conservative party là gì - Nghĩa của từ conservative party

conservative party có nghĩa là

Right wing, outdated, pathetic, racist (yes very much so fucking racist). An ode to Britains imperialistic, tyrannous past, who's supporters range from the very old, senile members of public, who still believe the Royal Family to be of importance, and also that queen does infact know of them and their life stories.... to the unintelligent, right-wing, moronic, privilledged youth of today who still believe that "the empire still exists, and is cool", who's private school-paying parents fund their privilledged lifestyles and anal buggery, and, who all in all, are soley responsible for stirring up hatred against illegal immigrants, trouble in northern Ireland and a barrier to a united Ireland, alienation from europe and the entire class system across the British Isles. Basicly, the Conservative party is the root of all of Britain's problems. I'm British, but sometimes, I am very very much ashamed. If you vote for the Conservative party, I fucking hate you.


The Conservative party believes in having an elite, which basicly means you have to be either a) Rich, or b) a cunt who's willing to sell his soul in order to be rich, in order to be in the 'elite'. The whole notion of conservatism sickens me. It is fundamentaly against the evolution of human society.

conservative party có nghĩa là

The second biggest political party in the UK. Has a right wing stance (think more moderate republicans). The party is slowly in a spiral of decline after an 18 year stint in power under the reigns of Maggie Thatcher and John Major.
The party has a reputation for being made up of solely boring middle aged men from priveledged backgrounds. This is statistically pretty true. The Conservatives are heavily supported by the tabloid that likes to think it is a serious newspaper: the Daily Mail which is mostly read by grey haired women that spend most of their time tending their middle class rosebeds and discussing the decadence of young people these days.
Above everything else the Conservatives believe that society is in decline and hark back to a nonexistant era when nuclear famalies and "respect for elders" existed.


Conservative Daily Mail reader A:Thank goodness for the Conservative Party! Those immigrants get on my euphemised body parts! When I was a girl we worked 25 hours a day and were beaten about the head with a brick if we were good! Now these immigrants have the audacity to take all the jobs people like me think they are too good for!

Conservative Daily Mail Reader B:It disgusts me that these people can come here without being a white prejudiced houswife just like me!

conservative party có nghĩa là

The Conservative Party is fast becoming an irrelevance in Britains attempts to become a one party state. Most of their voters are over 68 years of age and will hopefully die very soon. Currently led by David Cameron, who is belived to have suffered severe facial burns as a child which gives him his shiny balloon face.

Most Tories (Conservative members) are upper class, too stupid to enter the family business, were educated at Eton, congenitally delusional, and have become the last remnants of Empire. However there remains strong support amongst the neuveau riche (trying to become like the above), and the xenophobic lower classes who wish they were working 'below stairs' cleaning shit off their masters shoes.


A: I think I might vote for the Conservative party at the next election.

B: Who?

C: Oh, I rememeber them! (then proceeds to assault B)

conservative party có nghĩa là

A collection of knee-jerk reactionary Canadian politicians who have no minds of their own. Are at the beck and call of national and international corporations. They have been trained to bare their teeth when anyone mentions words such environment, national health care, women's and gay rights, transparency, patronage, the poor, etc. Led by master puppeteer, Stephen Harper. He's well know for cutting loose the strings of any puppet who doesn't perform for him.


When I tell a lie to someone, I am considered a prime candidate for membership in The Conservative Party of Canada.

conservative party có nghĩa là

they support the rich whilst penalizing or victimizing the poor and disabled in a way that is completely unfair and morally bankrupt
propagating fear and loathing to base instincts of many people – driven home through a manipulative right wing media. outrageous right wing philosophies becoming orthodox practices – such as unjust foreign interventionism,cutting public service, and benefits for the poor slashed.
Secret courts. Tax cuts for millionaires. The slow dismantling of the NHS. Rise in VAT. Comtinually propping up the Tories and allowing them to push through an agenda that is destroying the social fabric of this country.


Conservative Party
they support the rich whilst penalizing or victimizing the poor and disabled in a way that is completely unfair and morally bankrupt
propagating fear and loathing to base instincts of many people – driven home through a manipulative right wing media. outrageous right wing philosophies becoming orthodox practices – such as unjust foreign interventionism,cutting public service, and benefits for the poor slashed.
Secret courts. Tax cuts for millionaires. The slow dismantling of the NHS. Rise in VAT. Continually propping up the Tories and allowing them to push through an agenda that is destroying the social fabric of this country. b

conservative party có nghĩa là

Scum, just utter scum. Will give tax breaks to the rich and actively corrupt the normal workings of the country whilst also pretending to care about the poor and sick.


Man Dave's just like the conservative party, I lent him my car and he crashed it in to a school bus because he was high but his dad paid for him to get community services and I cant get to work because I dont have a car anymore. Fuck him and anyone who likes him with a dildo made of shards of glass

conservative party có nghĩa là

The best party in the world, should not just be the rulers of britain but of the world. FUCK THE SNP, FUCK LABOUR but not the lib dems cuz like they have a chance anyway!. and just to remind all u anti-monarchys the queen still owns this country


person a "the snp fucked my dog yesterday"
person b "not a surprise, the conservative party rule"

conservative party có nghĩa là

euphemism for masturbation

stemmed from a conversation on the sexual practices of an acquaitance but is also a dig at the UK conservative party.


"I've just completed my membership form for the conservative party."

"I'm a paid up member of the conservative party."

"He's off joining the conservative party."

"there comes a time in every boys life when they ... join the conservative party." (original origin)

conservative party có nghĩa là

A group of white privileged people who think they can run a country, the only people that vote for them are old white people (mainly over the age of 60 and called Karen).


Wow, look at that old racist white donny. Yh, he must have voted the Conservative party.

conservative party có nghĩa là

A uk government party (bunch of selfish posh idiots)that aren’t helping the nhs that’s why we have to sleep over night in waiting rooms and the hospitals are run down whom always end up winning because statistically old people vote a lot more than young people they also enjoy fox hunting and scones


*in A&E*
Patient :”why have I been waiting 8 hours “
Nurse :
The conservative party cut the funds so we don’t have many equipment or nurses and none of us are getting paid but we’re trying our best” Patient to themself :
‘Fuck I should of voted Labour ‘

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