Why Future Trunks is the best?

Future Trunks’ power level rose to new heights in Dragon Ball Super. The adult version of Vegeta and Bulma’s son has thus far defined two of Dragon Ball’s biggest arcs. Years after setting in motion the battle with Perfect Cell and the androids, Trunks recruited Goku and Vegeta for the fight with Goku Black and Zamasu in Dragon Ball Super.

Despite living in a different time period, Future Trunks has certainly received his fair share of the action in the anime. The character made a huge first impression when he effortlessly disposed of Frieza, who was then considered Dragon Ball Z’s most powerful villain. Since then, his team-ups with the Z-Warriors have seen him take part in dramatic showdowns with Cell, Goku Black, Zamasu, and Fused Zamasu. Not unlike Goku and Vegeta, Trunks has benefited greatly from the grueling battles he’s experienced over the years.

How his fights in the anime have played out shed light on how powerful he is and where he fits on Dragon Ball’s power scale. In his first appearance, he was second only to Goku, but those days have long since passed. When he returned to his own time, he was behind Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan. His return in Dragon Ball Super confirmed that though he did grow stronger in his absence, he wasn’t able to keep in pace with the top two Z-Warriors. His shock at seeing Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 form and inability to contend with it showed that he had yet to progress to Goku’s level in the Buu Saga. That changed tremendously during his Dragon Ball Super arc, which ultimately put him just below the power levels of Goku and Vegeta’s Super Saiyan Blue forms.

Though Trunks was worlds away from the two for most of the story, gaining the Super Saiyan Rage transformation narrowed the gap significantly. How close he came was proven by his ability to destroy Fused Zamasu’s body, which was a feat that even Vegito couldn’t accomplish. As a result, Trunks became the third strongest hero. However, it’s unclear if he still holds this title. After his departure, both Gohan and Android 17 succeeded in challenging Super Saiyan Blue Goku. In light of those developments, each of these characters could be a match for Super Saiyan Rage Trunks.

While it’s hard to say definitively if Trunks could beat Gohan or 17, the situation with all the other Z-Warriors in the Dragon Ball anime is much less ambiguous. Piccolo, Majin Buu, and all of the show’s human heroes fall short of Future Trunks’ power level in Dragon Ball Super. With his strength, he’d easily be one of Goku’s strongest allies if the anime ever finds a way to bring him back into the picture. As long as he can still access the Super Saiyan Rage state, there are few characters in Dragon Ball’s world capable of posing a threat to him.

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Well, looks like the Future Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super is drawing to a close. Now let me just say, things got crazy and I enjoyed it all. Of course, I feel that there is a lot that I can talk about in this sag,a and I will be giving my word on much of them.

Lets begin!

Now when it came to Dragon Ball Super, I wasn't too fond of the idea of the Dragon Ball series continuing, and I didn't really have much interest in the first three sagas mostly because you can just watch the movie counterparts of the first two sagas, and that the animation in some parts have declined in quality. For that I'm willing to put that on that fact that the animators in the studio have been worked worked to death.

Still, even at the beginning of the Future Trunks Saga, I didn't immediately get into it because I'm not as much of a Dragon Ball fan as I used when back when. However, as I watched small clips of the fights and the interaction with the characters from time to time, I slowly became sucked into the Future Trunks Saga, so I decided to check it out. I started at the beginning of the saga and formed my share of praises and criticisms.

The Story

Now I know that Dragon Ball isn't the first thing people think of when it comes to story. It's always "You watch DB the story? You nerd!" or "Since when has story ever mattered in a series about people fighting each other?". However, I've always enjoyed stories that center around bleak and seemingly hopeless situations, and the Future Trunks Saga is that kind of story. Given that Future Trunks comes from a timeline where the main heroes are dead, the Dragon Balls and Super Dragon Balls are gone, and the gods are dead thanks to Zamasu, there is a lot more to lose and there are no second chances. Despite all of that, Future Trunks still gathers the resolve to fight not only for himself, but for the people he cares about and the for world he lives in.

When it was at first revealed that Goku Black was responsible for the chaos, I thought for sure that series creator, Akira Toriyama, was officially off his rocker. However, as I continued to watch, I learned that the situation surrounding Black was more complex, and that that Toriyama can be a more competent writer than what I give him credit for. Continuing, I became more intrigued with the story when it was implied that Zamasu's attack was the result of Future Trunks altering the timeline during the Cell Saga. It was good that Toriyama actually connected the events of the past series into the current one instead of simply forgetting it ever happened.

Now, my main gripes with the story is with all the back tacking. This is mostly due to the fact that the characters had keep going back and forth from the future to the past, as well as going back and forth on the investigation of Zamasu's actions. They story would've been better off if they had simply stayed in the past for the first half of the saga, and then battled it out with Zamasu and Black in the future for the second half. Still,I was glad that they were able add the important information that came in those moments.

The Themes

Now I like to think that there are several themes in the Future Trunks Saga that revolve around Trunks and Zamasu. One that I see is the comparisons and contrasts between mortals and gods.

In this case, Future Trunks represents the mortal side of the theme. He has made so many mistakes on using his time machine to change the course of history, arguably making him the cause for his own horrible future with Goku Black. However, Future Trunks also recognizes his mistakes and tries to fix them. Regardless of what happens, he fights on. Even better, Future Trunks fought wit his own power. Yes, he didn't have Super Saiyan Blue like Goku and Vegeta, or the ability to fuse like Zamasu and Goku Black, but he always fought with his own spirit, inspiring Bulma, Mai, Goku, Vegeta, the resistance, and even his younger self to either fight by his side or encourage him to win. Future Trunks represents that although mortals are flawed and can be the cause of their own faults, they work together through troubled times and give each other hope and strength.

On the god side, you have Zamasu. Zamasu sees himself as everything a god should be; all powerful, all knowing, and able to pass down judgement on those who sin and defy them. In contrast to Future Trunks representing the good in mortals, Zamasu represents gods that see mortals as worthless beings. Zamasu sees mortals as nothing more than tiny brittle creatures who use the gifts the gods gave them for their own selfish gain. Also, Zamasu believes himself to be an all powerful who doesn't make mistakes and believes other gods to be fools for allowing mortal to live. As Future Trunks inspires and has faith in others, Zamasu has faith in only himself, faith twisted to the point where he works with nobody except his alternate time twin.

Trunks is a mortal who makes mistakes yet gains power from those who believe in him, and Zamasu is a god who believes that he corrects mistakes and eventually has his own faith for himself turn him into a monster who can barley keep a stable body. This is also shown in their sword fight during the final battle. Both Future Trunks and Zamasu use swords, however, Future Trunks use his ki to form around his broken sword into a more powerful one and fight Zamasu's own ki blade. This symbolizes Future Trunks fixing what has been broken and turning it into something that be made for the betterment of others, just as he was trying to fix the past and create a future for all people.

My Likes

That final fight with Future Trunks and Zamasu was definitely something I replayed over and over, especially near the end when Future Trunks gathered the sphere of light energy of the mortals of the world. And for the record people, it's not a Spirit Bomb. I've seen many people on YouTube call it that (seriously how would he even learn how to use the Spirit Bomb if it was Kai King who invented the technique and was probably killed in the alternate future thanks to Zamasu?). Many people call also call that moment a Deus ex Machina, but I don't see it as that. When you think about it, the whole "never give up" and "power of team work" thing has always been a thing in the Dragon Ball series. At least this time when can see that power in a tangible form that isn't a Spirit Bomb or Kamehameha. Plus, it works well for the battle, Future Trunks was able to prove Zamasu wrong about mortals being weak and worthless. In that moment, mortals where able to join together and encourage Trunks, empowering him and his sword with the strength to rival any god, not Super Saiyan Blue, but the power of the mortal spirit.

I also liked the interaction between characters, especially Pilaf's gang and Trunks interacting with his younger self. It's really good to see Dragon Ball Super go back to the original Dragon Ball form of where the characters are able to sit down, relax, and have a few laughs together before spit hits the fan.

Now the fight scenes were icing on the cake for me. Fast paced and hard hitting, the Dragon Ball style we all know in love.

My Dislikes

Now I'm not the fist to admit that the time limit to the Vegito Portara fusion was a bit of a kick to the groin. I felt that the whole irreversible fusion thing for Vegito is what made him unique from other fusions. So it kinda blew when the limit thing was offical, but is was nice to see Vegito tear into Zamasu for a while.

Now this is more of a nitpick. The back tracking was past to present in the saga was a bit of a crude way to prolong the story. I felt that the saga would've been better without it.

The meeting with Goku and Zen-Oh wasn't really necessary in my opinion. I just saw it as fodder to keep the plot from hitting the end too quickly.

Overall Judgement

In my overall opinion, I feel that Future Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super is the best saga so far. There were high stakes, a lot pride was on the line, and there was a clash in ideals that ground shaking from beginning to end. Yes there are moments where the saga lacks in terms of writing, but I feel that there are times where it really shines.

I give it a 7/10, but definitely holds a place as one of my favorites sagas the Dragon Ball series.

I'm sure many people here have different opinions on what is said here, but that's okay. Not everyone liked the saga or DBS in general, and I can understand why. But don't let that stop you from picking out and talking about your favor moments.

Til' next time! Stay Super Saiyan golden... or blue... or rose! ~RnR

Why Future Trunks is the best character?

He is a true hero who will go to any lengths to save his world and what remains of his people and this determination and willingness to die for the greater good makes him both cool and relatable. So overall I think that Future Trunks is a unique character.

What is the strongest form of Future Trunks?

Truly pushed beyond the breaking point and bristling with anger like never before, Trunks finally transforms into Super Saiyan Rage. The power of this form allows Future Trunks to hold his own against Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black and Future Zamasu at the same time.

Why is Future Trunks so different from Kid Trunks?

A major catalyst for Future Trunks in this timeline is the death of his mentor and only friend, Future Gohan. Future Gohan's death pushes Future Trunks to become more of a lone wolf, whereas Kid Trunks has plenty of support when it comes to training, like from Vegeta who readily assists him.

Why is Future Trunks so strong?

Trunks is a hybrid like Gohan. So, at least on paper, he has the exact same level of potential Gohan has. And, unlike Gohan, he never stopped training. He kept up his training which is why, when the Buu saga happened, he was strong enough to defeat Debura and prevent Buu from being brought back.

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