When helping a person with dressing and undressing which of the following things should the nurse assistant do *?

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Dressing with a Weak Arm

When a patient has a weak arm, or limited mobility in one shoulder, dressing the patient can be a challenge. Nurses will explain to the patient that button or snap front shirts will be easier to put on. Pull-over shirts require that you lift both your arms to push them through the armholes, one at a time. But front-closure shirts are easier to put on because they don’t require that BOTH arms extend upwards. Patients will be encouraged to purchase front-closing shirts to make dressing easier and more comfortable.

USA First

We will use the acronym “U.S.A. First” to remember how to dress a resident with a weak arm. U = Undress, S = Strong, A = Arm. So Undress Strong Arm First. If you undress the strong arm first, the soiled clothing will slide easily off the weaker arm, without a lot of motion required. Then, you can slide the new garment ONTO the weak arm, without making it move excessively. This is a much more comfortable way for patients with limited mobility on one side to get dressed than trying to put on a pull-over shirt.

Order Matters!

If you don’t undress the strong arm first, the patient will be forced to move their arm in a way that is difficult for them. It is important to understand which arm is weak before you begin the skill and undress the strong arm first, to minimize discomfort. This is a heavily graded checkpoint for the exam!


When helping patients with a weak arm, Undress Strong Arm first and Dress Weak Arm first to limit movement on the affected side.

Patricia Laramee, RN

Patricia Laramee is an RN and educator. She has authored the CNA Skills Made Easy program which includes books and videos, which are used by CNA programs throughout the country, and is currently working on several new textbooks and other projects. She has dedicated her career to providing high-quality educational resources that center on testing standards and best nursing practices. She lives in Florida with her husband and four-legged furry assistant.

On certain occasions, a patient who has had a stroke will need assistance in dressing themselves due to weakness on one side of the body or in certain limbs.  Assisting your patient with daily activities helps the patient to feel that they are in control of their situation.  Before you assist a patient with dressing, wash your hands carefully to avoid transmission of germs.  Ensure that a clean set of clothes is available and ready to wear.  Greet your patient, and explain that you want to help them get dressed or change clothes.  Then, follow these steps to assist your patient:

  1. Teach the patient that the safest way to get dressed is to undress the weak side of the body first.  While your patient will need your help at first, you can increase the patient’s independence and reduce the risk of falls later on by teaching the proper way to change clothes.
  2. Assist your patient in removing clothes as needed.  You will want to let the patient complete as much of the task as possible without your assistance.  Set the dirty clothes aside and move the clean clothes within easy reach of the patient.
  3. Throughout the process, you will need to monitor you patient to ensure they do not become fatigued or dizzy.  Be ready to help the patient sit or lie down if needed.
  4. Instruct the patient to dress the strong side of the body first.  For example, if the patient is stronger on the right side, have him or her place their right arm in the right sleeve first.  Again, allow the patient to complete as much of the task as possible without assistance.

When the task is complete, ensure dirty clothes are placed in the appropriate receptacle.  Wash your hands again.  Helping your patient learn self-care skills such as dressing will allow the patient to regain their independance and will speed recovery.

Expert Tip By Tanya Glover, CNA

Dressing a dependant patient can be a challenge, and each one is different. What works for one may not work for another. Our patients are all individuals and this is something that we sometimes forget. During this part of your skills test, it is important to remember not to pull, push or otherwise roughly manipulate your “patient”. For me it helped to talk to my “patient” during the process, letting them know each thing I was doing and allowing them time to help or respond to the care I was providing. In fact, talking to your “patient” during any of the skills you are tested on (aside from hand washing) is a good idea. It will help you feel less nervous and allow you to talk yourself through each step aloud.

The main thing, aside from patient safety, is to allow your patients to do as much dressing as they are able to do. A mistake we all make at one point or another is doing every little thing for them. This takes away from their independence. Even if your patient likes this type of care, encourage as much self care as possible. If you don’t let them do the things they can, their muscles will atrophy and then they really will be helpless. Even dependant patients can do a little something to help with their dressing activities. If they can lift their arm a few inches to get their shirt on, let them do it! If they can help slide their feet into their own shoes, allow it! Keep their bodies as active as possible and you will have preformed a job well done.

When helping a person with dressing and undressing which of the following things should the nurse assistant do?

1. When assisting with dressing and undressing, what rule should you follow? Put clothing on the strong (unaffected) side first.

When helping a person to dress Which item of clothing would you put on first?

Other tips for dressing: Lay out clothes in the order the person should put them on, such as underwear first, then pants, then a shirt, and then a sweater. Hand the person one thing at a time, or give step-by-step dressing instructions.

When undressing and dressing a resident with one sided weakness the NA should undress what side first?

Dressing a Patient with a One-Sided Weakness. Assisting patients with their daily activities help them to feel more confident and in control of their situation. Often stroke victims will need help with dressing. When helping a patient dress it is important to remove the clothing from the strong side of their body first ...

When placing a person in the supine position the nurse assistant would *?

The supine position is a position of the body: lying with the face up. In Nurse Aide Classes you will learn that the resident should be placed lying on their back, with their face up, arms to the side and legs slightly apart from one another.

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