paladin là gì - Nghĩa của từ paladin

paladin có nghĩa là

The Paladin is a class of Warrior that is fully devoted to kindness and ridding the Universe of Evil. They are very religious, and have an extremely strict honor code, as well as a soft spot for children and animals. In combat, a Paladin with a cause is almost impossible to defeat.


Paladins fear nothing, for Evil fears them.

paladin có nghĩa là

A Class of Characters found in World of Warcraft which is only available to Alliance characters. The are in many ways greater than other classes found in World of Warcraft with abilities to wear the highest class of armors, fight with the strongest melee weapons, and use spells that allow temporary invulnerability and healing. This class of characters is hated by many others due to the inability to cope with the fact that he or she spent so much time creating a character who is unable to use or beat the paladin class. Similiar hatred is seen towards the Horde class characters of Shamans. It has been found in many studies that people who believe the paladin class is an unfair class often have a 32.4 pound stone with rough edges lodged in their rectum and decending colon.


Pussy Ass Rogue: "OMG, What a gay Paladin. I can't gank him like the others. I guess I'll go bitch about this class because I'm in denial since I spent so much time on my pathetic rogue, I have lost all my dignity in real life. I lost my job, my girlfriend, my house, my ability to erect my penis or vice versa. I can't even take a shit like I used to. Yeah, I'll do that. Paladins are for noobs. That makes me feel better. Shamans suck to.

paladin có nghĩa là

A Paladin is a character class created for OD&D the Original Dungeons & Dragons. All paladins must be Lawful (Lawful Good). All other alignments are only applied to paladins in inferior versions of D&D(Dungeons & Dragons) and other cheap inferior ripoffs of D&D(Dungeons & Dragons). Properly played Paladins are never Lawful Stupid - that only results from having a bad DM and bad players. Playing a Paladin correctly in the real spirit of the game is something to which all roleplayers should aspire.


When you think of a Paladin, think of sweet combination of Batman and Superman in regard to character.

paladin có nghĩa là

A Badass holy knight which no1 wants to mess with, even ninjas cant stand up to paladins. they can equip badass swords like excaliber


Cecil harvey from ff4 is a badass paladin

paladin có nghĩa là

In WOW)a class that can be the most versitile class in the game if people learned to diversify abilities.
some believe it to be overpowered,because they can in situatins be indistructable,some believe underpowered,because if you play conservativly with a paladin you become one dimensional,and despite your unbelievable power can be destroyed.

In real life or any other game,a holy warrior protector of faith named after athene the goddess of protection
(the root word pal comes from "pallas athene" a name that athene often went under.


When a good WOW Paladin joins a group they will hear "wow I didnt know Paladins could do that" almost every single time.
When a lame Paladin plays they can only heal,use 1 aura per fight(sometimes 1 aura per lifetime)use 1 seal type,and either poorly mismanage mana,or never use any at all.

paladin có nghĩa là

1. Is a Knight of high standards pure of Hart strong and kind 2. As well as a Christian who has been called to fight against the hords of evil in the world 3. A person with extream faith in the lord 4. A person with more noticeable God given abilitiesa to carry out the lords work 5.a religious section based upon the ways of Christian religion


The lord has called upon his paladins to fight.

paladin có nghĩa là

Paladin. The one class in World of Warcraft wich requires the absolute of no skills.
One choosing a paladin may suggested to be a person wich lack of gaming skills, rater to be a 12 years old kid.

If you see a paladin, just hit him once, and he will turn the invincible shield up and do the "return-to-home-inn" teleport thingy, and voila - no more paladin in yer way.


- Look! there's a paladin, let's kill him!
/cast shield /cast heartstone
- Now why did he do that? oh, yeah, right, he's a paladin, after all.

paladin có nghĩa là

In relation to World of Warcraft, a popular MMORPG, the Paladin is quite often known as the "n00b" class because of it's simple playability. As of mid 2005, many Paladins are protesting that the class is too inactive and lacks control.


"/target Self /cast Hearthstone"
"I hate Paladins."
"You can't roll on that, Valor is for warriors!"

paladin có nghĩa là

A tanking class in the Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Final Fantasy 11. We, the Paladins, strive to keep hate towards us and not a mage or any other low def. class. We are warriors who have gone further and have taken on the white magical abilities. We are strong and nearly imposable to beat. Our only weakness, is magic. We have a high physical defense. Our 2-hour Special Ability (known for taking 2 hours to regain that ability) is invincablity. We cover the mages when they get alot of hate generated towards them; example below.


Balck mage = Kegan
Paladin = Victorius
Enemy = Orcish Champion
Kegan starts casting Quake on Orcish Champion.
Kegan casts Quake on Orcish Champion.
Orcish Champion takes 938 damage!
-Orcish Champion turns to Kegan-
Victorus uses cover!
-Victorius gets between Kegan and the Orcish Champion-
Cover! Victorius takes 78 damage!
instead of
-Orcish Champion turns to kegan-
-Kegan has 789 Hit Points while Victorius has 1,269-
-Orcish Champion hits Kegan for 597 damage!-
-Orcish Champion hits Kegan for 631 damage!-
-Kegan falls to the ground- (Implying he just got ass raped)
-Off subject-
-Orcish Champion turns to Katsukaru-
-Orcish Champion hits Katsukaru for 297 damage!-
-Ebony casts Cure III-
-Katsukaru recovers 190 Hit Points-
-Orcish Champion hits Katsukaru for 345 damage!-
-Katsukaru uses Tachi: Gekko- (Not to be confused with Tachi: Geiko)
-Orcish Champion take 168 damage!-
-Orcish Champion criticle hits Katsukaru for 538 damage!-
-Katsukaru falls to the ground- (dead, if you didn't figure that out already)

paladin có nghĩa là

noun The Paladin is a holy knight, crusading in the name of good and order, and is a divine spell caster.


Paladins are renowned for heroism and chivalry.

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