tomatoes là gì - Nghĩa của từ tomatoes

tomatoes có nghĩa là

A term used to describe someone who is denial of his homosexuality...because even though you think a tomato is a vegetable, it's really a "fruit"

Ví dụ

What a tomato, he definitely likes guys

tomatoes có nghĩa là

A ginger who is sun burned, or angry, that they appear so red, they look like a tomato

Ví dụ

What a tomato, he definitely likes guys

tomatoes có nghĩa là

A ginger who is sun burned, or angry, that they appear so red, they look like a tomato

Ví dụ

What a tomato, he definitely likes guys

tomatoes có nghĩa là

A ginger who is sun burned, or angry, that they appear so red, they look like a tomato

Ví dụ

What a tomato, he definitely likes guys

tomatoes có nghĩa là

A ginger who is sun burned, or angry, that they appear so red, they look like a tomato

Ví dụ

Man that guy is such a tomato, must be all that sun.

tomatoes có nghĩa là

What's so wrong with your life that you're looking for the definition of a tomato in urban dictionary I like tomato From at least the 30s (the advent of talking movies) to the early 60s a "tomato" was a good looking woman. In one of Victor Mature's (a relative big star in the 40's and 50's) he was talking with Betty Grable (a sex symbol during those years) and someone walks up and says: Hiya Vic, who's the tomato? A pair of very nice big juicy Boobs. Damn that chick has huge tomatoes. Her: Can you eat tomatoes with me?
Him: I don't like tomatoes..
Her: Oh.. I'm sorry.. I bought a lot of tomatoes for you. :(
Him: It's okay you didn't know.
Her: If it's okay, then you'll eat with me right..? :) Him: I don't like tomatoes.. It tastes weird. It smells strange.
Her: But you will eat with me right? :)
Him: Are you like this in real life..? Bướng bỉnh?
Her: I don't know but you'll eat with me..right? :)

Ví dụ

Her: I will give you two Tomatoes. Now, open your mouth.. Eat with me :( I always buy a lot of food but I lately lose weight because I don't have appetite to eat.. I've been stressed out a lot lately. So, eat with me.

tomatoes có nghĩa là

Anh ta: ...

Ví dụ

Her: Right..? Làm hài lòng..
Him: Alright. Put one in my mouth. Chỉ một.

tomatoes có nghĩa là

Her: I don't like odd numbers so I'll give you two.. :)

Ví dụ

Him: Just one.. Her: I will give you two Tomatoes. Now, open your mouth.. Eat with me :( I always buy a lot of food but I lately lose weight because I don't have appetite to eat.. I've been stressed out a lot lately. So, eat with me.

tomatoes có nghĩa là

A noob at games. Someone that thinks their 1337, but gets nailed everytime but the 5yo from down the block. Tomatoes: Im 1337 at sniping at BF2
5yo: Hahaha I just pwnd you!!!!111!

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To blush so intensely, that one's face resembles the color of a tomato. (Verb)

tomatoes có nghĩa là

When she fell down in front of her crush, she felt herself begin to blush. Her crush than whispered to his/her friend;

Ví dụ

"She's tomatoing because she likes me".