narutard là gì - Nghĩa của từ narutard

narutard có nghĩa là

A person claiming Naruto to be the best anime ever, even though he/she has not seen other series.


A: "Oh B, you are such a narutard."
B: "Naruto rocks! Don't call me a narutard! Naruto owns all!"

narutard có nghĩa là

Commonly used in reference to a Naruto fanboy, who typically joins a channel that fansubs said anime to ask stupid questions.


Is Naruto 1999 out yet?!?!
@find Naruto 1999
Can someone send me naruto 1999?
which bot has naruto 1999?
When does naruto GT come out?

narutard có nghĩa là

a narutard is a person who is completely tits about the infamous series of fine japanese animation about a bunch of ninja kids otherwise known as naruto. these days, anyone can be a narutard, given the success of the series, and it is believed than %.00112454268 of the population in the world today is indeed a narutard.
any anime club, organization and/or convention is guilty of narutardation (existing and fellow narutards) and narutardization (act of turning other people into narutards).

be forewarned.


"omg, kurenai is hottt... haha i'm such a narutard!"
"omg, you are a narutard! ...but kurenai is still hottttt"
"omg, naruto own!"
"omg, no way... gaara owns!"
"omg, dude... kankuro!!!"
"omg, like the akatsuki man..."
"omg, the akatsuki are sweet!"
"omg, i'm gunna cosplay as kiba!!!"

narutard có nghĩa là

A person who is so obsessed with Naruto, to the point where he does assignments including naruto. Narutard symptoms are....
1.Withdrawel when taken away from a still playing Naruto Anime.
2. Yelling and screaming, while throwing shurikens at you.
3. Spining around in circles trying to copy you using their magical eye.


ie. Jesse used Naruto for his family memebers in his family tree. He is such a Narutard.

narutard có nghĩa là

A hardcore Naruto fanboy whos most common sayings are "Naruto totally r0xXxorZ!!!" and "Naruto is teh best animeh evah!!!"


@find naruto 276
(user SSJNaruto was kicked by :: You are narutard #19486 to be kicked)

narutard có nghĩa là

A blatant fan of the anime Naruto, usually within the 5-15 age group. They believe that Naruto is the 'best show ever', and refuse to admit otherwise. There are many types of Narutards, including but not limited to: five year old Cartoon Network Worshippers, high school freshmen, and 30 year old fat men living in their mothers' basements. Generally the most common type of Narutard seen is the high school freshman. Often they are spotted lurking in the hallways of school, throwing paper shuriken at random passerby and screaming "Dethaxx no Jutsu!" They watch bootleg DVDs of Naruto in Japanese subtitles, which makes them think that they can automatically speak Japanese, when the only word they have paid attention to is 'baka'. They will run around in a frenzy screaming this word until they collapse because of their unhealthy diet of ramen and pocky. Usually Narutards grow out of their phase within a year due to the extreme beatings they recieve from people who just can't stand them anymore. When one happens upon a Narutard, it is best to keep a distance, as Narutards are deluded, idiotic creatures, as demonstrated by their ability to believe that an loud Anglo-Saxon boy wearing a bright orange jumpsuit could pass as a ninja. Do not try to reason with Narutards, as they will gang up on you and pelt you with paper throwing stars. While this is not harmful in the least, it is mildly irritating to the point where you could explode in a fit of rage and knock them all to the ground before they could say, "Believe it!"


They gazed upon the convention hall with a look of shock and horror upon their faces as they saw it was packed with Narutards.

narutard có nghĩa là

A mythical creature, mainly from Canada and North America.
Deriving from the words 'Naruto' and 'Retard', Narutard was first really used in 2004 for most of the Naruto forum users. Narutards can be defined as naruto fans who boast about how 'cool' Naruto is, and have never seen any other anime. Most of them watch the Naruto dub. In rare cases, you can see these mythical creatures dashing in and out of random places, attempting to 'train' and join the ANBU. Most of them don't even know that real ninjas derived from farmers, or that ninjutsu was, at one point, an art form in itself. They are either fat or really, really young.
Most of them can't train very hard, can't concentrate, have foam shuriken because their moms won't let them have reqal, dulled ones, have SOCCERMOMS,(shudders) and do not know ANY form of martial arts EXCEPT for ninjutsu and karate. Keep away from narutards.


"Hey! I'm gonna join the ANBU! I bought a hitai-ate even though I'mnot gonna cosplay 'cuz I don't even know what an anime con is! I like bad fanfics that say swearwords like 'crap' and 'dang'! teeheeheehee!" -narutard
"SCREW YOU!!*stabs with family's katana*" -me

narutard có nghĩa là

Any Naruto fan who's pushed the line way too far. The people who buy the Naruto Headbands off eBay even if they don't cosplay. General n00bs, who really should know what day AnimeOne and ANBU release fansubs, but ask for them anyway.


Narutard: Hey luk at my seXXi new Konoha headband!!!!1 Yo, Naruto r0x0rs!
Person: Do you cosplay?
Narutard: noooooo, NARUTO R0x0rs!!1 gimme da sub w00t!

narutard có nghĩa là

a narutard : a derogotary term for somebody who has gone beyond just being a fan of the Anime Naruto, and is extremely frightening to the general publc.

They own every headband from every vllage on Naruto (apparently a "bargain" on eBay, until you point out the postage was more than the actual product.) Can't sleep without their Itachi plushie and village of the leaf wallscroll. They run useless petitions on the web, trying to bring down the dubbed version of Naruto, and to get him to stop saying "Belive it!" and instead saying "Dattebayo". Both phrases will get annoying if repeated over and over! What does it matter which one is used???

Oh, and let's not assume all they do is sit inside watching poorly lip-synced AMVs and wanking off to yaoi. Hell no! That's not nearly annoying enough! They have to inflict themselves on the community! Dancing around their front gardens, kicking trees and announcing to passer-bys "I'm agonna join the ANBU!" I once saw a lad, about a year or two older than me, out in the street place his hands together and yell "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" an actually look surprised when nothing happenned.

They are so very deluded it frightens me. If you look at certain forums, you will find countless fangirls fawning over, I dunno, Kiba or something, and fanboys nosebleeding over naked pics of Hinata, drawn by some 50 year old.

I am not anti-Naruto, it just annoys me how stoopid people can really be. All narutards need rounding up and putting in a giant blender.



Narutard 1 (male): Dude, dude Tsunade is pregnat wit mah babbeh.
Narutard 2 (male): She is not dude, she says I'm the only one 4 her!
* computer slanging match breaks out*


narutard có nghĩa là

An Anime Geek (See Otaku) who is obsessed with the well known Anime, Naruto. The word being derived from the words Naruto and Retard.


Narutard's Are usually the geeks you see running around wearing Headbands with metal plates on them. Narutards often pretend to be Ninjas even if their physique is well under par to perform such Ninjesque moves. You May reconize a Narutard because of his obsession with Making hand signs and calling out Attack Phrases that he calls Jutsu.

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