 74 4346; 312 75 4730; -3975 67 3444; -3896 73 2826; -4296 73 2316; -4574 75 1650; -3006 75 3762.

    Seed: -293224826722673

    Coordinates: -226 65 170

    Biomes: Forest, Desert, Plains

    Spawn in the area with one of the rarest sights in Minecraft that accomodates not two, but three villages in close proximity.

    The first one is located at -250 70 755 with a witch hut standing in the middle of it all. The other two are situated not too far away on the desert plains at 292 64 858 and 284 64 1,177 respectively.

    But the real treasure is hidden inside the desert temple at 132 65 810:

    • 3 golden apples!!!
    • 3 emeralds
    • 9 gold ingots
    • 1 iron horse armor


    Seed: 4612227757640019267

    Coordinates: -213 72 182

    Biomes: Savanna, Desert, Plains

    Here is the seed with another three villages, although this time they are not as close to each other as in the pvious seed.

    The coordinates to the villages are as follows: -990 68 197, 198 64 586, -747 71 871. The village at spawn has a blacksmith that keeps a few cool things:

    • 3 obsidian
    • 1 gold horse armor
    • 5 iron ingots
    • 2 iron chestplates
    • 1 iron helmet

    Behind the first village you will see a desert temple with a few valuables as well:

    • 1 Notch apple
    • 2 diamonds
    • 3 emeralds
    • 10 gold ingots

    Seed: 427874431641533422

    Coordinates: 248 68 246

    Biomes: Taiga Hills, Roofed Forest, Plains

    Have you ever seen a woodland mansion standing so close to a village with a blacksmith? Well, in this rare Minecraft seed you get to see both of these structures spawning at 284 73 -880.

    After you arrive at the spot, go ahead and check out that smithy’s treausre chest:

    • 5 diamonds!!!
    • 1 horse saddle

    The woodland mansion is just as full of valuables. For example, you will be able to locate a secret room with a chest at 245 66 -801 holding:

    • 1 diamond chestplate
    • 1 diamond hoe


    Seed: 1659445138144212645

    Coordinates: -21 92 -162

    Biomes: Mesa, Desert, Mushroom Island, Savanna

    You can call it either a huge island or a small continent, but this is where you spawn. It accomodates almost all known biomes on a relatively small piece of land and a tiny desert village on one of its beaches.

    The western part of the island is covered by mushrooms, while the eastern shore is a vast desert.

    On the north you will find a savanna biome; and if you travel to the south, you will see a gorgeous mesa plateau.

    Seed: 7144582590822286784

    Coordinates: 28 68 -36

    Biomes: Savanna, Beach

    Spawn on the ocean shore with a middle-sized savanna village at 148 64 -214. You should definitely check out the smithy’s chest for:

    • 6 obsidian
    • 5 iron ingots
    • 1 gold ingot

    Then, travel to 178 72 327 for another village, this time located in the desert. Right behind the village you will see a desert temple at 231 69 267 that keeps the following loot inside:

    • 2 gold horse armors
    • 7 iron ingots


    Seed: -3818216195951724349

    Coordinates: -218 66 254

    Biomes: Plains, Desert

    When was the last time you saw diamonds inside the blacksmith’s chest? Can’t remember? Exactly! It’s extremely rare to find such a valuable loot in Minecraft these days.

    After you spawn, head straight to coordinates 300 65 208. You’ll find a small village there with a blacksmith. Check the treasure chest for:

    • 6 diamonds!!!
    • 2 gold ingots
    • 2 iron leggings
    • 2 pickaxes

    Seed: 903832016953036259

    Coordinates: -213 96 3

    Biomes: Mesa Plateau F, Savanna

    You will spawn in the mesa biome with a tiny savanna village nearby at -300 80 -150. It has a blacksmith that keeps some nice loot inside, such as:

    • 3 obsidian
    • 2 iron helmets

    But the best part about this Minecraft seed is the open entrance into the mineshaft right below the village. Take your time — there is a lot to explore.


    Seed: -9222615366474684396

    Coordinates: -21 92 -409

    Biomes: Mesa Plateau F, Savanna

    Spawn in a very unusual mesa plateau that has small patches of savanna biome all over its territory. Unfortunately, there is no village nearby — but you can find one at these coordinates: -961 69 -699.

    It is also worth taking a look into the desert temple not too far away at -840 90 -743 for some fresh loot:

    • 2 emeralds
    • 1 iron horse armor
    • 5 iron ingots
    • Enchanted Book – Infinity

    Seed: 75456088

    Coordinates: 297 71  153

    Biomes: Plains, Ice Plains, Extreme Hills

    This village here spad its base over three biomes: plains, ice plains, and extreme hills. Quite a location!

    More than that, if you travel to -295 63 373, you will spot a tiny igloo resting on the bank of the frozen river. Check inside for the hidden basement and get some fantastic items:

    • 1 golden apple
    • 5 gold nuggets

    Seed: 775858740097559927

    Coordinates: -212 80 252

    Biomes: Jungle

    Triple jungle temple seed! Spawn very close to your first jungle temple at -167 71 154 that keeps 10 gold ingots inside the chests.

    Then, go to -699 81 26 for your second jungle temple. This one has a much better loot that the first one:

    • 2 emeralds
    • 1 gold horse armor
    • 3 gold ingots

    The last one can be found at -811 80 -396, and this is a real jackpot. Take a look inside the chests and see for yourself:

    • 3 diamonds!!!
    • 9 gold ingots
    • 8 iron ingots

    Seed: 469502573796133629

    Coordinates: 46 75 260

    Biomes: Forest, Jungle

    You can never have enough of the Minecraft jungle seeds — so here is another one.

    You will spawn in the forest area that borders with a massive jungle biome. The first temple spawns at 869 79 -303. It is totally worth checking out for:

    • 2 emeralds
    • 1 diamond horse armor
    • 4 gold ingots

    The second temple stands at 1079 77 -457, and it’s full of gold ingots.

    Seed: 309613437623731447

    Coordinates: 149 64 258

    Biomes: Plains, Roofed Forest

    Spawn on the plains biome with a mansion not too far away at 382 64 -735. The mansion keeps a few interesting chests on the ground floor. The first one at 374 65 -674 contains:

    • 2 redstones
    • 1 chain chestplate

    The other one hidden behind the wall at 323 66 -698 has:

    • 1 diamond hoe
    • 4 gold ingots

    Also, check out the forest village just a few hundred blocks away at -437 82 -957. There is a smithy’s shop and a chest full of iron.

    Seed: -136557828955542249

    Coordinates: -364 68 274

    Biomes: Savanna, Desert, Roofed Forest

    Spawn on the edge of the desert biome with a temple standing right behind you at -374 64 154. Take a peek inside the chests:

    • 1 Notch apple
    • 2 golden apples
    • 1 diamond horse armor
    • 4 gold ingots
    • 5 iron ingots
    • Enchanted Book – Curse of Binding

    Then, travel to these coordinates 1722 65 -707, where you will spot one of the biggest woodland mansions ever generated in Minecraft. There isn’t much in terms of loot, but you can grab a diamond chestplate at 1701 74 -763.

    Seed: 780858168877190461

    Coordinates: -218 62 75

    Biomes: Taiga, Ice Plains

    Here is a triple igloo Minecraft seed! You will spawn on the border of ice plains and taiga biomes. From there on you can travel in all directions. The coordinates of the three igloos are as follows: 138 75 -353, 358 80 242, -650 80 750.

    All these structures contain chests with golden apples and gold nuggets. So you will have a lot of gold in your posession after raiding them all.

    Seed: -501213244176733962

    Coordinates: 100 72 262

    Biomes: Plains, Ice Plains

    The plains biome is your original starting point, but you really need to move westwards from there. At these coordinates -1179 68 373 you will find your first igloo hidden behind a small patch of forest trees. This igloo has a secret room underneath the floor, so go ahead and grab that golden apple.

    The other igloo is located a bit to the south at -1199 69 752, and it’s kind of half-buried under the layer of snow. This one also has a basement below with another cool chest holding:

    • 1 golden apple
    • 3 gold nuggets

    Seed: -1306472565356167

    Coordinates: 176 68 257

    Biomes: Flower Forest, Ice Plains

    Spawn next to a gorgeous flower forest biome, and then head towards the south-western direction. There, on the bank of a frozen river you will find an igloo at -1261 68 851 that also has an underground room.

    Up in the northern direction you will spot a cute little village (-388 75 98). There is no blacksmith around, but an abandoned mineshaft below (-430 29 21) contains the following:

    • 7 redstones
    • beetroot seeds

    Seed: 734603810312601504

    Coordinates: -18 67 262

    Biomes: Plains, Ice Plains

    You will spawn about a thousand blocks away from a frozen river that hides an entire stronghold underneath the soil at 412 80 -1259. Several chests inside the stronghold contain:

    • 1 diamond horse armor
    • 3 gold ingots
    • 1 ender pearl

    The portal to the netherworld can be located at 380 26 -1245. The stronghold itself can lead you out to the massive abandoned mineshaft that is connected to a few other smaller mineshafts.

    Seed: -632144746161992715

    Coordinates: 252 65 202

    Biomes: Plains, Desert

    Another thing you can rarely see in Minecraft is desert temples spawning close to each other. You can maybe find two together, but this Minecraft seed has four of them (X/Z coordinates): -245 750, 375 820, -185 1075, 120 1175.

    If you find them all and gather all their loot, this what you will end up with:

    • 1 golden apple
    • 3 diamonds
    • 10 emeralds
    • 2 diamond horse armors
    • 1 gold horse armor
    • 9 gold ingots
    • 7 iron horse armors
    • 2 iron ingots
    • Enchanted Book – Bane of Arthropods II
    • Enchanted Book – Bane of Arthropods IV
    • Enchanted Book – Mending
    • Enchanted Book – Fortune III

    Seed: -373505389171747761

    Coordinates: 117 85 238

    Biomes: Forest, Ocean

    There are many ways to get gold in Minecraft. However, one of the best ways is to raid the ocean monuments. They usually contain huge blocks of gold inside, so finding one promises great fortunes.

    Now, how about three ocean monuments spawning next to each other? Here they are all in one seed: 765 -1730, 1400 -1730, 2228 -1730.

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  • Minecraft PE seeds create new worlds for gamers to explore, with unique terrain or creatures for players to interact with and enjoy, as well as interesting spawn points.

    The Minecraft PE seeds here are the best for lazy people on the go. They’ll give you something more important to do, while you travel around from place-to-place.

    The seeds here are case-sensitive.

    1. Triple Village Seed

    This massive Minecraft seed has a triple village, with two blacksmiths, set on a savannah biome. The surrounding landscape has rivers, mountains, and deserts I explored with my nephew.

    Your spawn point is on the other side of the river, but you need to get to the village as quickly as possible, to pvent the blacksmith from catching the chests on fire.

    2. Massive Desert Village Seed

    Seed: 1246234697

    This Minecraft PE seed spawns you in a bland biome on the side of a hill. If you dig straight down, you’ll find gold, coal, iron, and Redstone.

    In the nearby desert, there’s a massive Minecraft village to explore, with two blacksmiths, each with decent loot. One blacksmith has superior loot, with a saddle, emeralds, an iron helmet and ingots, ink sacks and bread.

    This seed also has lots of cool terrain to explore, including savannah, taiga, plains, and desert. My nephew and I found interesting things exploring this world that entertained us and we still occasionally come back for more.

    3. Huge Mesa with Lots of Gold Mine Shafts

    4. Full Iron Armor in Just Ten Minutes

    Seed: 509333905

    This is a Minecraft PE 0.10.5 seed (Infinite).

    Using this Minecraft PE seed you can get full iron armor within ten minutes of spawning. Just head to the village you spawn near and find the blacksmith.

    The blacksmith has two pairs of iron leggings, so you have a spare set. You need to head across the river to mine the rest of the iron you need to complete the full set.

    Look for a cave on the other side of the river by the village, with two deposits of iron at the surface of the entrance.

    5. Fishing Village Seed

    Seed: 104451

    Ok! Minecraft PE gamers can’t fish, just yet, but you can get a feel for the environment using this seed.

    When you spawn here, you can head out to sea, or inland to explore. To find the village, head inland, and then travel to the right along the coastline.

    In the village, there’s a blacksmith, with a gold and iron ingot, bread and 4 obsidian blocks in his chest.

    There’s also a cave near the border of the village, right next to the sidewalk where you find the lampposts. My nephew and I have found iron, gold, coal and the occasional diamond in this cave, so it’s worth checking out.

    If you decide to head out on the water, you can find islands to explore. We found this Minecraft PE seed unique in this way, so go island hopping, if you want to try something different.

    6. Epic Stronghold Seed

    Seed: 108685930

    This is a Minecraft PE 0.10.5 seed (Infinite).

    Gamers looking for a great stronghold seed will love this one. Just head over to the village you see when you spawn, jump in the well and dig down to find the stronghold.

    7. The Best Minecraft Village Seed

    Seed: 1408106526

    This amazing Minecraft PE seed has two complete villages, each with its own stronghold.

    Me and my nephew started this one in Creative mode, which is a good idea if you want to get an idea of the landscape.

    You spawn on a savannah, with the hill where you find the villages, behind you. Turn around, fly up over the hill and you’ll see the first village on top of the hill.

    The second village is to the right, but also partly perched on the hill, which is an amazing sight.

    8. Stunning Mesa Seed

    9. Handy Minecraft PE Village Seed

    Seed: 1074879716

    This great Minecraft PE seed has two villages, one has a blacksmith with really cool loot. The second village doesn’t have a blacksmith, but if you look in the well, you’ll find a stronghold with an end portal.

    10. Minecraft PE Dungeon Seed

    Seed: 1794954266

    Warning! There’s a zombie spawner in the dungeon, so be careful.

    11. Multiple Villages with Blacksmiths

    12. A Minecraft Town?

    My nephew and I found this cool Minecraft town to explore. At least, with so many villages around, it looks like a town.

    Here you can find everything an explorer needs, including blacksmiths with loot to make it more entertaining.

    13. A Mountain View Seed

    Seed: super pig

    14. Floating Ocean Village Seed

    Seed: 1413755523

    There’s a significant amount of water and land to explore, but the island gives you a good base to start with, and it’s just fun to float around with your nephew exploring and flaming each other.

    15. Survival Island Seed

    Watch out for the villagers, they are a little on the angry side: deranged is closer to the target.

    16. Easy Minecraft PE Seed

    Seed: infinity

    You spawn in the woods, beneath floating islands, which is kind of freaky.

    Look for square stones on the ground as you explore and you could find the resources you need. Dig down deep beneath some of these stones and you’ll find pockets of iron, Redstone, and pcious gems.

    17. Horror Mountain Seed

    This is a Minecraft 0.10.5 seed (Infinite).

    You spawn to the left of a village, which is partly on a mountain and next to a river.

    Climb to the top of the mountain and you’ll find the entrance to a dungeon, with a zombie spawner.

    Defeating the zombies and find the treasure chests inside the dungeon is a lot of fun.

    18. Everything an Adventure Needs Seed

    Seed: sylph

    If you dig deep into the ground around the well in the village, you’ll find an abandoned mineshaft with diamonds, redstone, iron, gold, and other minerals and gems.

    This is a great seed in Survival mode and extremely challenging.

    19. Multiple Villages and Stronghold Seed

    Seed: 85292285

    There are also all types of biomes repsented in this seed, which makes it more fun, and in Survival mode, this one rocks!

    20. Sea of Flowers Seed

    Seed: 1425516286

    Build a nice home, next to the mines you find, because this biome looks like paradise.

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  • Seeds Minecraft có thể giúp bạn spawn tại một điểm cụ thể và kiểm soát lối chơi của bạn, những seed như vậy cũng giúp bạn thu thập các tài nguyên cần thiết trước một cuộc phiêu lưu hoành tráng và đây là top 5 Seeds Minecraft PC tuyệt nhất mà bạn không nên bỏ qua.

    Minecraft seeds là mã tạo ra thế giới mà bạn có thể xây dựng và khám phá. Chúng bao gồm nhiều địa điểm, bao gồm cả ngục tối âm u và cảnh quan với tầm nhìn tuyệt đẹp. Lối chơi của bạn trong Minecraft thường được quyết định bởi nơi bạn spawn. Đó là lý do vì sao nhiều người chơi thích kiểm soát điểm spawn của mình bằng cách sử dụng seed. Với seed Minecraft, bạn có thể spawn lại một điểm cụ thể trên bản đồ rộng lớn của game.

    Top 5 Seeds Minecraft PC đẹp nhất

    Việc xác định seed Minecraft tốt nhất không hề dễ dàng, đặc biệt bởi nó có thể phụ thuộc vào quan điểm cá nhân và dựa vào cách bạn chơi, cũng như những gì bạn muốn làm trong game. Tuy nhiên, có một số seed rất nổi tiếng trong cộng đồng người chơi Minecraft và đây là 5 seed Minecraft thú vị mà bạn cần thử trong lần chơi tiếp theo.

    Top 5 seed Minecraft tuyệt nhất mà bạn không nên bỏ qua

    1. Cánh đồng nấm và kho báu bị chôn vùi

    Hoàn hảo cho những ai yêu thích săn tìm kho báu bị chôn vùi, mã seed này giúp bạn spawn ở gần cánh đồng nấm, không chỉ nhiều nấm mà còn cả xác tàu đắm ngay gần đó. Khi khám phá các xác tàu, bạn có thể chạm tay vào một bản đồ kho báu bị chôn vùi và có thể tìm thấy rất nhiều đồ loot quý hiếm, bao gồm ngọc lục bảo, vàng, sắt, các vật phẩm phù phép, thực phẩm, cũng như TNT.

    * Mã seed: 64093444 2. Mineshaft bên trong khe núi

    Seed này hoàn hảo cho các thợ mỏ, những người yêu thích khám phá hệ thống hang động dưới lòng đất trải dài trên bản đồ Minecraft. Bạn có thể nhập mã seed trước khi bắt đầu game để spawn gần một ngôi làng bên cạnh một khe núi. Khe núi rất khó để đi qua, nhưng với một chút rủi ro, bạn có thể tìm thấy một Abandoned Mineshaft. Trong khi khám phá Mineshaft, bạn có thể thu thập được một số loại quặng giá trị, cũng như một vài viên kim cương trong đường hầm.

    * Mã seed: -1240247800 3. Làng thợ rèn sa mạc

    Nếu bạn muốn mặc giáp ngay sau khi game bắt đầu, đây là một seed tuyệt vời để thử. Nó đưa bạn đến rất gần với không chỉ 1 mà là 2 ngôi làng sa mạc có nhà thợ rèn (Blacksmith). Nhà thợ rèn là nơi hoàn hảo để tìm kiếm một số đồ loot chất lượng. Với seed này, bạn có thể nhanh chóng kiếm được 3 đến 4 viên kim cương, cũng như giáp sát và một số loại thực phẩm.

    * Mã seed: 1955368017 4. Đồng bằng rộng lớn và đảo lấy gỗ

    Đồng bằng trong Minecraft là người bạn thân nhất của người xây dựng. Do đó, nếu bạn là người chơi không quan tâm đến việc chiến đấu chống lại mob hay khám phá hang động dưới lòng đất mà thay vào đó là tập trung vào xây dựng những ngôi nhà hay tòa lâu dài hoàn hảo, thì đây là seed Minecraft dành cho bạn. Với seed này, bạn sẽ spawn tại một đồng bằng rộng lớn, với không gian rộng rãi để xây dựng và một hòn đảo gần đó với nhiều cây cối đến nỗi bạn sẽ không bao giờ hết gỗ.

    * Mã seed: 1740898261 5. Rừng Taiga phía trên hệ thống hang động sâu thẳm

    Hang động có lẽ là một nơi giàu tài nguyên nhất mà bạn có thể khám phá trong Minecraft. Đối với những người chơi thích khám phá hệ thống hang động sâu thẳm để kiếm các loại quặng hiếm và là nơi sinh sống của nhiều mob đáng sợ nhất thì hãy thử ngay seed Minecraft này. Với một ngôi làng nằm ngay sát điểm spawn của bạn, bạn có thể trang bị cho bản thân với những trang bị cần thiết và bắt đầu cuộc phiêu lưu hoành tráng xuống dưới lòng đất. Tại đó, bạn dễ dàng lượm được Lapis Lazuli, đá đỏ và thậm chí có thể một số viên kim cương.

    * Mã seed: 2146942512

    Từ địa danh và phong cảnh đẹp hút mắt cho đến những hầm ngục bí ẩn đầy ắp đồ loot, 5 seed Minecraft được chia sẻ ở trên chắc chắn sẽ thỏa mãn niềm đam mê phiêu lưu khám phá của bạn, dù bạn là một thợ mỏ chuyên nghiệp, một nhà phiêu lưu đẳng cấp hay người vừa mới bước chân vào thế giới Minecraft cách đây không lâu.

    Bên cạnh mã seeds Minecraft, chúng tôi còn update nhiều mã lệnh trong game minecraft để các bạn tham khảo và sử dụng.


    Link tải game Minecraft cho PC, iOS, Android, Classic:

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  • Seed: -217572281844104

    Coordinates: -170, 250

    Biomes: Plains, Extreme Hills, Forest

    With this amazing Minecraft seed you will spawn inside a ptty large village, but it is not the only. Just walk a bit to the north for another village at coordinates 100, 90.

    This one is really something special, with buildings spawning on top of the hills and a waterfall nearby. Also, you will see a pillager post in the village, which is a great challenge for any survival enthusiast.

    Seed: -3659448824474508778

    Coordinates: 10, -256

    Biomes: Ocean

    There is a big island village at this spawn. Some of the structures expand into the ocean, creating an opportunity for connecting several smaller islands in the area.

    Around the island you will find two shipwrecks with the following loot:

    • 16x lapis lazuli
    • 16x iron ingot
    • 5x iron nugget

    A buried treasure map will also lead you to another chest at coordinates -391, 281. It contains:

    • 4x gold ingot
    • 10x iron ingot


    Seed: -908484114296789775

    Coordinates: -240, -256

    Biomes: Plains, Desert, Roofed Forest

    You will spawn near a desert temple and a village that stand together at coordinates -600, -300. Check out the four chests inside the temple for some exciting loot, including:

    • 2x golden apple
    • 4x emerald
    • 1x gold horse armor
    • 11x iron ingot
    • Enchanted Book – Depth Strider II

    Then, go south to coordinates 450, 450 where you’ll find a woodland mansion surrounded by swamps.

    Seed: 754666774503649

    Coordinates: 47, 32

    Biomes: Icy Plains, Icy Spikes

    Spawn very close to a snow village with this seed. It has buildings in both cold taiga and icy spike areas. There is also a huge ravine nearby and an entrance into an abandoned mineshaft.

    There are several carts with treasure chests around, but the best one can be located at coordinates 207, 44, -67. It holds a golden apple.


    Seed: -281968050247230605

    Coordinates: -244, 244

    Biomes: Plains, Ocean

    You will spawn right next to a small village, and then you can travel a bit to the north and find another one at coordinates 8, -248. From there you can check the shoreline for two shipwrecks at coordinates 250, -230 and 530, 320.

    You will find a treasure map inside one of them, which will lead you to a buried chest at coordinates 633, 265 containing:

    • 2x diamond
    • 7x gold ingot
    • 8x iron ingot

    Seed: -097711133363335

    Coordinates: -228, 248

    Biomes: Jungle, Desert

    This seed will spawn you on the northern edge of the jungle biome. Then travel to these coordinates for two jungle pyramids:

    Near the second pyramid you will find a desert temple at coordinates -225, 1850. Going through all eight chests in this seed you will end up with the following stash of loot:

    • 2x golden apple
    • 1x diamond
    • 4x emerald
    • 3x iron horse armor
    • 11x gold ingot
    • 11x iron ingot


    Seed: -804341796240279

    Coordinates: -252, 140

    Biomes: Ocean, Desert

    You will spawn on a tiny island not far from the mainland, and you will see a desert temple and a new desert village standing next to each other. There is a blacksmith in the village with a chest full of obsidian.

    But the four treasure chests hidden inside the pyramid’s treasure chamber are the real jackpot. They contain:

    • 2x golden apple
    • 1x iron horse armor
    • 11x gold ingot
    • Enchanted Book – Mending

    Seed: 325483130451737188

    Coordinates: 130, 184

    Biomes: Taiga, Roofed Forest

    If you go west from the spawn point, soon you will stumble upon a new taiga village at coordinates -385, 125. It’s rather large, and the buildings are scattered all over the hills.

    After that, travel to the north where you will find a woodland mansion at coordinates -830, -580. There are no secret chests inside the building, but you will find a chest with a golden apple underneath the mansion at coordinates -755, 21, -670.


    Seed: -825673404268275

    Coordinates: 104, 24

    Biomes: Desert, Savanna

    There is a brand new double village at this spawn. One is located in the savanna biome, while the other is on the desert side.

    The latter village has an unusually high number of watchtowers. Typically, you might only see one, but here you will find three towers in total.

    The new savanna village has a brand new look too. There are a few houses with attics, and the library building has been redesigned as well. Now, it utilizes two entrance doors: one in the front and one in the back.

    Seed: -237638419570779

    Coordinates: -280, 200

    Biomes: Plains, Ocean

    You will spawn in the middle of a small village that has only a couple of farms and no smithy, which is perfect for the beginning of a great survival game. But if you need some good loot nonetheless, then you can find a shipwreck not too far away from the village at coordinates 95, 525.

    Inside the ship you will find a chest that contains a buried treasure map, which will lead you to coordinates -23, 489. There you will find a chest with the following items inside:

    • 2x diamond
    • 5x emerald
    • 6x gold ingot
    • 3x iron ingot

    Seed: 113962873216008076

    Coordinates: 188, 252

    Biomes: Desert, Savanna, Ocean

    If you’re looking for a Minecraft seed with more than one village, then this is it. Here you will find three villages near the spawn point at the following coordinates:

    All the villages stand near the ocean where there are four shipwrecks. They can be located at these coordinates:

    1. -130, 630
    2. -170, 320
    3. -400, 120
    4. -640, 270

    Seed: -559250535007846

    Coordinates: -236, 152

    Biomes: Ocean

    You will spawn near a group of small islands that have become the home of several top-tier shipwrecks and an ocean monument at coordinates 190, -200.

    One of the ships contains a chest with some pcious gems and other good stuff, including:

    • 8x emerald
    • 6x gold ingot
    • 4x iron ingot
    • 3x iron nugget

    Another one has a buried treasure map, which will bring you to coordinates -151, -119 for the following items:

    • 1x diamond
    • 4x emerald
    • 10x gold ingot
    • 9x iron ingot

    Seed: 145799866348927185

    Coordinates: -12, 256

    Biomes: Tiga, Roofed Forest

    With this seed you will spawn just a few hundred blocks away from a woodland mansion that stands at coordinates 200, 600. It occupies the border of two biomes, taiga and roofed forest, which is very convenient for a survival game.

    Near the mansion you will also find a swamp with a witch hut at coordinates 350, 360.

    Seed: 798495761171566

    Coordinates: -252, -100

    Biomes: Desert

    You will spawn in the desert, and there happen to be three desert temples on a small patch of land. Here are their coordinates:

    1. -280, -168
    2. -440, 8
    3. 72, -440

    All three have treasure chambers full of gold and jewelery, so take out your big backpack and fill it with:

    • 3x golden apple
    • 2x diamond
    • 6x emerald
    • 2x diamon horse armor
    • 1x golden horse armor
    • 2x iron horse armor
    • 6x gold ingot
    • 2x iron ingot

    Seed: 312310761549677

    Coordinates: -10, -225

    Biomes: Jungle

    You will spawn near a bamboo jungle biome that is home to four jungle pyramids full of treasure. Here are the coordinates to all four structures:

    1. -850, 180
    2. -1400, -300
    3. -1500, 100
    4. -1350, 1050

    Each of the pyramids has something to offer, so be sure to check out every single one of them for some good loot, including:

    • 2x diamond
    • 2x emerald
    • 1x diamond horse armor
    • 1x gold horse armor
    • 4x gold ingot
    • 22x iron ingot

    Seed: 994382211002853

    Coordinates: 80, -225

    Biomes: Forest, Mesa

    In this Minecraft seed you will spawn in the forest area. To your west you will find a new mesa village standing at coordinates -375, 40.

    Since this is the beginning of the mesa land, you can find an entrance into an abandoned mineshaft. Dig down to coordinates -316, 18, 79, where you will see a minecart with a treasure chest that holds the following nice items:

    • 1x golden apple
    • 4x redstone dust
    • 6x lapis lazuli

    Seed: -880973220925348

    Coordinates: -36, 248

    Biomes: Jungle

    You will spawn in the middle of a small jungle biome that spans only a thousand blocks. However, on its borders you will locate two jungle temples at these coordinates:

    There is some very good loot in both pyramids, so check them out for:

    • 2x diamond
    • 1x diamond horse armor
    • 14x gold ingot
    • 9x iron ingot

    Seed: 849643450546727

    Coordinates: -240, 256

    Biomes: Forest, Ocean

    There is a top-tier shipwreck at spawn. Just hop off the coast where you spawn and search for the ship at coordinates -180, 315.

    As per usual, you will find three chests with loot:

    • 2x emerald
    • 5x lapis lazuli
    • 12x iron ingot
    • 20x iron nugget

    You will also retrieve a buried treasure map with the coordinates -295, 169. There you will find:

    • 7x emerald
    • 2x gold ingot
    • 8x iron ingot

    Seed: 741872586037479721

    Coordinates: 252, 256

    Biomes: Roofed Forest, Plains

    You will spawn to the south of a location with a woodland mansion, which can be reached by going to coordinates 620, -730. You will immediately notice that this woodland mansion has an unusual architecture.

    Reagrdless of the shape of the building, on the top floor you can open a chest at coordinates 640, 90, -733, which contains:

    • 2x golden apple
    • 4x redstone dust

    --- Bài cũ hơn ---

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  • Bạn đang xem chủ đề Cách Seed Trong Minecraft trên website Trucbachconcert.com. Hy vọng những thông tin mà chúng tôi đã chia sẻ là hữu ích với bạn. Nếu nội dung hay, ý nghĩa bạn hãy chia sẻ với bạn bè của mình và luôn theo dõi, ủng hộ chúng tôi để cập nhật những thông tin mới nhất. Chúc bạn một ngày tốt lành!

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    ────(♥)(♥)(♥)────(♥)(♥)(♥)  __ ɪƒ ƴσυ’ʀє αʟσηє, ──(♥)██████(♥)(♥)██████(♥)  ɪ’ʟʟ ɓє ƴσυʀ ѕɧα∂σѡ. ─(♥)████████(♥)████████(♥)  ɪƒ ƴσυ ѡαηт тσ cʀƴ, ─(♥)██████████████████(♥) ɪ’ʟʟ ɓє ƴσυʀ ѕɧσυʟ∂єʀ. ──(♥)████████████████(♥) ɪƒ ƴσυ ѡαηт α ɧυɢ, ────(♥)████████████(♥) __ ɪ’ʟʟ ɓє ƴσυʀ ρɪʟʟσѡ. ──────(♥)████████(♥) ɪƒ ƴσυ ηєє∂ тσ ɓє ɧαρρƴ, ────────(♥)████(♥) __ ɪ’ʟʟ ɓє ƴσυʀ ѕɱɪʟє. ─────────(♥)██(♥) ɓυт αηƴтɪɱє ƴσυ ηєє∂ α ƒʀɪєη∂, ───────────(♥) __ ɪ’ʟʟ ʝυѕт ɓє ɱє. (⁀‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫. `⋎´✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•✫ ..✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫ ☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。 /▌*˛˚ღ •˚ Type your status message ˚ ✰* ★ GOOD ♥ (¯`♥´¯).NİGHT.♥ .`•.¸.•´(¯`♥´¯)..SWEET ♥ *****.`•.¸.•´(¯`♥´¯)..DREAMS ♥ ***********.`•.¸.•´(¯`♥´¯)..♥ …***************.`•.¸.•´……♥ ♥ ….. (¯`v´¯)♥ …….•.¸.•´ ….¸.•´ … ( ☻/ /▌♥♥ / ♥Type your status message♥ ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄██▌█ ░Xe chở 100000000 LIKE đến đây.. ▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░▐. ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▌ . ▀❍▀▀▀▀▀▀▀❍❍▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀❍❍ ▀▀. Kí tự đặc...

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