skater là gì - Nghĩa của từ skater

skater có nghĩa là

A skater is a human being who enjoys riding a skateboard because it is fun. a lot of skaters could be classified as 'punks' but this is just a stereotype. true, some skaters so wear tight jeans and a pair of emericas, but a lot of them just dress 'normally'.

there are vert skaters and street skaters. vert skaters skate in halfpipes. street skaters skate stairs and ledges and such. street is currently more popular than vert, mainly because it is easier to do. not to say that it requires less skill; I mean that street requires no ramp, therefore it can be done in more places that vert.

skateboarders are often said to be druggies, but this is simply not true... True skateboarders have no use for drugs. It's all about landing those tricks! landing a trick is the ultimate high.

I could say a lot more but i don't have a lot of time to write so I'll end it hear.

skateboarding is not a fad, it's a way of life.


while i may not skateboard every day, i do it for the right reasons... not to get girls or to cash in on the rise in popularity that skateboarding has suddenly taken.

skater có nghĩa là

Normally skaters are fine. It's when you get these elite skater assholes who call everyone a poser and make fun of beginners. That is where skaters get a bad reputation as punk and assholes.


Beginner: Hi! Can you guys show me how to do that?

skater có nghĩa là

A person that skates....does there really need to be a stereotype applied to it?


does there really need to be a stereotype applied to it?

skater có nghĩa là

A skater is someone who skateboards. Whether they be good or bad, it only should count if they enjoy what they get out of skating. If you only skate to earn credit at school...i hate to label ya, but thats what you call a poser...


the fags on here that say you have to be good to ba considered a skater, or people who think all skaters are potheads. FUCK YOU.

skater có nghĩa là

skaters don't let friends rollerblade...


Skaters compete on skateboard. Fruit booters ride around on 'aggressive inline skates'.

skater có nghĩa là

1.) Someone who wears baggy clothes, i.e. hoodies, jeans etc. These so-called 'skaters' can't always skate, but townies like to call them skaters because they reckon it's an insult.
2.) (the REAL definition) Someone who loves to skate (and can actually do it), not just some poser who thinks they are a skater just because they wear skate clothes. A skater can be anyone - grunger, goth, hippie, punk, mosher or even a stupid townie.


Darren is a real skater - he can actually STAY ON his board for more than 3.02 seconds.

skater có nghĩa là

Basically, a skater is just that. Someone who skateboards. You need to put no stereotype upon us-in fact, i know a chav who skates! Skaters wear whatever they want to, and because of this often appear non-conformist, however they wear what they feel is comfortable.

On the other hand, just wearing skate clothes does not make you a poser. Many people wear skate shoes because they are comfy-thats wot theyre made for (apart from skating). However, wearing skate clothes and claiming to be a skater, without the ability to even do an ollie is being a poser.

And hey-being a skater doesnt mean you do drugs-i dont smoke weed, i dont smoke, but i skate. Sure, some skaters do weed, but its their body to fuck up.

Most skaters dont mind bmxers or inline skaters, everyone can use the park. And yeah, course we piss people off by street skating-thats part the fun. Lighten up, dont be so materialistic. We're out having fun, all you can do is stand around and complain that we're having more fun than you.



Skater 1: Woah! Just landed a 180 earlygrab roastbeef off the flatbank!
Skater 2: Rad

skater có nghĩa là

a skater is a person who knows how to skateboard. you don't have to have a certain style or look a certain way. f*ck the stereotype. a skateboarder is simply just riding a board and bein good at it. skateboarding is all about being yourself and expressing your own style. so if someone tells you that you cant skateboard cause you're "too basic" or you dont "look the part" then you throw the middle fingers up and say "i can do what the f*ck i want" but dont pretend you're something you're not cause its hella dope to just be yourself.


douche:you dont even look like a skater
you:well i am so suck it

skater có nghĩa là

A skater: ANYONE who skateboards. Many people believe that skaters are destructive, and a general hazard to society. They seem to think that every skater also wears tight pants, smokes, has weed on them at all times, and is also out to destroy everything they see. Although many people think this way, it's simply not true.

A skater, like I said, is anyone who rides along on a piece of wood attached to wheels. They don't have to fit into any requirements to be a skater, they should just have fun when they do it. They don't have to only own band shirts, or have bangs hanging over one eye, or shop at hollister, or dye their hair black, blue and red, or mosh at every concert they go to, but by all means, they CAN. They can do all of that and still skate, yes, without risking the chance of getting shot by those ever-voilent skaters (I was kidding about that part, incase you didn't catch that). That's one of the many things that's so great about skating.

There are a ton of reasons to skate. Oddly enough, none of them threaten the downfall of the economy.

People don't skate so they can wear tight pants and Emerica shirts. They don't skate to do drugs. They don't skate for the attention. They don't skate so they can tag every inch of cement there is. They don't skate because they want to be stereotyped these things, either. (Oh, and if you do skate so you can get labeled or because you think you'll earn brownie points with your friends, PLEASE, for the sake of humanity, fall off a cliff.)


Way back when I was in middle school, I just began to learn to skateboard. I loved it because it was so fun, and was a much better hobby than starring at a computer screen all day (Needless to say, my former hobby). I wanted to go to the public school in my area, but my friend's mom told my parents that if I did, BECAUSE I SKATEBOARD, I would get in to the 'wrong crowd' and become a pot head, crap like that...

people who stereotype skaters need to die. 'Nuff said.

skater có nghĩa là

Known as a shamer in the Army; this is a word personnel in the Marine Corps use that is synonymous with personnel also known as shitbags. Nevertheless, this is the code that many Junior Enlisted Warriors (JEWs) live by: S-tay under the radar
K-eep away from responsibility
A-llways act busy
T-ake your time
E-vade NCOs
R-ecruit others


LCpl Schmuckatelli is a real skater; he'll probably never pick up Cpl.

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