Which of the following are the credentials are used to login to AWS programmatically?

You can use your AWS account or IAM user security credentials to send authenticated requests to Amazon S3. This section provides examples of how you can send authenticated requests using the AWS SDK for Java, AWS SDK for .NET, and AWS SDK for PHP. For a list of available AWS SDKs, go to Sample Code and Libraries.

Each of these AWS SDKs uses an SDK-specific credentials provider chain to find and use credentials and perform actions on behalf of the credentials owner. What all these credentials provider chains have in common is that they all look for your local AWS credentials file.

For more information, see the topics below:


  • To create a local AWS credentials file
  • Sending authenticated requests using the AWS SDKs
  • Related resources

To create a local AWS credentials file

The easiest way to configure credentials for your AWS SDKs is to use an AWS credentials file. If you use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), you may already have a local AWS credentials file configured. Otherwise, use the following procedure to set up a credentials file:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at //console.aws.amazon.com/iam/.

  2. Create a new user with permissions limited to the services and actions that you want your code to have access to. For more information about creating a new IAM user, see Creating IAM Users (Console), and follow the instructions through step 8.

  3. Choose Download .csv to save a local copy of your AWS credentials.

  4. On your computer, navigate to your home directory, and create an .aws directory. On Unix-based systems, such as Linux or OS X, this is in the following location:


    On Windows, this is in the following location:

  5. In the .aws directory, create a new file named credentials.

  6. Open the credentials .csv file that you downloaded from the IAM console, and copy its contents into the credentials file using the following format:

    [default] aws_access_key_id = your_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_access_key
  7. Save the credentials file, and delete the .csv file that you downloaded in step 3.

Your shared credentials file is now configured on your local computer, and it's ready to be used with the AWS SDKs.

Sending authenticated requests using the AWS SDKs

Use the AWS SDKs to send authenticated requests.

  • Developing with Amazon S3 using the AWS SDKs, and explorers

  • AWS SDK for PHP for Amazon S3 Aws\S3\S3Client Class

  • AWS SDK for PHP Documentation

You can use temporary security credentials to make programmatic requests for AWS resources using the AWS CLI or AWS API (using the AWS SDKs). The temporary credentials provide the same permissions as long-term security credentials, such as IAM user credentials. However, there are a few differences:

  • When you make a call using temporary security credentials, the call must include a session token, which is returned along with those temporary credentials. AWS uses the session token to validate the temporary security credentials.

  • Temporary credentials expire after a specified interval. After temporary credentials expire, any calls that you make with those credentials will fail, so you must generate a new set of temporary credentials. Temporary credentials cannot be extended or refreshed beyond the original specified interval.

  • When you use temporary credentials to make a request, your principal might include a set of tags. These tags come from session tags and tags that are attached to the role that you assume. For more information about session tags, see Passing session tags in AWS STS.

If you are using the AWS SDKs, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the Tools for Windows PowerShell , the way to get and use temporary security credentials differs with the context. If you are running code, AWS CLI, or Tools for Windows PowerShell commands inside an EC2 instance, you can take advantage of roles for Amazon EC2. Otherwise, you can call an AWS STS API to get the temporary credentials, and then use them explicitly to make calls to AWS services.

You can use AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to create and provide trusted users with temporary security credentials that can control access to your AWS resources. For more information about AWS STS, see Temporary security credentials in IAM. AWS STS is a global service that has a default endpoint at //sts.amazonaws.com. This endpoint is in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, although credentials that you get from this and other endpoints are valid globally. These credentials work with services and resources in any Region. You can also choose to make AWS STS API calls to endpoints in any of the supported Regions. This can reduce latency by making the requests from servers in a Region that is geographically closer to you. No matter which Region your credentials come from, they work globally. For more information, see Managing AWS STS in an AWS Region.


  • Using temporary credentials in Amazon EC2 instances
  • Using temporary security credentials with the AWS SDKs
  • Using temporary security credentials with the AWS CLI
  • Using temporary security credentials with API operations
  • More information

Using temporary credentials in Amazon EC2 instances

If you want to run AWS CLI commands or code inside an EC2 instance, the recommended way to get credentials is to use roles for Amazon EC2. You create an IAM role that specifies the permissions that you want to grant to applications that run on the EC2 instances. When you launch the instance, you associate the role with the instance.

Applications, AWS CLI, and Tools for Windows PowerShell commands that run on the instance can then get automatic temporary security credentials from the instance metadata. You do not have to explicitly get the temporary security credentials. The AWS SDKs, AWS CLI, and Tools for Windows PowerShell automatically get the credentials from the EC2 instance metadata service and use them. The temporary credentials have the permissions that you define for the role that is associated with the instance.

For more information and for examples, see the following:

  • Using IAM Roles to Grant Access to AWS Resources on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud — AWS SDK for Java

  • Granting Access Using an IAM Role — AWS SDK for .NET

  • Creating a Role — AWS SDK for Ruby

Using temporary security credentials with the AWS SDKs

To use temporary security credentials in code, you programmatically call an AWS STS API like AssumeRole and extract the resulting credentials and session token. You then use those values as credentials for subsequent calls to AWS. The following example shows pseudocode for how to use temporary security credentials if you're using an AWS SDK:

assumeRoleResult = AssumeRole(role-arn); tempCredentials = new SessionAWSCredentials( assumeRoleResult.AccessKeyId, assumeRoleResult.SecretAccessKey, assumeRoleResult.SessionToken); s3Request = CreateAmazonS3Client(tempCredentials);

For an example written in Python (using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto)), see Switching to an IAM role (AWS API). This example shows how to call AssumeRole to get temporary security credentials and then use those credentials to make a call to Amazon S3.

For details about how to call AssumeRole, GetFederationToken, and other API operations, see the AWS Security Token Service API Reference. For information on getting the temporary security credentials and session token from the result, see the documentation for the SDK that you're working with. You can find the documentation for all the AWS SDKs on the main AWS documentation page, in the SDKs and Toolkits section.

You must make sure that you get a new set of credentials before the old ones expire. In some SDKs, you can use a provider that manages the process of refreshing credentials for you; check the documentation for the SDK you're using.

Using temporary security credentials with the AWS CLI

You can use temporary security credentials with the AWS CLI. This can be useful for testing policies.

Using the AWS CLI, you can call an AWS STS API like AssumeRole or GetFederationToken and then capture the resulting output. The following example shows a call to AssumeRole that sends the output to a file. In the example, the profile parameter is assumed to be a profile in the AWS CLI configuration file. It is also assumed to reference credentials for an IAM user who has permissions to assume the role.

aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/role-name --role-session-name "RoleSession1" --profile IAM-user-name > assume-role-output.txt

When the command is finished, you can extract the access key ID, secret access key, and session token from wherever you've routed it. You can do this either manually or by using a script. You can then assign these values to environment variables.

When you run AWS CLI commands, the AWS CLI looks for credentials in a specific order—first in environment variables and then in the configuration file. Therefore, after you've put the temporary credentials into environment variables, the AWS CLI uses those credentials by default. (If you specify a profile parameter in the command, the AWS CLI skips the environment variables. Instead, the AWS CLI looks in the configuration file, which lets you override the credentials in the environment variables if you need to.)

The following example shows how you might set the environment variables for temporary security credentials and then call an AWS CLI command. Because no profile parameter is included in the AWS CLI command, the AWS CLI looks for credentials first in environment variables and therefore uses the temporary credentials.


$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ASIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY $ export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=AQoDYXdzEJr...<remainder of session token> $ aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-west-1


C:\> SET AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ASIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE C:\> SET AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY C:\> SET AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=AQoDYXdzEJr...<remainder of token> C:\> aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-west-1

Using temporary security credentials with API operations

If you're making direct HTTPS API requests to AWS, you can sign those requests with the temporary security credentials that you get from the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS). To do this, you use the access key ID and secret access key that you receive from AWS STS. You use the access key ID and secret access key the same way you would use long-term credentials to sign a request. You also add to your API request the session token that you receive from AWS STS. You add the session token to an HTTP header or to a query string parameter named X-Amz-Security-Token. You add the session token to the HTTP header or the query string parameter, but not both. For more information about signing HTTPS API requests, see Signing AWS API Requests in the AWS General Reference.

More information

For more information about using AWS STS with other AWS services, see the following links:

  • Amazon S3. See Making Requests Using IAM User Temporary Credentials or Making Requests Using Federated User Temporary Credentials in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide .

  • Amazon SNS. See Using Temporary Security Credentials in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.

  • Amazon SQS. See Using Temporary Security Credentials in the Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide.

  • Amazon SimpleDB. See Using Temporary Security Credentials in the Amazon SimpleDB Developer Guide.

Which credentials allows programmatic access to AWS resources for use from the AWS CLI or the AWS API?

You can use temporary security credentials to make programmatic requests for AWS resources using the AWS CLI or AWS API (using the AWS SDKs ). The temporary credentials provide the same permissions as long-term security credentials, such as IAM user credentials.

How do I get my AWS credentials programmatically?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at //console.aws.amazon.com/iam/ . In the navigation pane, choose Users. Choose the name of the user whose access keys you want to create, and then choose the Security credentials tab. In the Access keys section, choose Create access key.

Which of the following is used for programmatic access to AWS resources?

However, if the resources that need programmatic access are running inside AWS, the best practice is to use IAM roles instead. An IAM role is a defined set of permissions—it's not associated with a specific user or group.

Which types of credentials can IAM user have to access AWS?

You can access AWS in different ways depending on the user credentials:.
Console password: A password that the user can type to sign in to interactive sessions such as the AWS Management Console. ... .
Access keys: A combination of an access key ID and a secret access key..

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