mairaed là gì - Nghĩa của từ mairaed

mairaed có nghĩa là

Maira is a beautiful unique and incredible person. She is someone who will always be there for you when you need her. She is adorable, loving, caring, kind, sweet, precious. She will always be my sunshine, and she is also someone you can brag about and get people jealous.


Damn yo.. who is that? She must be Maira!

mairaed có nghĩa là

Someone you can love, cherish, hold dear and remember will stand by you no matter what.


For example, You're my angel, you're my Maira.

mairaed có nghĩa là

Maira is an Independent Woman, she works best independently though if you need her help your problems will sure be fixed. She is loyal, humorous and has the best listening skills, you can rant to her about all your life problems and she will listen. She is quite sensitive though that is not her weakness due to this trait she shows lots of empathy towards your problems causing you to feel more comfort. Even though Maira is independent whenever she is in a group she is more a follower than a leader, she knows how to follow directions and listen attentively. Maira may join a conversation that discusses negative traits about you though this is because she wants to let you know who you can trust. Maira is caring and the total package and since she has all these positive traits it allows her to be a great leader but it seems she is to shy to step up.


Friend: Who's your best friend? You: Maira. Friend: Wow! You're so lucky!!!

mairaed có nghĩa là

1) To recommend foul-tasting and/or spoilt food or beverage for immediate consumption in order to elicit an entertaining outcome at the expense of an unexpecting victim(s).

2) Giving away food/bevarage that are no longer wanted.


I mairad maira today by making her eat some ultra dark chocolate.

mairaed có nghĩa là

Beautiful women of great grace. Usually redhead, hard working, honest, funny most commonly from bogota Colombia. Women with great responsibility and of great trust. Super cute and hot even in hard times holds great composure


That women is so Maira.
If that women was Maira she would be perfect

mairaed có nghĩa là

Mairaed is a beautiful creature with a hot body and sexililisious dark hair. Shes so unique and a one of a kind. With her great looks and greater personality, she is the best friend anyone could ask for.


Aimee: Wow whos that? Shes so pretty im jelous
Cassidy: oh yeah that is mairaed, she has a wicked personality too

mairaed có nghĩa là

A gem of a person who is independent, resourceful, resilient and insanely hardworking. A person who will walk through hell with a smile that would warm even the coldest of hearts. Someone who will bear the burden of the world on her shoulders so the people she loves doesn't have to. Someone who defines what it means to be a leader, not for glory, money or fame. But because there is no one else who can be one, who can fight as hard or as long as she can. Even when her body's breaking and her mind is at the limit she bears the burden alone, silently as not to worry a soul. As the rest of the world around her sleeps, she works long into the night so that the world of her creation does not fall apart without her. A commander, a leader and a friend all rolled into one


Alexander may not have been able to conquer the world but Maira will.

mairaed có nghĩa là

Mairais the greatest friend you could ever imagine, she always makes sure everyone is okay. People always want to be around her because she has such positive energy. Maira does very well in school and her best friend is proud of her. Her best friend is an amazing person that maches her energy and humor. She always feels her best when she is around her best friend, everyone loves maira. She doesn’t realize that she is litterally the prettiest girl alive. Maira also has a great sence of style and music taste, that’s why everyone looks up to her.


Person: do you know maira?
Other person: omg yes! That’s the pretty, kind, smart, beautiful, amazing with the cool style right?

mairaed có nghĩa là

Where do we even start to describe her? Maira, she’s definitely someone you can’t get off your mind. She’ll be one of the most independent people you meet in your life, she’s never looking for anyone else to rely on because she knows how to handle herself. However, when she starts trusting you she’ll open up, sharing her thoughts with you, only because she knows you’ll appreciate it. She’ll remind you of no one else in the world, really one of a kind. Riddled with honesty, trust and a big heart. Always helping people out even if it’s tough on her, especially if she loves you. You’ll know she loves you, she never fails to show it. She can be hilarious, she’ll make your stomach hurt from being a fool or just with her good sense of humour. When she gets comfortable, you’ll see all she has to offer and you’ll feel privileged to do so. Never wrong a Maira though, she’ll definitely leave you with an ache in your heart. You’ll be an idiot to lose someone like her too. Physically, she’s mesmerising. Eyes that glisten, voice of an angel, smile that lights up your whole world, body of a goddess. Trust me, she’s someone that you can never forget, she’ll play in your mind 24/7. No words can describe her, beyond the english language.


Hey, Maira T. I will always love you.

mairaed có nghĩa là

the most beautiful girl in the world, one of a kind angel. she could do know wrong, she is insecure about her body even though everyone wishes to have hers. great teeth and a perfect smile. literally love this girl so much.


“that’s so maira of her”
ik she’s gorgeous

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