Which of the following factors is associated with earlier onset of natural menopause Quizlet

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Terms in this set (63)

Which of the following birth control methods typically has a low failure rate during "typical use"?

IUD and tubal sterilization

Cervical cap and sponge

Diaphragm and withdrawal

Spermicide and birth control pills

IUD and tubal sterilization

In 2008, how many unsafe abortions were estimated to take place, mostly in the developing world?


1 million

10 million

20 million

20 million

What are the two most popular forms of birth control in the United States?

The birth control pill and male condoms

Female sterilization and the birth control pill

Male condoms and male sterilization

Male condoms and the diaphragm

female sterilization and birth control pill

Question 4

Which of the following is true about the typical abortion seeker?

Women living in poverty continue to be more likely than wealthy women to have abortions.

More than half of women who seek abortions are in their 20s.

Six in ten women who have abortions already have one child.

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

About what percentage of pregnancies in the United States are unintended?






Question 6

In the United States, what is the most widely used abortion method?

Menstrual extraction

Dilation and curettage

Dilation and evacuation

Vacuum curettage

vacuum curettage

Which of the following statements defines an induced abortion, as opposed to a spontaneous abortion?

Loss of pregnancy due to natural complications of fetal development


Decision to terminate a pregnancy with a medical procedure

All of these are correct.

decision to terminate a pregnancy with a medical procedure

What does the term medical abortion describe?

Abortion performed with pills

Surgical abortion performed under anesthesia

Manual vacuum aspiration

Dilatation and curettage

abortion performed with pills

According to Roe v. Wade, each state:

must fund abortion services for poor women.

must provide abortion information and referrals.

cannot outlaw first trimester abortions.

All of these are correct.

cannot outlaw first trimester abortions

What year did the U.S. Supreme Court strike down a state law criminalizing birth control pills?






What are some of the possible side effects of taking birth control pills?

More regular menstrual periods

A reduced sex drive

Clearing of acne

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

Which types of birth control prevent sperm from fertilizing an ovum after they have entered the reproductive tract?

Condoms and withdrawal

Oral contraceptives and female sterilization

Intrauterine devices

Diaphragm and spermicides

diaphragm and spermicides

True or False? Family planning has allowed women to advance in society, while also resulting in healthier infants, women, and children.




Which of the following STIs has become more difficult to treat because of the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains?






Which of the following statements is true?

STIs are a major cause of infertility in women.

Regions where homosexuality is openly discouraged tend to have lower rates of STIs.

Syphilis and hepatitis B are the most common STIs in the United States.

All of these are correct.

syphilis and hep b are the most common sti's in the us

Which of the following is a curable STI that, if untreated, can spread to the whole body and cause serious injury or death?






Which of the following STIs can be spread from mother to child at birth or during pregnancy?



Hepatitis B

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

Since 1999, the number of new HIV cases around the world has:

fallen by about 50%.

fallen by about 20%.


risen by about 30%.

fallen by about 20%

Which of the following is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cervical cancer?


Human papillomavirus



human papillomavirus

Which of the following will reliably detect a recent STI infection?

A routine gynecological examination

A Pap smear

A thorough self-examination

None of these are correct.

pap smear

Which of the following statements is true?

Having one STI increases a person's risk for acquiring another one.

Sexually transmitted infections were largely unknown until roughly 200 years ago.

Doctors are required to report all cases of sexually transmitted infections to the federal government.

All of these are correct.

doctors are required to report all cases of sexually transmitted infections to the federal government

STIs are most prevalent among women aged:

15 to 24.

20 to 29.

25 to 34.

30 to 39.


Assuming an equal number of risks, women are more likely than men to receive HIV from:

homosexual contact.

heterosexual contact.

sharing needles to inject drugs.

All of these are correct.

heterosexual contact

Which of the following STIs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?






Hundreds of years ago, many physicians knew that nuns were less likely than other groups of women to get genital warts. Which STI causes these symptoms?







Name three tools that can help find and prevent cervical cancer, along with one advantage and disadvantage of each.

vaccines like the gardasil- it provides protection against most common strains of HPV but does not provide protection against the high risk types of HPV. pap smears- can provide the first indications of a high risk HPV infection but can also provide false positive results. having medical education in the public could reduce cervical cancer but you would have to overcome the fears surrounding vaccines

Most women enter and complete menopause between age:

35 and 45.

45 and 55.

55 and 65.

65 and 75.


Gina has been diagnosed with uterine cancer. Her surgeon will perform which of the following to remove only Gina's cervix and uterus?

Partial hysterectomy

Radical hysterectomy

Total hysterectomy

None of these are correct.

total hysterectomy

Which of the following statements is true?

A woman's body no longer produces estrogen during menopause.

Pregnancy can still occur after menopause is complete.

It takes about 15 years for most women to complete menopause.

A woman has completed menopause when her monthly periods cease.

pregnancy can still occur after menopause is complete

Strategies to reduce the health risks associated with hormone replacement include which of the following?

Using a form of hormone therapy with local rather than systematic effects

Starting hormone therapy at a younger age

Taking the lowest effective dose

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

What is the most common symptom of menopause?


Hot flashes

Decreased sex drive

Aching joints

hot flashes

Perimenopause is:

a milder form of menopause.

the life stage just before menopause.

an inflammation of the ovaries that can occur during menopause.

the life stage immediately after menopause.

the life stage just before menopause

Which of the following statements is true?

By 2020, more than half the population will be age 65 or older.

The proportion of the U.S. population over the age of 65 has dramatically increased over the past 100 years.

Scientists and doctors are confident that by 2020, preventative treatments will prevent menopause.

All of these are correct.

the proportion of the us population over the age of 65 has dramatically increased over the past 100 years

Which of the following factors is associated with earlier onset of natural menopause?

Being overweight

Having more than one child

Smoking cigarettes

All of these are correct.

smoking cigarettes

For most women, the use of hormone therapy should:

be used consistently in the postmenopause years or not at all.

be left up to a healthcare provider's decision.

depend on a woman's symptoms, medical history, and personal preferences.

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

Menopause occurring at age 58 would be considered:

much earlier than average.

slightly earlier than average.

slightly later than average.

much later than average.

slightly later than average

Which of the following statements concerning the history of childbirth is true?

In the United States and Europe, physicians began attending routine births for women at the start of the 20th century.

Giving physicians control over childbirth took power away from women while providing no significant benefits in safety for mothers or their babies.

As birthing became more medical and less routine in the early to mid-20th century, women and mothers were often shut out from learning about the experience.

As birthing became more medical and less routine in the early to mid-20th century, women and mothers were often shut out from learning about the experience.

Amniotic fluid:

transfers nutrients from the mother's bloodstream to the embryo.

produces estrogen and progesterone to maintain the pregnancy.

protects the embryo/fetus from bumps.

stimulates milk production in a pregnant woman's breasts.

protects the embryo/ fetus from bumps

Prenatal HIV transmission can occur:

during pregnancy.

during labor and delivery.

via breastfeeding.

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

How many chromosomes does a zygote have?

26 (13 from the mother, 13 from the father)

26 (all from the mother)

46 (23 from the mother, 23 from the father)

46 (all from the mother)

46 (23 from the mother, 23 from the father)

If a couple has repeated difficulties conceiving a child, what is most likely to be the cause?

A couple having incompatible chromosomes

Fertility problems in the male partner

Fertility problems in the female partner

Fertility problems that are equally likely to be present in either partner

Fertility problems that are equally likely to be present in either partner.

What is the most common prenatal infection?






Which of the following conditions is an early sign or symptom of pregnancy?

A need to urinate frequently

Slightly reduced body temperature


Excessive hunger

A need to urinate frequently

Which of the following statements is true about genetic disorders?

Genetic disorders are caused by a variation or mutation of a gene.

Genetic disorders can be prevented with diet and exercise.

Genetic disorders are caused by excessive genes.

Genetic disorders can be prevented with immunizations.

Genetic disorders are caused by a variation or mutation of a gene.

Which of the following statements is true?

Most women will experience postpartum depression for several months after giving birth.

Cytomegalovirus causes mild flulike symptoms in both adults and newborns.

Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are often underweight.

The only real cure for preeclampsia is delivery.

The only real cure for preeclampsia is delivery.

Women who breastfeed should:

double their pre-pregnant caloric intake.

consume a healthy diet and increase their consumption of calcium.

engage in daily high-impact aerobics.

All of these are correct.

consume a healthy diet and increase their consumption of calcium.

A fetus that received the sex chromosomes XXY would develop into:

a baby boy at risk for learning disabilities.

a baby girl at risk for learning disabilities.

a baby girl who would later develop masculine sex characteristics.

a developmentally normal baby boy.

a baby boy at risk for learning disabilities.

Conception usually occurs in the:

lower cervix.

follicular tissue of the ovary.

upper third of the fallopian tube.

endometrium of the uterus.

upper third of the fallopian tube.

What are Braxton-Hicks contractions?

Regular, rhythmic contractions that signal that labor is about to begin

False labor or contractions that occur during pregnancy

Especially forceful contractions that begin in the final stages of delivery

None of these are correct.

False labor or contractions that occur during pregnancy

At the end of the fourth month, a typical fetus is about:

1 inch long and weighs about an ounce.

5 to 6 inches long and weighs about 2 to 5 ounces.

10 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.

14 to 15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds.

5 to 6 inches long and weighs about 2 to 5 ounces.

By the end of the second stage of labor, the:

cervix is fully dilated and the fetus is entering the vagina.

placenta is expelled.

baby is born.

cervix is 50% effaced.

cervix is fully dilated and the fetus is entering the vagina.

An individual's subjective sense of being a male or female is his or her:

sexual behavioral pattern.

sexual orientation.

gender identity.

gender role.

gender identity

Kinsey's research found which of the following?

Women in the United States have seven unique pressures that influence their self-assessed gender roles.

Identification with either masculine or feminine roles results from social and cultural models and influences to which the individual is exposed from birth.

There exists a seven-point continuum that ranges from exclusive contact with and attraction to the other sex to varying degrees of "heterosexual" and "homosexual" orientation.

The sexual response cycle consists of four distinct phases.

There exists a seven-point continuum that ranges from exclusive contact with and attraction to the other sex to varying degrees of "heterosexual" and "homosexual" orientation.

what did sodomy laws attempt to ban?

Certain sexual activities

Sex between partners of different ethnicities

Couples living together before marriage

All of these are correct.

certain sexual activities

Sexual health includes which of the following facets of human interactions?



Social and cultural

All of these are correct.

All of these are correct

Which of the following is a consistent theme that provides sanctioned sexual privileges across cultures?

Premarital sex


Extramarital sex



A person who is born with sex chromosomes, external genitalia, or internal reproductive organs that are not considered biologically "standard" as male or female is referred to as:






Misconceptions, stigma, and discrimination in health care toward people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender can result in:

missed disease.

insensitive care from healthcare providers.

unfair treatment.

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

Marriage between same-sex couples was first legalized in which state?




New York


Which of the following descriptive terms is a sexual stereotype of women?




All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

Which of the following statements regarding comprehensive sex education programs has been found to be true?

Teaching about contraception is not associated with increased risk of adolescent sexual activity.

Adolescents who received comprehensive sex education had a lower risk of pregnancy than those who received abstinence-only education or no sex education.

Many parents support comprehensive sex education programs in public schools.

All of these are correct.

all of these are correct

True or False? On average, a woman can expect to live 10 to 15 years after menopause.




True or False? During childbirth, the cervical canal stretches to 50 or more times its normal width.




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What causes menopause?

Menopause is when your periods stop due to lower hormone levels. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. It can sometimes happen earlier naturally. Or for reasons such as surgery to remove the ovaries (oophorectomy) or the uterus (hysterectomy), cancer treatments like chemotherapy, or a genetic reason.

Is there a correlation between the onset of menarche and the onset of menopause?

It remains uncertain whether age at menarche is associated with age at menopause. Some studies report that women with early menarche also have early menopause. Other studies report that women with early menarche have late menopause, or they report no association.

Does menopause decrease estrogen?

During this transition time before menopause, the supply of mature eggs in a woman's ovaries diminishes and ovulation becomes irregular. At the same time, the production of estrogen and progesterone decreases. It is the big drop in estrogen levels that causes most of the symptoms of menopause.

What symptoms would you expect a menopausal woman to experience?

Some women experience mood changes such as mild depression, anxiety and irritability with menopause . These symptoms are often related to physical changes such as hot flushes, night sweats and poor sleeping.

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