Remote Desktop Services you are currently logged on as local administrator

Can't Set Remote Desktop Licensing Mode on a Windows 2012 Server

July 19, 2014 Russell Mickler

I ran into this little problem over the weekend attempting to license a terminal server.

A Microsoft Windows 2012 Server that I installed RDC CAL licenses for showed an unlicensed status warning because I had not set the licensing mode for the server.

The procedure for assigning the licensing mode is to open Server Manager, Remote Desktop Services, and select Overview; from there, a GUI is supposed to make the licensing process relatively easy.

However, when I attempted to do this, Windows reported:

"You are current logged on as local administrator on the computer. You must be logged on as a domain user to manage servers and collections."

This message prevents you from seeing the handy UI.

Regrettably, this is Microsoft-speak for "We never intended anyone to run RDC/Terminal Services on a stand-alone server not a part of a domain, duh", which is asinine, but yes, there is a work-around.


2. Browse to the following folder:Computer Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Windows Components\ Remote Desktop Services\ Remote Desktop Session Host\ Licensing

3. Enable the key:Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers. Declare your server. Save.

4. Enable the key:Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode. Declare your licensing mode. Save

5. Shell to DOS with Admin privileges. Do a "gpupdate /force" on the box.

When you run your licensing diagnosis again, you'll find that the errors have gone away and you've successfully assigned the licensing model to the server.


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Unable to configure RemoteApps without a domain in Windows Server 2012

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    We have been using RemoteApps from Win 2008 & win 2008 R2 in a workgroup configuration. Now we find that this facility is not available anymore in Windows Server 2012. We see the message "You are currently logged on as a local administrator on the computer. You must be logged on as a domain user to manage servers and collections"

    Is there any way to configure RemoteApps in a workgroup?

    • Edited by Sivakash Wednesday, March 27, 2013 4:11 AM

    Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:00 AM


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    Server 2012 RDS is designed under the basic premise that RDS servers will be joined to a domain, at least one RD Connection Broker will be present, and that RDSH servers will be managed as a collection using Server Manager (and/or powershell). Same is true for Virtual Desktops (VMs), they are designed to be managed as a collection.

    Pls refer to the same topic responded by our MVP;//
    Hope it helps.



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    • Marked as answer by Clarence Zhang Thursday, April 4, 2013 2:03 AM

    Thursday, March 28, 2013 2:04 AM

Showing Remote Desktop Server Licensing mode alert when login to the server


When login to the Azure VM server through Remote desktop showing alert "Remote Desktop Server Licensing mode is not configured and remote desktop service will stop working in 16 days." We have installed 25 Per User CAL license but still showing this error.

Please NOTE: This is standalone "Windows server 2012 datacenter" Server not joined any domain.

Find the below snaps.


rds.jpg (26.0 KiB)

rds1.jpg (33.1 KiB)


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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Oct 7, '20


You could transfer your per user cal to per device cal on licensing manager.

Server Manager>Tools>Remote Desktop Services>Remote Desktop Licensing Manager>Right click the CALs you have installed> Select "Conver Licenses"

There is no way to increase the grace period.

And yes you can login to the server as normal maximum 2 users at a time after 120 days.


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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Oct 1, '20


Please check if you have configured below setttings correctly.

  1. Activate your licensing server - //

  2. Specify the licesing mode and licensing server in RDS deployment.
    On RDCB > Server Manager > Remote Desktop Services > Edit deployment Properities > RD Licensing

  3. On the remote session host server (Azue VM server), use local group policy to configure the licesing mode.

    Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Licensing
    Set the Remote Desktop Licensing mode


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RockyMondal-4133 answered Oct 1, '20

Dear Eleven,
Thanks for your reply.

When open Server Manager showing "You are currently logged on as local administrator on the computer. You must be logged on as a domain user to manage servers and collections."

Server not join any domain. This is standalone "Windows server 2012 datacenter" Server not joined any domain.

Please find the snap.


rds2.jpg (48.3 KiB)


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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Oct 2, '20


If so, please do step 3 as below to specify the licensing mode.

On the remote session host server (Azue VM server), use local group policy to configure the licesing mode.
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Licensing
Set the Remote Desktop Licensing mode



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RockyMondal-4133 answered Oct 4, '20

Dear Eleven,
As suggested i have configured local group policy RDP licensing mode to "User mode" and restart the computer but still showing same "RDP licensing mode is not configured" alert when login to the computer.

Please help me.


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ElevenYu-MSFT answered Oct 6, '20


Please be informed that you must use per-device licensing instead of per-user licensing for a workgroup server (not join domain).


So, you could transfer the per user cal to per device cal and set the licensing mode to per device, or you just connect to the server in grace period and then refresh the grace period.


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RockyMondal-4133 answered Oct 6, '20

Dear Eleven,
Changed group policy RDP licensing mode to "Device mode" but not solved. We have purchased Per user license.

  • Is it required to again purchase Per device license or we can use Per user license to Per device license?

  • If we can use Per user license to Per device license, How to change per user cal to per device cal in Server?

  • Is it any way to increase grace period without change Registry ? is it good idea to change registry in production server for increase the grace period ?



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RockyMondal-4133 answered Oct 6, '20 | ElevenYu-MSFT commented Oct 8, '20

Dear Eleven,
Another impotent query.

After 120 days over can we login to the server as normal maximum 2 users at a time?



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ElevenYu-MSFT · Oct 08, 2020 at 01:24 AM


Have you checked if the answer helps?

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RockyMondal-4133 answered Oct 8, '20 | ElevenYu-MSFT commented Oct 9, '20

Dear Eleven,
Now its working ok and grace period alert is showing. Below 3 tasks I have done.

1) Convert license to "per device" mode and
2) Set the Remote Desktop Licensing mode "Per Device" in local group policy.
3) Set local server ip address "Use the specific Remote desktop license servers" in local group policy.

Thank you for all support.


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ElevenYu-MSFT · Oct 09, 2020 at 01:29 AM

Glad to hear it's working.

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Jul 5, 2017 at 09:22 UTC

for that you need to install RD licensing role login as domain user to do that


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ahmadbat Jul 5, 2017 at 09:25 UTC

the problem is that the server is stand alone workgroup server not a domain one

  • JitenSh



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Jul 5, 2017 at 09:45 UTC

This trick might work for u adding DNS suffix



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ahmadbat Jul 6, 2017 at 04:47 UTC

@JitenSH Much appreciation for trying to help , but already tried that and nothing changed .


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Jul 6, 2017 at 16:40 UTC

// have you rebooted and checked?


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