The body part that would most likely display jaundice in the dark-skinned individual is the:

The nurse is instructing a client with iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following meal plans would the nurse expect the client to select?

a) Roast beef, gelatin salad, green beans, and peach pie
b) Chicken salad sandwich, coleslaw, French fries, ice cream c) Egg salad on wheat bread, carrot sticks, lettuce salad, raisin pie
d) Pork chop, creamed potatoes, corn, and coconut cake

The Code contains the professional standards that registered nurses and midwives must uphold. UK nurses and midwives must act in line with the Code, whether they are providing direct care to individuals, groups or communities or bringing their professional knowledge to bear on nursing and midwifery practice in other roles; such as leadership, education or research.
What 4 Key areas does the code cover:
a) Prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety, promote professionalism and trust
b) Prioritise people, practise safely, preserve dignity, promote professionalism and trust
c) Prioritise care, practise effectively, preserve security, promote professionalism and trust
d) Prioritise care, practise safely, preserve security, promote kindness and trust

What are the key competencies and features for effective collaboration?
a) Effective communication skills, mutual respect, constructive feedback, and conflict management.
b) High level of trust and honesty, giving and receiving feedback, and decision making.
c) Mutual respect and open communication, critical feedback, cooperation, and willingness to share ideas and decisions.
d) Effective communication, cooperation, and decreased competition for scarce resources.

Compassion in Practice - the culture of compassionate care encompasses:
a) Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage, Commitment - DoH-"Compassion in Practice"
b) Care, Compassion, Competence
c) Competence, Communication, Courage
d) Care, Courage, Commitment

If you were explaining anxiety to a patient, what would be the main points to include?
a) Signs of anxiety include behaviours such as muscle tension. palpitations, a dry mouth, fast shallow breathing, dizziness & an increased need to urinate or defaecate
b) Anxiety has three aspects: physical - bodily sensations related to flight & fight response, behavioural - such as avoiding the situation, & cognitive (thinking) - such as imagining the worst
c) Anxiety is all in the mind, if they learn to think differently, it will go away
d) Anxiety has three aspects: physical - such as running away, behavioural - such as imagining the worse (catastrophizing) , & cognitive ( thinking) - such as needing to urinate.

What are the four stages of wound healing in the order they take place?
a) Proliferative phase, inflammation phase, remodelling phase, maturation phase.
b) Haemostasis, inflammation phase, proliferation phase, maturation phase
c) Inflammatory phase, dynamic stage, neutrophil phase, maturation phase.
d) Haemostasis, proliferation phase, inflammation phase, remodelling phase support

What functions should a dressing fulfil for effective wound healing?
a) High humidity, insulation, gaseous exchange, absorbent.
b) Anaerobic, impermeable, conformable, low humidity.
c) Insulation, low humidity, sterile, high adherence.
d) Absorbent, low adherence, anaerobic, high humidity.

If an elderly immobile patient had a "grade 3 pressure sore", what would be your management?
a) Film dressing, mobilization, positioning, nutritional support
b) Foam dressing, pressure relieving mattress, nutritional support
c) Dry dressing, pressure relieving mattress, mobilization
d) Hydrocolloid dressing, pressure relieving mattress, nutritional support

What specifically do you need to monitor to avoid complications & ensure optimal nutritional status in patients being enterally fed?
a) Daily urinalysis, ECG, Protein levels and arterial pressure
b) Assess swallowing, patient choice, fluid balance, capillary refill time
c) Eye sight, hearing, full blood count, lung function and stoma site
d) Blood glucose levels, full blood count, stoma site and body weight

What specifically do you need to monitor to avoid complications and ensure optimal nutritional status in patients being enterally fed?
a) Blood glucose levels, full blood count, stoma site and bodyweight.
b) Eye sight, hearing, full blood count, lung function and stoma site.
c) Assess swallowing, patient choice, fluid balance, capillary refill time.
d) Daily urinalysis, ECG, protein levels and arterial pressure.

What specifically do you need to monitor to avoid complications and ensure optimal nutritional status in patients being enterally fed?
a) Blood glucose levels, full blood count, stoma site and bodyweight
b) Eye sight, hearing, full blood count, lung function and stoma site
c) Assess swallowing, patient choice, fluid balance, capillary refill time
d) Daily urinalysis, ECG, protein levels and arterial pressure

The nurse is teaching a pregnant client about nutritional needs during pregnancy. Which menu selection will best meet the nutritional needs of the pregnant client?
A. Hamburger patty, green beans, French fries, and iced tea
B. Roast beef sandwich, potato chips, baked beans, and cola
C. Baked chicken, fruit cup, potato salad, coleslaw, yogurt, and iced tea
D. Fish sandwich, gelatin with fruit, and coffee

Signs and symptoms of septic shock?
a) Tachycardia, hypertension, normal WBC, non pyrexial
b) Tachycardia, hypotension, increased WBC, pyrexial
c) Tachycardia, , increased WBC, normotension, non pyrexial
d) Decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, normal WBC and pyrexial

Monica is going to receive blood transfusion. How frequently should we do her observation?
A) Temperature and Pulse before the blood transfusion begins, then every hour, and at the end of bag/unit
B) Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration before the blood transfusion begins, then after 15 min, then as indicated in local
guidelines, and finally at the end of bag/unit.
C) Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration and urinalysis before the blood transfusion, then at end of bag.
D) Pulse, blood pressure and respiration every hour, and at the end of the bag

Fred is going to receive a blood transfusion. How frequently should we do his observations?
a) Temperature and pulse before the blood transfusion begins, then every hour, and at the end of bag/unit.
b) Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration before the blood transfusion begins, then after 15 minutes, then as indicated in
local guidelines, and finally at the end of the bag/unit.
c) Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration and urinalysis before the blood transfusion, then at end of bag.
d) Pulse, blood pressure and respiration every hour, and at the end of the bag.

What are the steps of the nursing Process?
a) Assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating
b) Assessing, planning, implementing, evaluating, documenting
c) Assessing, observing, diagnosing, planning, evaluating
d) Assessing, reacting, implementing, planning, evaluating

What is comprehensive nursing assessment?
a) It provides the foundation for care that enables individuals to gain greater control over their lives and enhance their health status. b) An in-depth assessment of the patient's health status, physical examination, risk factors, psychological and social aspects of the patient's health that usually takes place on admission or transfer to a hospital or healthcare agency.
c) An assessment of a specific condition, problem, identified risks or assessment of care; for example, continence assessment, nutritional assessment, neurological assessment following a head injury, assessment for day care, outpatient consultation for a specific condition.
d) It is a continuous assessment of the patient's health status accompanied by monitoring and observation of specific problems identified.

You have been asked to give Mrs Patel her mid-day oral metronidazole. You have never met her before. What do you need to check on the drug chart before you administered?

a) Her name and address, the date of the prescription and dose.
b) Her name, date of birth, the ward, consultant, the dose and route, and that it is due at 12.00.
c) Her name, date of birth, hospital number, if she has any known allergies, the prescription for metronidazole: dose, route, time, date and that it is signed by the doctor, and when it was last given
d) Her name and address, date of birth, name of ward and consultant, if she has any known allergies specifically to penicillin, that prescription is for metronidazole: dose, route, time, date and that it is signed by the doctor, and when it was last given and who gave it so you can check with them how she reacted.

A patient was on morphine at hospital. On discharge doctor prescribes fentanyl patches. At home patient should be observed for which sign of opiate toxicity?

a) Shallow, slow respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think
b) Rapid, shallow respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think
c) Rapid wheezy respiration, drowsiness, difficulty to walk, speak and think

A patient is agitated and is unable to settle. She is also finding it difficult to sleep, reporting that she is in pain. What would you do at this point?
a) Ask her to score her pain, describe its intensity, duration, the site, any relieving measures and what makes it worse, looking for non verbal clues, so you can determine the appropriate method of pain management.
b) Give her some sedatives so she goes to sleep.
c) Calculate a pain score, suggest that she takes deep breaths, reposition her pillows, return in 5 minutes to gain a comparative pain score.
d) Give her any analgesia she is due. If she hasn't any, contact the doctor to get some prescribed. Also give her a warm milky drink and reposition her pillows. Document your action. 754. How should we transport controlled drugs? Select which d

In doing neurological assessment, AVPU means:

a) awake, voice, pain, unresponsive
b) alert, voice, pain, unresponsive
c) awake, verbalises, pain, unresponsive
d) alert, verbalises, pain, unresponsive

When selecting a stoma appliance for a patient who has undergone a formation of a loop colostomy, what factors would you consider?

a) Patient dexterity, consistency of effluent, type of stoma
b) Patient preference, type of stoma, consistency of effluent, state of peristomal skin, dexterity of the patient
c) Patient preference, lifestyle, position of stoma, consistency of effluent, state of peristomal skin, patient dexterity, type of stoma
d) Cognitive ability, lifestyle, patient dexterity, position of stoma, state of peristomal skin, type of stoma, consistency of effluent, patient preference

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