Nursing Administration research topics

Updated Aug 2021
If you picked nursing as your major, you are probably aware of how challenging and demanding nursing studies are. While many students are excited to finish their studies and start working in prestigious hospitals and practices, they face some common challenges. The most common one is staying on top of practical assignments and writing tasks.

Since practical assignments are highly demanding, many students fall behind with their writing tasks. Nursing research papers appear to be most challenging. Yes, doing the actual research and writing while taking care of structuring, formatting, and citations is hard. However, students also often struggle with finding the right nursing research topic.

Sometimes, even spending hours combing through journals and online publications is not enough to develop a good nursing research topic. To help you out, here at Study Clerk, we offer you the list of nursing research topics.

What is a Nursing Research Paper?

A nursing research paper is focused on a nursing-relevant topic. The topics of nursing research papers are similar to medical research topics. Still, they tackle the topics from a nursing standpoint: child, midwifery, elderly care, and primary healthcare nursing.

Whether you decide to research and report on an original topic or provide a systematic review of published research, you must adhere to the highest academic standards. When you complete it, your nursing research paper needs to be ready for publishing. It simply means that it has to:

  • Contain all the important components;
  • Be properly formatted and structured;
  • Format citations according to the requirements.

Here are the components of the nursing research paper:

  • Title page – title explaining the study design, full names of authors, and name of the corresponding author if any;
  • Abstract – 350 words long summary of research paper containing background, methods, results, conclusions, keywords;
  • Introduction – the section explaining the background of the study. It should contain a summary of the existing research and literature. When writing an introduction for a research paper, your should make sure that readers can clearly see why is the research important;
  • Methods – the section outlining the aim and design of the study and description of all research methods used during research. It should also highlight the characteristics of the research participants;
  • Results – the section outlines the findings, results of statistical analysis, tables, and charts;
  • Discussion – the section discussing the implications of the result in the context of available research. It often contains the limitations of the study;
  • Conclusions – the section stating the main conclusion and the relevance and importance of the research.

How to Choose a Good Topic for Nursing Research?

To write a well-informed and relevant nursing research paper, you need to choose a proper topic. How do you choose a good one, though? There are several guidelines to follow. If your assignment outlines the guidelines on topic selection, make sure to review them. The most important thing to do is to choose a topic that you personally find interesting. Why?

Because when you are engaged with a topic, the research is a breeze, and you will be motivated to dig deep, make notes, and find all relevant existing literature. You also need to ensure that your topic isn’t too broad or too narrow.

A too broad topic will cause you to lose focus and have to go through too much literature. A narrow one, on the other hand, may prove too hard to work on because of the limited access to the literature.

Finally, try to define your selection of the topic as questions. It will help you better understand it and decide whether it’s an interesting question.

List of Research Topics for Nursing Students

Below is the list of good and easy examples with the most popular ideas you might come across when writing research papers.

Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

Pediatric assistance includes all-around care delivered to children, so one should be well-versed with the techniques, theories, and practices when working with a child.

Adult Nursing Research Topics

This field has its own peculiarities the young practitioner should know about beforehand to prevent the negative consequences from occurring.

Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

If EBP sounds too complicated at first glance, but you still don’t want to pay to write research paper, here are a few topics to help you with your papers.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Topics

Below are examples of quantitative and qualitative research methods for one to learn how to apply them during one’s career.

Critical Care Nursing Research Topics

From stress management in nurses to practical technics and strategies applicable to adult and child care, knowledge of critical care nursing (CCN) is essential.

Pain Management Nursing Research Topics 

The pain management is one of the core medical skills a nurse should master before start working with patients. These topics are dedicated to this concept.

Emergency Nursing Research Topics

Medical assistance in emergency situations demands a lot of responsibility from a person in care, and that’s why there are a lot of related things a nurse should know before going on duty.

Obstetrics Nursing Research Topics

Let’s be fair: the quality of care delivered at Ob-Gyn cabinets is pretty much the quality of our survival as species. That’s why it’s paramount for every nurse to be as professional and skilled as they can be.

Neonatal Nursing Research Topics

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

It is a very responsible mission to assist patients with a mental disorder. This is why you have to learn about the peculiarities of it at your medical school. You also might need the help of a nursing paper writing service to do well.

Women's Health Nursing Research Topics

Women’s care has a lot of factors that influence its success and it’s a new professional’s duty to know about them.

Ethics Paper Topics

There is a line between what is ethically wrong or right, and a professional nurse knows it.

Nursing Intervention Research Topics

Nursing intervention (NI) practices are an important part of any medical school program. That’s why if you aren’t willing to pay for medical research paper on the topic, here you have a list of problems to research yourself.

Nursing Leadership Paper Topics 

Nurse Practitioner Research Topics

Psychiatric Research Topics

Child Nursing Research Topics

Caring for children is one of the most specific fields of medicine. Children are just like regular people, only smaller and incapable of telling what seems to be the issue – making the treatment that much more difficult.

Child nursing is a broad topic, and writing research papers on it can be done in various ways to explore an abundance of topics. Here are some of the most interesting topics that we’ve come up with for child nursing.

Midwifery Nursing Research Paper Topics

Midwives are the medical specialists that don’t get nearly enough attention. Being a midwife is a fantastic career choice, and as long as babies are being born, midwives will be needed. As a midwife or a midwife-to-be, there are plenty of things that you can learn to improve the level of care that you provide.

If you’re writing a research paper, however, things might seem a bit complex, but don’t worry, here are ten midwifery nursing research paper topics that you can use for your next examination.

Elderly Care Nursing Topics

Caring for babies as a midwife is one thing, but caring for the elderly is a polar opposite. Caring for the elderly is difficult. Unlike pregnant women, who are usually all excited about their pregnancy or fall within some category – geriatric patients are vastly different from one another and will require a special approach with every patient.

That being said, elderly care is one of the most rewarding fields of nursing and one of the most demanding. With that in mind, here are ten topics on geriatric care that you can explore:

Primary Healthcare Nursing Topics

Primary health care applies to the most common health problems that people face. It’s by far the biggest aspect of nursing and will require the broadest possible approach. As someone who is studying nursing or writing a research paper on the topic, you have endless options if you have primary healthcare as a broader topic.

However, whenever you have a slew of different options, you might latch onto one that really isn’t all that great. With that in mind, why not latch onto one of ours that we’ve provided below, as all are interesting, fun, and most importantly, original.

Nursing Careers Research Topics

Nursing as a job in itself is insanely difficult but exciting and rewarding work. Just like a lot of other things, it's really not for everybody, but people that seek out nursing as their career tend to thrive in it.

The medical world has so many positions available, and nursing makes up the bulk of jobs in the world of healthcare. Here are some top-tier topics that concern nursing as a career choice:

Interesting Nursing Research Topics

Now, to be fair, Nursing may not be as exciting as being a brain surgeon, and it might not be as well paid – but the job of a nurse is still pretty interesting when you compare it to a lot of other professions. Think about it, as a nurse, not only do you have to deal with an abundance of tasks every day, you get to work with people, which brings a whole new dimension to the career.

Saying that the job is interesting is an understatement – what isn’t an understatement is doing a research paper on just what makes nursing so interesting, which you can do by following one of the ten topics listed below.


When you need to select a nursing research paper topic for the exam, midterm, or assessment, you can feel like you are under a lot of pressure. Practical assignments often take too much time and energy, and you can feel overwhelmed. Finding inspiration for nursing research papers can prove difficult at these times.

Hopefully, you’ll find our selection of nursing research topics inspirational and be able to select one that resonates well with you. We also have a variety of sports research topics to choose from. However, if you don’t have the time to do research and write your nursing research paper on your own, don’t despair.

Contact our team of professional writers here at Study Clerk, and we will deliver a high-quality nursing research paper just in time for you to submit it.

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