Enable copy paste remote Desktop Windows server 2022

If you experience difficulties with the clipboard (copy/paste) on your windows server 2016 machine, please apply the following on your windows server so you can copy/paste from/to your server:

  1. Open Start menu and search for RUN
  2. Open RUN window and type gpedit.msc
  3. Go to this path Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Device and Resource Redirection
  4. Find Do not allow Clipboard redirection and set it to Disabled 
  5. Close the window and try to copy/paste from/to your windows server.

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  • windows server, clipboard
  • 699 Users Found This Useful

Some users have particular problems when copying and pasting files from the local computer into a Remote Desktop session. They can still copy paste locally, but the option to paste will be grayed out on the Remote Desktop computer.

There are several ways to work around this depending on what you are copying and pasting.

Method 1: Logout your account and log back in

If you used to copy paste normally before, but suddenly you can't copy anymore, even without changing any settings, it is most likely due to a faulty login session.

Try logging out of your account on the server and then logging back in. If not, continue with the steps below.

Method 2: Change client settings

Step 1. Right click on the RDP icon that you use to connect, then select Edit.

Step 2. Select the Local Resources tab.

Step 3. Check the Clipboard option. To enable file copy-pasting, select More… and go to step 4. If you only need to copy-paste the text and not the file, stop here and click OK.

Picture 1 of Steps to Fix the error that cannot be copied and pasted into the Remote Desktop session

Step 4. Select the Drives option. Click OK 2 times.

Picture 2 of Steps to Fix the error that cannot be copied and pasted into the Remote Desktop session

Method 3: Change server settings

Windows Server 2016

In Windows Server 2016, these settings are controlled in Group Policy.

Step 1. Launch gpedit.msc.

Step 2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host.

Step 3. Make sure Do not allow Clipboard redirection is set to Not Configured or Disabled.

Windows Server 2012

Step 1. Open Server Manager.

Step 2. Select Remote Desktop Services.

Step 3. Select Collections.

Step 4. Select Tasks > Edit Properties.

Step 5. In the Client Settings tab, make sure that Clipboard and Drive are enabled.

Windows Server 2008

Step 1. Launch Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration from the server.

Step 2. In Connections, right-click the connection and select Properties.

Step 3. Select the Client Settings tab and make sure the Clipboard box is unchecked. If you want to allow file copy and paste, make sure Drive is unchecked. Click OK when finished.

Picture 3 of Steps to Fix the error that cannot be copied and pasted into the Remote Desktop session

Also note that if you've configured all of these settings correctly and things still don't work, you may need to restart the server or simply end the rdpclip process.

The above is all you need to enable file copy and paste to Remote Desktop. Hope this guide helps you.

Hope you are succesful.

Update 28 October 2021

  • Hi and welcome!
    i think you need to enable the drive redirection. set this setting on the RDSH gpo:

    Now if you dont want the users to actually see their redirected drives (which you probably should) set this on the collection of the RDSH on the broker:

    Hope this helps,



  • If you are actively using remote connections to your workstations, Windows servers or RDS farms using the RDP protocol, it is likely you have come across a problem when the clipboard is not working in a Remote Desktop session. So you cannot transfer (copy/paste) a text or files between your computer and a remote host. The problem occurs both in Windows Server and in desktop Windows versions.

    Two scenarios are possible: copying files/data using RDP is not allowed on a remote server or rdpclip.exe process has crashed in the current user session.

    RDP Clipboard (Rdpclip.exe) Stops Working in Remote Desktop Session

    If the clipboard in RDP session has stopped working unexpectedly, and Paste option in the context menu has become inactive, it is easier to end the current RDP session correctly (logoff) and re-connect. This will fix the Remote Desktop clipboard issue for sure. However, it is not always convenient, because you have to re-open all apps in your RDP session again. Fortunately, there is a way to restore correct clipboard operation in a RDP session without logging off.

    Rdpclip.exe is responsible for clipboard operation between your local computer and the Remote Desktop host. A separate rdpclip.exe process is started for each remote user session when they connect to the Remote Desktop. Using the Task Manager, you can kill the rdpclip.exe (RDP Clipboard Monitor) process and run it manually (Task Manager -> File -> Start new task -> rdpclip -> Enter).

    Usually it helps to restore the remote clipboard operation quickly. Make sure if copy/paste (Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V) is working in the RDP session.

    Remember that in order to copy data via the RDP clipboard, the following conditions must be met:

    1. The remote clipboard must be enabled in the settings of the RDP client you are using to connect to a remote computer. Check Clipboard in the Choose the devices and resources that you want to use in your remote session section in the Local Resources tab of the built-in mstsc.exe client;
    2. Copying and pasting data using the clipboard must also be allowed on the RDP/RDS host (see below for how to do this).

    How to Allow/Prevent Copy and Paste via RDP Clipboard on Windows?

    You can enable or disable the use of the RDP clipboard on the Windows host for copy and paste operations by using Group Policy or Registry settings.

      1. Run the Local Group Policy Editor: gpedit.msc
      2. Go to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Device and Resource Redirection;
      3. To prevent copying data to/from a remote server using the clipboard of a RDP session, set Enabled for the following policies:
        Do not allow Clipboard redirection (Clipboard redirection is used to copy text or files using the clipboard in RDP)
        Do not allow drive redirection (Drive mapping/redirection allows a user to get access to their local drives in a RDP session. It is also used when copying files)
      4. If you want to force using the RDP clipboard, change the values of the settings to Disabled (by default, using RDPClip to copy data between a local computer and a remote RDP host is allowed)
      5. Update the Group Policy settings using gpupdate /force. In order new settings to be applied to users, they must end their RDP sessions (using logoff instead of disconnect) or wait for automatic disconnection of user sessions according to RDS timeouts.

    If you are using RDS hosts running on Windows Server, you can disable the clipboard and the local drives redirection in the collection settings: Remote Desktop Services -> Collections -> Tasks -> Edit Properties -> Client Settings. Uncheck Clipboard and Drives options in the Enable redirecting for the following section.

    If you want to deny copying to/from a RDP session for users only, but not the administrators, you can change the NTFS permissions on the executable  C:\windows\system32\rdpclip.exe. To do it, uncheck Read/Execute permissions for the built-in Users group in the file’s security properties and remove the group from the list (you will have to change the file owner from TrustedInstaller to another one first).

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