Kids of different physical and mental abilities là gì năm 2024

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Memory, then, is not simply the mental ability to retrieve past events but a practice in dialogue with our surroundings.

Certainly, the use of child labour depended foremost upon the child's physical condition and mental ability to develop new skills to accomplish the tasks assigned.

Through this conversation, mental ability was also assessed.

I want to quote some statistics about the distribution of mental ability in this country.

The hall mark will be mental ability to profit by the next grade, not the amount of income of the child's parents.

Nor is there the slightest valid ground for equating differences of mental ability, intelligence and so forth with racial origin.

It is a crime to allow any child who has the mental ability to read or write to leave school illiterate or innumerate.

But, when it works like that, how are we to develop that mental ability of a high order?

There are certain privileges which are bound to be there, because of differences in stature and mental ability.

I am conscious of the fact that mental ability and the ability to calculate figures diminishes without practice.

The week-end scrutiny tests mental ability with rather more emphasis on speed and practicality than in the written examination.

I cannot think of anyone else able to make a judgment of the mental ability of another human being.

However, she was educated at a special residential school, although naturally her family, which is of superior mental ability, was caused considerable problems.

After all, that implies a certain measure of mental ability that the person may not have; that there is reasonable ground for suspecting.

With all his grasp of the subject, with all his mental ability, it was quite clear that he did not really know his subject.

Being human beings, they are different in character, in personality and in mental ability.

The safety and preservation of mental ability depend first and foremost on the well-being of the physical body.

That sounds gibberish even, perhaps, to those of advanced mental ability.

But on a highly skilled programme these young men could be challenged to the utmost of their physical and mental ability.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Hầu hết các chuyên chuyên gia đều cho rằng rất khó để kiểm tra chính xác chỉ số IQ ở trẻ em dưới 6 tuổi

5. Gifted children may also have autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

A child can be both gifted and have a problem, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or a learning disability. In fact, the average IQ of a child with dyslexia is often higher than that of the general population. In many cases, children are diagnosed with a learning disability while the giftedness remains undiscovered. If you suspect that your child may have this condition and has a high potential for achievement, consult your pediatrician about how to address your child's educational needs.

6. How to inspire gifted children

Most gifted preschoolers won't need to enroll in a special program right away, but you can inspire your child in a variety of ways, such as: Encourage pretend play by providing fun props so your child can reenact real-world experiences or stories of their own making. Read books with your child to foster their creativity, imagination and love of discovery. Allow your child to play games and puzzles intended for older children, but talk to them gently so they don't get overwhelmed or frustrated with themselves when they can't solve them. Take kids to hands-on museums, libraries, and other kid-friendly places that encourage learning through interaction. Find other children and peers who match the child's intellectual abilities.

Cha mẹ có thể đọc sách cùng trẻ để thúc đẩy óc sáng tạo, trí tưởng tượng và sở thích khám phá của trẻ

7. What are the emotional and social challenges of being a specially gifted child?

Giftedness can open opportunities, but it can also come with social and emotional challenges for children. Gifted children mean they get to experience another world, which requires extra support from parents and others in their lives. Most gifted children can develop asynchronously, which means they may progress in some areas earlier than others and may even lag behind their peers age in a number of ways. Imagine a 5-year-old, 3rd-grade reading, with social skills similar to other 5-year-olds, but with the motor skills of a much younger child. This difference creates a gap in the holistic development of the child. Some gifted children realize they are "different" from their peers. This can make them feel isolated and withdrawn or become the subject of bullying. They may try to hide their special abilities in order to blend in with other children their age. Gifted children can start to feel extremely frustrated because they can think faster than they can express or because they worry about meeting their own and others' expectations. other. If your child seems unusually angry or frustrated, consider consulting a mental health professional. The above are signs to identify children with special gifts, parents can refer to to help their children develop their own abilities. Psychological Clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital has the function of examining, consulting and outpatient treatment of psychological and mental health problems. With modern equipment and a team of highly specialized doctors, the Psychology clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is capable of deploying psychological tests and intensive psychotherapy to serve the public. medical examination and treatment. Psychology Clinic is currently cooperating with leading professors and experts of Hanoi Medical University, frontline hospitals in the country and internationally to diagnose and treat in order to bring effective medical examination and treatment. best cure. If you have a need for medical examination at Vimec Health System nationwide, please make an appointment on the website to be served.

Reference source:


  • 3-year-olds: Fun facts children can understand
  • 6 tips to raise smart kids
  • Activities to promote physical development for children

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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