garden state là gì - Nghĩa của từ garden state

garden state có nghĩa là

An absolutely amazing film that was written, directed, and starred in by Zach Braff. Natalie Portman, Ian Holm, and Peter Saarsgard also starred. The movie is beautiful in every meaning of the word, and is extremely real and intimate. It is also funny and is shot perfectly.

The soundtrack also contains WONDERFUL music by The Shins, Frou Frou, Remy Zero, Zero 7, Iron and Wine, and Coldplay, among others. Hoàn hảo.

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Zach Braff is a genius.

"Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!"
"Hey, you too!"

garden state có nghĩa là

1. New Jersey's state name
2. A great and quirky independent film that turned out to be a surprising hit.

Ví dụ

Zach Braff is a genius.

garden state có nghĩa là

"Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!"

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Zach Braff is a genius.

garden state có nghĩa là

"Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!"

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Zach Braff is a genius.

garden state có nghĩa là

"Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!"
"Hey, you too!"

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1. New Jersey's state name

garden state có nghĩa là

2. A great and quirky independent film that turned out to be a surprising hit.

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I need to visit New Jersey. And Garden State is a great film.

garden state có nghĩa là

the best movie ever created
with the best soundtrack as well "You gotta hear these songs, they will change your life. I Promise you."

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Going back to that imaginary place we all call home to find out who we are. Only to find you and so much more. Meet old friends, stumble upon love, and letting go.
Simply feeling again.

garden state có nghĩa là

Last night i found my Garden State, it was here the whole time. Highly overrated film directed by Zach Braff. While the direction, script, and camera work are mediocre; the overall feeling of the film is much like the Zach Braff character himself: numb. The relationships of the characters seem stale and unrealistic.

The film is often praised by teenagers as the best film ever mainly because most of them have never seen an independent film and are so accustomed to the mainstream formula that Garden State seems refreshing and original, even though there are much better human type films out there. While Garden State is a decent film, it doesn't deserve the hype that surrounds it. An independent film about a man's struggle (Zach Braff) with coping with the loss of his mother, with a life of prescription induced apathy (and the release of this apathy through new found love as he returns home) and can finally live his emotions after living life without prescription drugs and finally letting go the secret of his mother's disablity by the end of the movie.

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There's not really an example that can go's a movie. A self-proclaimed independent film written, directed, and acted in by Zach Braff. The plot is extremely slow and predictable, and there are no parts in the film that stand out from any other part. Many teenagers worship Garden State, claiming that it is "genius" and "redefined film." This is untrue. The movie is a generic circular plot with unidentifiable plot stages.

The movie has an ad for the soundtrack about twenty minutes in. It's not a huge ad, but it seems very out of place. The music by itself is okay, if you are into slightly ethereal, lyrically-focused bands. As with the movie itself, many teenagers cling to these bands as if they can do no wrong. John: Hey Sally, wanna go watch Garden State?
Sally: No. It's boring and I would fall asleep and neither of us would get any. (n): a preview which is far better than the movie it promises

garden state có nghĩa là

An amzing movie staring Zach Bradford and Natalie Portman. It's funny and sad at the same time. Watch it if you ever get the chance, it's so worth it. The music is really good too.

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(adj): relying too hevily on a single song, usually pretaining to movies

garden state có nghĩa là

odor and color of a drunk's vomit.

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(v): to enjoy faux artsy movies

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