pape là gì - Nghĩa của từ pape

pape có nghĩa là

Money, cash

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Yo' i need to start makin' some papes!

pape có nghĩa là

Term for rolling papers.

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Yo' i need to start makin' some papes!

pape có nghĩa là

Term for rolling papers. Oh shit what happend to the papes? Short for papers.

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Yo' i need to start makin' some papes! Term for rolling papers. Oh shit what happend to the papes?

pape có nghĩa là

Short for papers.

Ví dụ

Yo' i need to start makin' some papes! Term for rolling papers. Oh shit what happend to the papes?

pape có nghĩa là

Short for papers.

1. Cigarette papers used to roll up marijuana joints

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2. A term used to describe money. Paper forms like dollar bills. 1. Hey, can you grab me some papes at 7-11.

pape có nghĩa là

A newspaper, esp. in the movie Newsies.

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2. You know I gotta get my ass to work ... make them papes, ya know!

pape có nghĩa là

When something hilariously painful happens randomly

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(Wes falls off a ladder)

pape có nghĩa là

Nick: Dude, what happened?

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Wes: I just got paped!

pape có nghĩa là


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-penis ass penis E!
also refers to a person who does very reprehensible things. she was a dirty pape who stole my waffles.

pape có nghĩa là

holy nuggets! was he ever the pape of the century.

Ví dụ

A newspaper, esp. in the movie Newsies.