Lỗi these file have problem during dowload stm32cube_fw_f4_v1110.zip cubemx năm 2024

I tried deleting the crdb.zip file as mentioned in the post below: //community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000BBonsLSQR/stm32-cube-mx-error-downloading-the-following-files-crdbzip-cannot-unzipped

and performing a refresh but I still get the error message above.

Will there be any issues with my build if I ignore the message?

I also noticed that I could not perform any updates as pressing "Check For Updates" on the main window gives me the following error message:

Are there any workarounds to these problems? I tried uninstalling and re-installing STM32CubeMX but the error messages still appear. I am currently running STM32CubeMX 5.6.1.

After I search this problem on Google, I find alot of people face the same problem as me, and those solution did not really work for me.

Yes, I know the workaround by manual download the Zip then parse into %UserProfile%\STM32Cube\Repository, but the IDE should working out of the box is't it ?

So after I trying to find the solution and reinstall the IDE multiple time, I notice something glitchy.

By the newly install, if I generate STM32F4*'s code I have to download 3 files (stm32cube_fw_f4_v1240.zip, stm32cube_fw_f4_v1241.zip, stm32cube_fw_f4_v1242.zip) on the first run it stuck at stm32cube_fw_f4_v1240.zip (Problem during downlad) then I generate the code again, and stuck on stm32cube_fw_f4_v1241 with the same error message for couple times and stm32cube_fw_f4_v1242.zip before everything success

(I'm pretty sure my internet is working find, and disabled my antivirus Kaspersky)

I know this problem occurred on new user only, but that is my first impression for the software and the STM32 Platform

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