What term describes the action of a password cracker that tries a huge number of possible passwords

  • What type of malware replicates through networks?
  • What term describes any device or computer that network traffic can use to leave one network and go to a different network?
  • Which of the following is among the symptoms of possible malware infection?
  • What term describes a password cracker that tries a huge number of possible passwords?
  • Which type of malware replicates exclusively through networks?
  • What are the 4 main types of malware?
  • What type of malicious software replicates itself to other computers?
  • What are the types of malware?
  • Which of the following terms describes a network device that is exposed to attacks and has been hardened against those attacks 5.2 5?
  • What term is used to describe a method of IP address assignment that uses an alternate public IP address to hide a system’s private IP address?
  • Which of the following terms describes a computer or a software application that request services from a server on the internet?
  • What governs how networking equipment interacts to deliver data across a network is called a network protocol?


What term describes any device or computer that network traffic can use to leave one network and go to a different network?

The term router describes a device that connects two or more networks and selectively interchanges packets of data between them.

Which of the following is among the symptoms of possible malware infection?

Common Signs of a Malware Infection

  • Your Computer Runs Slowly and Takes Longer to Start.
  • Inexplicable Freezes or Crashes.
  • Suspicious Pop-up Ads or Security Warnings.
  • Ransom Demands.
  • Everything Appears Normal.
  • Install Antivirus Software.
  • Install Software Updates.
  • Use Encryption and Strong Passwords.

What term describes a password cracker that tries a huge number of possible passwords?

What term describes the action of a password cracker who simply tries a huge number of permutations of possible passwords? Brute force.

Which type of malware replicates exclusively through networks?

A worm is a type of malware that, unlike common viruses , can self-replicate without the need to infect legitimate files, thus creating working copies of themselves. This capability enables worms to easily spread across computer networks and USB drives.

What are the 4 main types of malware?

The most common types of malware include viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, bots or botnets, adware, spyware, rootkits, fileless malware, and malvertising.

What type of malicious software replicates itself to other computers?


What are the types of malware?

The Most Common Types of Malware Attacks

  • 1) Adware. Adware serves unwanted or malicious advertising.
  • 2) Fileless Malware.
  • 3) Viruses.
  • 4) Worms.
  • 5) Trojans.
  • 6) Bots.
  • 7) Ransomware.
  • 8) Spyware.

Oct 21, 2021

Which of the following terms describes a network device that is exposed to attacks and has been hardened against those attacks 5.2 5?

Which of the following terms describes a network device that is exposed to attacks and has been hardened against those attacks? A bastion or sacrificial host is one that is unprotected by a firewall. The term bastion host is used to describe any device fortified against attack (such as a firewall).

What term is used to describe a method of IP address assignment that uses an alternate public IP address to hide a system’s private IP address?

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a method of IP address assignment that uses an alternate, public IP address to hide a systems real IP address.

Which of the following terms describes a computer or a software application that request services from a server on the internet?

A web browser is a client application that is run on a users computer that requests information from the web server that hosts all the files you are requesting.

What governs how networking equipment interacts to deliver data across a network is called a network protocol?

Screened subnet. Multilayered firewall. Screened subnet. A network protocol governs how networking equipment interacts to deliver data across the network.

What term describes unsolicited instant message?, Browser hijacking. Term describes unsolicited instant messages.

Furthermore, What term below is used to describe the process of gathering information for an attack by relying on the weaknesses of individuals?, Social engineering is a manipulation technique that exploits human error to gain private information, access, or valuables.

Finally,  Which of the following is the type of malware that appears to have a legitimate use but actually contains or does something malicious?, Trojans masquerade as legitimate programs, but they contain malicious instructions. They’ve been around forever, even longer than computer viruses, but have taken hold of current computers more than any other type of malware. A Trojan must be executed by its victim to do its work.

Frequently Asked Question:

Which type of mutating malware changes its internal code to one of a set number of predefined mutations whenever it is executed?

Oligomorphic malware – Changes its internal code to one of a set number of predefined mutations whenever executed.

What term describes a password cracker that tried a huge number of possible passwords?

Tools Aid Brute Force Attempts These use rapid-fire guessing that is built to create every possible password and attempt to use them. Brute force hacking software can find a single dictionary word password within one second.

What term describes a password cracker?

What term describes the action of a password cracker who simply tries a huge number of permutations of possible passwords? Brute force.

What type of malware collects information about the users browsing habits in order to display advertisements targeted to that user?

Spyware is a type of malware used to spy on user activity on a computer. Spyware will gather information on users’ habits such as browsed Web sites, accessed applications, and downloaded programs. This information is then sent to an attacker, so he or she knows what attacks can be perpetrated on a system.

What type of malware collects information about the users browsing habits?

Spyware is a type of program that is installed with or without your permission on your personal computers to collect information about users, their computer or browsing habits tracks each and everything that you do without your knowledge and send it to remote user.

What term below is used to describe a means of gathering information for an attack by relying on the weaknesses of individuals?

What term below is used to describe the process of gathering information for an attack by relying on the weaknesses of individuals? Virus.

Which term is used to describe individuals who want to attack computers?

script kiddie. Definition:An individual who wants to attack computers, but lacks the knowledge of computers and networks needed to do so.

What term is used to describe a loose network of attackers?

cybercriminals. a generic term used to describe individuals who launch attacks against other users and their computers; also describes a loose-knit network of attackers, identity thieves, and financial fraudsters.

What type of attack is being performed when multiple computers overwhelm a system with fake requests?

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.

Which refers to the type of malware that appears to have a legitimate use but actually contains or does something malicious?

Trojans masquerade as legitimate programs, but they contain malicious instructions. They’ve been around forever, even longer than computer viruses, but have taken hold of current computers more than any other type of malware. A Trojan must be executed by its victim to do its work.

What type of malware is typically added to a legitimate program?

A Trojan Horse Virus is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program. The delivery method typically sees an attacker use social engineering to hide malicious code within legitimate software to try and gain users’ system access with their software.

What type of malware is typically added to a legitimate program but lies dormant until it is triggered by a specific event quizlet?

A logic bomb is malware that lies dormant until triggered. A Trojan horse is a malicious program that is disguised as legitimate software.

What type of computer code is typically added to a legitimate program but lies dormant until a specific logical event triggers it?

It may also be inserted into other forms of malware such as viruses, worms or Trojan horses. A logic bomb is sneaky because its code lies dormant until the trigger occurs.

Which type of malware is a set of software tools used by an attacker to hide?

Trojan Horses Trojan horse programs are malware that is disguised as legitimate software. A Trojan horse program will hide on your computer until it’s called upon. When activated, Trojans can allow threat actors to spy on you, steal your sensitive data, and gain backdoor access to your system.

Which type of malware is a set of software tools?

Rootkit. A set of software tools designed to allow an attacker to gain unauthorised access – often elevated (e.g. administrator level) access – to a computer without being detected.

What type of malware is heavily Dependant on a user in order to spread?

D) virus is the answer.

What type of malware is typically added to a legitimate program but lies dormant until it is triggered by a specific event?

It may also be inserted into other forms of malware such as viruses, worms or Trojan horses. A logic bomb is sneaky because its code lies dormant until the trigger occurs.

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What term describes a password cracker?

What term describes the action of a password cracker who simply tries a huge number of permutations of possible passwords? Brute force.

What term describes unsolicited instant messages?

Browser hijacking. Term describes unsolicited instant messages.

What is the name for defining rules and practices for protecting and managing an organizations sensitive information?

An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization's sensitive data.

Which of the following correctly describes brute force password attacks?

Which of the following correctly describes brute-force password attacks? A brute-force attack uses every possible combination of letters, numbers, and special characters against an authentication effort— whether in succession or (more commonly) at random.

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