indian là gì - Nghĩa của từ indian

indian có nghĩa là

A person of country India


indian có nghĩa là

1. A person from the country of India
2. The most intelligent and smartest people on this planet.
3. The wealthiest people in the USA.
4. Anybody named Raj.


1. John: What race are you?
Raj: I'm Indian, from India.
2. John: Raj didn't even miss one question on the test.
Tom: That's because he's indian.
3. John: Raj just bought a new mercedes and now he's got ten of 'em.
Tom: So what? so does every other Indian I know.

indian có nghĩa là

Indians are an academically advanced people who when given the opportunity will often exceed others in any given area of expertise. They are also known for their spicy foods and curries, and inventing the idea of '0' before the Mayans. Hinduism, the main religion, is the one of the oldest surviving religions in the world and the most tolerant of other religions. Bollywood and bhangra music are entering into the American mainstream with hits such as the blockbuster movie Bend it like Beckham and the hit music track, Beware of the Boys


Dude, have u heard that one track by Jay-Z and the Punjabi MC? It's called 'Beware of the Boys', go check it out if you love indians

indian có nghĩa là

The word can be used for two different races of people.

1) When Columbus found America while looking for India, they started calling the natives as Indians. The term Indian (or "Red Indian")is routinely used to call the original people who inhabited the land what is today USA as well as part of Canada. However, Native American is a politically correct term to call a person of that origin. Some Native Americans consider it offensive if you call them Indian.

2) This term originally and accurately also refers to a person originating from the country (or a citizen of)India.


In America, Indian refers usually to Native American and sometimes a person from India. If you're in America and two people are talking:

One: He is an Indian
Two: You mean from India? or Native American.

In most other parts of the world:
One: He is an Indian.
Two: Oh really, I've been to India before. Its too hot out there.

indian có nghĩa là

People from Indian Subcontinent who represent the world most diverse group of people hailing from a country of more than 1 billion people. The 5th largest economy in the world which is growing at 8% GDP per annum and have a largest pool of talented and young professionals, engineers,doctors,enterpreneurs & IT professionals.
More than 25 million Indians represents the most successful group of immigrants in Europe, America and Asia. Most of them have a talent to create wealth.They may arrive with couple of hundred dollars in the pocket but end up making millions due to their endurance & fighting spirit to make it big in the alien country.
Needless to say they come in all shapes and sizes, with different personalities, thinking and behaviour.More than 10000 year old continuous Indian civilisation has emerged as major economic and nuclear power with major technological advances.


Dude 1: Oh! these Indians, you find them everywhere you go, my Doctor is Indian so is this taxi driver.
Dude 2: My daughter Lisa go out with an Indian he is from Srilanka.
Dude1: Is Srilanka is in India.
Dude2: Who cares mate, lets eat some curry & tandoori chicken tonight, it's taste great!!

indian có nghĩa là

A breed of Asians who have pride despite the fact that they hail from a relatively poor country because they outdo various ethnicities when provided with the right platform.


Arjun is an Indian with exceptional talents

indian có nghĩa là

A beautiful counrty with beautiful people and places, but a massive ionferiority complex...(most people of indian origin will tell you that India is the most wonderful place in the universe, but with an arrogance that astounds! don't belive me? just read the other entries!!!)


I went to the Taj Mahal, whilst looking around this indian girl started talking to me, she was georgeous but couldn't stop telling me how many of america's med students and NASA scientists are Indian

indian có nghĩa là

Indian : The one born to do outsourced jobs (esp. Software Engineering) from the west.
Indian Characteristics: Indians has excellent Mathematical knowledge and logical thinking and so are more employed in corporates & MNC of the western world.They also form very good work force.Indians are good consultants too. Most of the companies hire indians for jobs at higher levels..


Raj : Hi I am Indian.I work for the intel corporation as a
Financial Consultant.
Veroni :BonJour ,I am a French.Can I have your assistence in solving my Tax probs.
Raj : With Pleasure , Mademoiselle.

indian có nghĩa là

Definition is for asian indian (am one myself). Stereotypes include but are not limited to- 1. indians smell. obvious where this comes from, we do generally eat spicy food but im pretty sure that we dont smell of it 24/7. 2. indians have a superiority complex. im being totally objective here; yes some of us do. i dont but my parents are forever being annoying by comparing other things unfavourably to indian things. i hate this. objectivity is important. but wth i have to put up with it because theyre mad. 3. we're intelligent. i dont know about the actual genetic value of this stereotype but a lot, and i mean A LOT of emphasis is placed on education within indian teenagers. where i live in england, if i study a lot my british friends would say 'omg you've like studied all day! you need to take a break' if i did the same thing in india, my indian friends would probably say 'omg is that all youve done? how much do you think youre gonna get on the test? are you confident that that much studying is enough?' so yeah it can get pretty heavy. IMO you cant really stereotype a country with over 1 billion people. theres lots of different people, everyone is unique and yeah just bear that in mind not only for indians, but for ANY racial/social stereotype.


1. 'dude you eat curry all the time, you stink' -ignorant loser 'well at least i have deodorant. unfortunately there is no cure for stupid people yet. though i hear they're doing research on it in india' -indian person 2. 'okay so britain might be developed but obviously india is much better' - MY DAD >.< 'hmm. so although britain has little to no poverty, an excellent welfare state, and effective law enforcement policies, it is still somehow worse than india which is in still in stage 2 development? am i the only one who sees the flaw in this argument?' - me 3. 'you know raj got 98% in maths last week?' -some guy 'wow.. his parents must have given him hell for that' - indian empathiser 'why? thats an awesome score, he only misplaced a decimal point' - some guy 'you clearly know nothing about indian/asian parents' - indian empathiser *shakes head sadly*

indian có nghĩa là

People from Indian Subcontinent who represent the world most diverse group of people hailing from a country of more than 1 billion people.
The 5th largest economy in the world which is growing at 8% GDP per annum and have largest pool of talented and young professionals, engineers, doctors, enterpreneurs & managers.

More than 25 million Indians represents the most successful group of immigrants in Europe, US &
Asia. Most of them have talent to create wealth. They may arrive with couple of hundred dollars in the pocket but end up making millions due to fighting spirit to make it big in the foereign country.

Needless to say they come in all shapes and sizes, with different personalities, thinking and behaviour. More than 10000 year old continuous Indian civilisation has survived the invasion from the British who left the country bankrupt and divided 60 years ago. Since than country has emerged as major economic and nuclear power with major technological advances.

In 2006 the country has emerged as number #1 outsourcing destination for foreign multinationals with world share of 44% in IT & BPO industry and fast capturing world share of finance industry, biotech and pharma research. Inspite of western stereotype and narrow world view India is advancing and Indians are doing well.


English man: Oh! these bloody Indians, you find them everywhere you go, my Doctor is Indian so is this check out operator.
Irish man: My daughter Lisa go out with an Indian he is from Srilanka.
English man: Is Srilanka is in India.
Irish man: Who cares mate, lets eat some curry & tandoori chicken tonight, it's taste great!!