Sparkly là gì

*danh từ
sự toé lửa
sự nhấp nháy, sự lấp lánh, sự lóng lánh; ánh lấp lánh
sự sắc sảo, sự linh lợi; sự rạng rỡ
sự sủi tăm (của rượu)
*nội động từ
toé lửa, nảy lửa
nhấp nháy, lấp lánh, lóng lánh; rực sáng bằng các tia sáng
her eyes sparkle with joy
mắt cô ta sáng lên vì vui mừng
tỏ ra sắc sảo, tỏ ra linh lợi (trí tuệ...); rạng rỡ
she was really sparkling (with happiness) at the wedding
cô ấy thực là rạng rỡ (vì hạnh phúc) trong lễ cưới
có bọt, sủi tăm (rượu)

sparkle verb1her earrings sparkled: GLITTER, glint, glisten, twinkle, flash, blink, wink, shimmer, shine, gleam; poetic/literary coruscate, glister.

Bạn đang xem: Sparkle là gì

2she sparkled as the hostess: BE LIVELY, be vivacious, be animated, be ebullient, be exuberant, be bubbly, be effervescent, be witty, be full of life. noun the sparkle of the pool: GLITTER, glint, twinkle, flicker, shimmer, flash, shine, gleam; poetic/literary coruscation.
* danh từ - sự lấp lánh, sự lóng lánh; ánh lấp lánh - sự sắc sảo, sự linh lợi* nội động từ - lấp lánh, lóng lánh eyes sparkle with joy ~ mắt sáng lên vì vui mừng - tỏ ra sắc sảo, tỏ ra linh lợi (trí tuệ...)* ngoại động từ - làm lấp lánh, làm lóng lánh
sparkle verb 1》 shine brightly with flashes of light. 2》 be vivacious and witty. 3》> (of drink) effervescent; fizzy. noun 1》 a glittering flash of light. 2》 vivacity and wit. Derivativessparklinglyadverb sparklyadjective OriginME: frequentative (v.) or dimin. (n.) of spark1.
noun1. merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance ( Freq. 2)- he had a sparkle in his eye- there"s a perpetual twinkle in his eyes Syn: twinkle , spark , light Derivationally related forms: twinkly (for: twinkle ), sparkly Hypernyms:vitality , verve , expression , look , aspect , facial expression , face2.

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the quality of shining with a bright reflected light Syn: glitter , glister , glisten , scintillation Derivationally related forms: scintillate (for: scintillation ), glisten (for: glisten ), glittery (for: glitter ), glitter (for: glitter ) Hypernyms: brightness3. the occurrence of a small flash or spark Syn: glitter , coruscation Derivationally related forms: coruscate (for: coruscation ), sparkly , glittery (for: glitter ) Hypernyms: flashII verb1. reflect brightly ( Freq. 1)- Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside Syn: scintillate , coruscate Derivationally related forms: coruscant (for: coruscate ), coruscation (for: coruscate ), scintillant (for: scintillate ), scintillation (for: scintillate ), sparkler , sparkling Hypernyms: reflect , shine Verb Frames:- Something ----s- Lights sparkle on the horizon- The horizon is sparkleing with lights2. be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity ( Freq. 1)- The musical performance sparkled- A scintillating conversation- his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall Syn: scintillate , coruscate Derivationally related forms: coruscation (for: coruscate ), scintillation (for: scintillate ) Hypernyms: be Verb Frames:- Something ----s- Somebody ----s3. become bubbly or frothy or foaming- The boiling soup was frothing- The river was foaming- Sparkling water Syn: foam , froth , fizz , effervesce , form bubbles Derivationally related forms: effervescent (for: effervesce ), effervescence (for: effervesce ), fizz (for: fizz ), froth (for: froth ), foam (for: foam ) Hypernyms: bubble Hyponyms: lather , seethe Verb Frames:- Something ----s4. emit or produce sparks- A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark Syn: spark Derivationally related forms: spark (for: spark ) Hypernyms: emit , give out , give off Verb Frames:- Something ----s

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