Carry about là gì

Carry on là gì

Cụm động từ Carry on có 2 nghĩa:

Nghĩa từ Carry on

Ý nghĩa của Carry on là:

Ví dụ minh họa cụm động từ Carry on:

- CARRY ON quietly with your work until the substitute teacher arrives. Tiếp tục giữ im lặng cho tới khi giáo viên dạy thay đến.

Nghĩa từ Carry on

Ý nghĩa của Carry on là:

Ví dụ minh họa cụm động từ Carry on:

- The children annoyed me by CARRYING ON all morning. Bọn trẻ làm tôi bực mình bởi việc cãi nhau ầm ĩ vào mỗi sáng.

Một số cụm động từ khác

Ngoài cụm động từ Carry on trên, động từ Carry còn có một số cụm động từ sau:

carry about Thành ngữ, tục ngữ


In addition to the idioms beginning with about, also see at about; beat around the bush; bring about; cast about; come about; do an about-face; get about; go about; how about; just about; knock about; lay about one; man about town; nose about; no two ways about it; order someone about; out and about; see about; send someone about his or her business; set about; that's about the size of it; up and about; what about.
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- about time
- about to

About as useful as a chocolate teapot

Someone or something that is of no practical use is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

About face

If someone changes their mind completely, this is an about face. It can be used when companies, governments, etc, change their position on an issue.

about face|face

n. A sudden change of course or a decision opposite to what was decided earlier. Her decision to become an actress instead of a dentist was an about face from her original plans.

about one's ears|around one's ears|ear|ears

adv. phr. To or into complete collapse, defeat, or ruin; to the destruction of a person's plans, hopes, or happiness. They planned to have factories all over the world but the war brought their plans down about their ears. John hoped to go to college and become a great scientist some day, but when his father died he had to get a job, and John's dreams came crashing around his ears.
Compare: ON ONE'S HEAD.

about that

1. in support of. Also about it
2. all that, pimp, playe ("I'm bout it")
3. a greeting, similar to "What's happening?"

about time

nearly late, high time It's about time you got here. We've been waiting a long time.

about time|time

n. phr. Finally, but later than it should have been; at last. Mother said, "It's about time you got up, Mary." The basketball team won last night. About time.

about to

about to
1) Ready to, on the verge of, as in I was about to leave when it began to rain, or He hasn't finished yet but he's about to. This usage was first recorded in Miles Coverdale's 1535 translation of the Bible (Joshua 18:8).
2) not about to. Having no intention of doing something, as in The shop steward was not about to cross the picket line, or Are you staying longer?—No, I'm not about to. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s]

about to do something

on the point of doing something She was about to leave when the phone rang.

about to|about

1. Close to; ready to.

carry (someone or something) about

To physically carry someone or something all around; to tote someone or something around. A noun or pronoun can be used between "carry" and "about." After carrying a toddler about all day, my arms are pretty sore. Your purse weighs a ton because you carry about so much unnecessary junk!Learn more: carry

carry someone or something about

andcarry someone or something aroundto carry someone or something with one; to carry someone or something from place to place. Do I have to carry these books about all over campus? You are too heavy, sweetie. I don't want to carry you around all day.Learn more: carry
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