scotia là gì - Nghĩa của từ scotia

scotia có nghĩa là

Greatest & most beautiful province in Canada. No people, we all had to go to Boston to find work, but the most breath-taking scenery in the world. Too bad we're continually screwed over by a**hole politicians in Ottawa, and powerful interests in western Canada who sh*t on us. Nova Scotia (and NB & PEI) are even more isolated from the rest of Canada by those crying limp-wristed pussy frogs in Queerbec who won't stop whining, so pretty soon we'll have to join the U.S. and become the 7th New England state. They do more for us than the rest of Canada anyway. Hell, we're already part of Red Sox Nation. We'll NEVER be fans of the Blow-Jays or the not so dearly departed Expos. Nova Scotia rocks, the rest of Canada can kiss our asses.


How can you tell the difference between someone from Nova Scotia and someone from Quebec?

The person from NS will wave and say "Hello". The person from Quebec will flip you off and say something rude in french, but then run away in terror like the pussies they are if you confront them.

scotia có nghĩa là

Best fucking province in Canada!!


NS is the fucking bomb man ! So much better then any of them other places up there !

scotia có nghĩa là

Atlantic Province of Canada. Collection of farmland, beaches, forests and towns around Halifax.


It's about 2-3 hours to Halifax once you get to Nova Scotia.

scotia có nghĩa là

Nova Scotia is an Eastern Canadian province. It boasts some the most beautiful scenery in all of Canada. Nova Scotia is the place to go if you want to experience nature, an abundance of wildlife and a place that has not been tainted by the "big city" mentality that so much of our world seems to have these days. Don't listen to these other obviously mean-spirited individuals on this site, Nova Scotian's are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet and they welcome visitors with open arms. Nova Scotia is also known for its fishing communities, quality restaurants, and thriving nightlife. If you do your research and plan your trip well you will have the time of your life in Nova Scotia and I guarantee you, you will not want to leave.
The comment about elderly people visiting Nova Scotia is true but it is not because Nova Scotia is not worth is because they know from experience and wisdom what alot of people do not, Nova Scotia is a true gem...and that is that.


Nova Scotia, Canada Part of the Maritimes and the Atlantic Provinces

scotia có nghĩa là

Nova Scotians love children and pets, but have no time for adults, particularly those who "come from away". If you weren't born or raised in the province, there's no place for you. No jobs to speak of, unless you're willing to work for such miserable pay and conditions, not even a Nova Scotian would consider it. Employers rarely return phone calls and people with decent jobs cling to them with a fierce tenacity.
In short, it's a great place to live if you're rich or self-sufficient. Otherwise, look elsewhere.


"Hello, I just moved to Nova Scotia and I'm looking for.... Hello? Hello? Yes, is this Human Resources? Excuse me, but did you say that the person who does the hiring is on paid leave for two years? And the vacancy has been filled by her cousin? Is there someone else who... Hello?"

scotia có nghĩa là

canada's vacationland. unfortunately, most people forget about it, except when they want to get away from citylife in toronto or ottawa. beautiful coastline, amazing scenery. province is in bad shape financial though. home of three great things that start with s- seafood, sloan, and sidney crosby.


I add amazing scallops while listening to Sloan and watching Sidney Crosby on TV while in Nova Scotia.

scotia có nghĩa là

Scotia is a kind girl. She also is probably one of the funniest people you know! She cares about only the people she is close to. She is also really friendly, she has so many different kinds of friends. Scotia is also a REALLY GOOD KISSER!!!! She is also really athletic she enjoys many different sports, like running, soccer, volleyball and many more you are THE LUCKIEST person if you come across a girl named Scotia!


"Oi Oi", said Scotia.
Scotia is the greatest!

scotia có nghĩa là

The land where the almighty Scotian god, Scott resides. 2,000 light years away from Tupacs, Thugs Mansion.


When i die i pray to scott he will accept me into Scotia.

scotia có nghĩa là

An outgoing girl with a crazy streak. She's a brunette and has gorgeous curves. She may seem intense and too forward but she's a kind soul at heart. She's very strong in what she believes and is friendly to everyone unless you decide to mess with HER people. She has a very creative mind, but maybe likes to keep her inventive thoughts to herself. Everyone likes to be friends with her because she's honest and very accepting. Once you're in her click, she'll never leave you behind and always look after you, but in the way she wants to do it. It's awesome to have a friend named Scotia because you know she'll always be there.


"Wow that girl's crazy cool!"
"What's her name?"
"Her name's probably Scotia."
"You should go talk to her!"
"I don't want her to yell in my face!" "Omg! Scotia's so funny!"
"I know! She's hilarious!"

scotia có nghĩa là

Scotia, NY is a small town with a population of around 8,000 just outside of Schenectady. There is a tiny strip of village along Mohawk Ave. known for nothing else put cops pulling cars over for every and anything to pad the coffers. If you read the local paper The Daily Gazette you will notice the police blotter is filled with no other crimes but traffic infractions from Scotia. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. The village is however small enough to go around it to avoid tickets. The villages only attraction is Collins Park which is overrun by geese that defecate everywhere. The only good thing is if coming from Schenectady, Collins Park is just over the bridge so you may make it to and from the park without being pulled over. That is if you go on a day when a Scotia officer is not waiting on the bridge to ambush.


You better detour around Scotia, NY, you have one of those tree air fresheners hanging from your rear view mirror and they will ticket you for obstruction of view.

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