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Man, some things get really annoying really fast. Like how Latina keeps referring to herself in 3rd person. She's 10-11 years old Seriously.. stop.

Also, we get it... She's cute... No need to mention it SIXTY SEVEN times. Yup, 67 "cute" directed at Latina in a span of 200 pages. That means there is "cute" every 3 pages. Thank you, tho, for throwing in a couple of "charming" there. Book was boring, very. Nothing interesting happened and at 50% I just kept skipping parts. But hey did you know... Sh

Man, some things get really annoying really fast. Like how Latina keeps referring to herself in 3rd person. She's 10-11 years old Seriously.. stop.

Also, we get it... She's cute... No need to mention it SIXTY SEVEN times. Yup, 67 "cute" directed at Latina in a span of 200 pages. That means there is "cute" every 3 pages. Thank you, tho, for throwing in a couple of "charming" there. Book was boring, very. Nothing interesting happened and at 50% I just kept skipping parts. But hey did you know... She's CUTE??? I'm still gonna read the next book, maybe it picks up but I doubt it


With more world building and explanations of that world, volume 2 is a decent read. For the most part, it felt like an entire montage of Latina being cute and Dale reacting to the cuteness. I’m not complaining, but it felt like I was reading about an “omake” episode or chapter of a series. We learned a bit without having the oomph that volume 1 produced.

Also, Dale totally has a daughter complex that will come back to bite him.

Not as strong as the first book, the author tends to drag on explaining things, sometimes rambling on to increase word count.

I still loved the world building, the bits and hints about Latina's heritage and why she was tossed out. I'm still interested in reading on with the series to find out more. It's a fun "slice of life" story.

Not as strong as the first book, the author tends to drag on explaining things, sometimes rambling on to increase word count.

I still loved the world building, the bits and hints about Latina's heritage and why she was tossed out. I'm still interested in reading on with the series to find out more. It's a fun "slice of life" story.


May 11, 2021 Courtney rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Time does skip forward so do know her age is different. But I love the development that is not yet seen in the manga and how the anime differs. It is such a good read and I am absolutely in love with it

Jan 01, 2021 Dannan Tavona added it  ·  review of another edition

Lost ReviewFantasy light novel

Dale's efforts to provide a home continue, though he's actually gone on quests for the kingdom. The cuteness of the blonde devil girl continues. Keeping me entertained.

Lost ReviewFantasy light novel

Dale's efforts to provide a home continue, though he's actually gone on quests for the kingdom. The cuteness of the blonde devil girl continues. Keeping me entertained.


JULS rated it liked it
May 19, 2020

Johnathan rated it it was amazing
Oct 10, 2017

カ-ル ピネダ rated it it was ok
Jun 19, 2019

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Dec 22, 2019

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Nov 01, 2017

Gent rated it it was amazing
Nov 02, 2017

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Oct 12, 2022

Kim Baird rated it it was amazing
Oct 23, 2018

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Jun 19, 2018

Jamespark rated it it was amazing
Oct 14, 2017

Csaba Hanusz rated it really liked it
Dec 29, 2018

Kim rated it really liked it
Jun 10, 2020

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