Decomposition La gì

Ý nghĩa của từ decomposition là gì:

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Thêm ý nghĩa

DecompositionPhân hủy. Đây là nghĩa tiếng Việt của thuật ngữ Decomposition - một thuật ngữ được sử dụng trong lĩnh vực kinh doanh.

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Giải thích ý nghĩa

Chuyển đổi hoặc phân rã của nguyên liệu phân hủy (hoặc hóa học không ổn định) đến (ổn định hoặc hơn) các thành phần hoặc các hình thức đơn giản hơn bởi những hành động tự nhiên của không khí, nước, ánh sáng, hoặc vi sinh vật.

Definition - What does Decomposition mean

Conversion or decay of degradable (or chemically unstable) material to simpler (or more stable) components or forms by the natural action of air, water, light, or microorganisms.

Source: Decomposition là gì? Business Dictionary

One approach introduces a semi-automatic method for decomposing tree frames into feature vectors.

Goals and activities can be decomposed, and are structured in a hierarchy.

The constraint graph representing the whole problem is decomposed into subgraphs for which solutions are sought.

The project has ®rstly decomposed the problem into sections based on planning for resource allocation and a lower layer for implementation of the control policy.

An expression e is either a value or it can be decomposed uniquely into a reduction context filled with a redex.

To describe the internal transitions other than message receipt, a non-value expression is decomposed uniquely into a reduction context filled with a redex.

The trajectory is decomposed into elementary wheel speed commands.

After decomposing the exponential operator, an average is taken over the ensemble of dpz0 t !

The trajectory planning problem can be decomposed into a geometric path planning problem and a velocity planning problem.

The approach is based on decomposing motion planning into two stages: an on-line path planning stage and an off-line pre-processing stage.

Using the approach, the dynamics of a flexible manipulator can be decomposed into two subsystems, namely, a slow subsystem and a fast subsystem.

Of present relevance is the idea that the sonority hierarchy can be decomposed into several subhierarchies, each consisting of just two members.

The following theorem proves that, up to equivalence, it can be decomposed as a filling propagator followed by a fractioning one.

Let g denote the logarithm of a main demand aggregate that is decomposed into two subaggregates.

In the first phase, the user specifies the required functions and decomposes them independent of any physical behavior or system structure.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Each iteration through a high pass and low pass filter represents one level of decomposition.

Then, through the paths of the digraph representing the design problem decomposition, the dependent descriptor will eventually acquire its value.

Measuring decomposition, nutrient turnover, and stores in plant litter.

The most obvious and effective approach is simply to look up pronunciations of input words-or, perhaps, morphemes after morphological decomposition-in a dictionary.

As shown in the design decomposition, the drive equipment specialist is responsible for selection and (optionally) assembly of the drive train components.

This proves that the almost closed set decomposition consists of two atomic sets.

Decomposition in a tree-like manner is a common approach applied to describe computer networks, inheritance hierarchies and organisational and administrative hierarchies.

Their further decomposition, displayed below, is induced by the couniversal property of the comma construction.

For example, in signal processing rank-revealing orthogonal decompositions need to be frequently updated.

Relative age was judged by shape, humidity (considering weather conditions) and signs of decomposition.

In view of our decomposition of the particle distribution, the moving-source technique lends itself to the investigation of arbitrarily anisotropic initial data.

These are the constraints that mandate surface faithfulness between the segments resulting from decomposition.

We introduce unique decomposition categories that provide a suitable categorical framework for such computational analysis.

This complements the planner's ability to autonomously apply other task decomposition methods.

Crucial concepts in the structured approach included functional decomposition and abstract data types.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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