1980 là gì - Nghĩa của từ 1980

1980 có nghĩa là

Possibly the best time period there ever was to live in.


I get nostalgic for the 1980's

1980 có nghĩa là

A decade ranging from January 1 1980 to December 31 1989.


2.Star Wars
3.Hair Metal
4.Guns n Roses

I was born in the 1980's

1980 có nghĩa là

A sad year for Rock N' Roll. Three of the greatest Rock Stars of all time died in one year, forcing one legendary band to quit.


1. John Bonham-One of the greatest drummers of all time dies after the rock n' roll lifestyle catches up to him. Led Zeppelin, of course, couldn't continue making music after this, so they became legends that fateful night in 1980.

2. Bon Scott-Drank so much that he ended up choking on his own vomit later on. Somehow, AC/DC rebounded from this with their best album.

3. John Lennon-One of the founders of rock n' roll, his lyrics have been heard throughout the world as a message of peace. He will always be remembered, especially since every Beatles song is a hit.

1980 có nghĩa là

The 1980s is the most overrated decade of all time. Here's why: 1. The music consisted of those annoying keyboard sounds with that electric synth Pop sound. The beats were all techno with no bass sound to them. The best artist of the decade would most definitely be Michael Jackson because he was ahead of his time. 2. According to facts, the sitcom genre was pretty much pronounced dead until The Cosby Show premiered. The Cosby Show was the best sitcom in the 80s because the other shows were basically American shows that would cast only one African American cast member. 3. The fashion was a DISASTER. Nobody matched. Even people who grew up in the 80s are embarassed by the things they did at the time and the things they wore. 4. The movies were extremely cheesy, with the exception of The Color Purple. 5. The 80s started the whole AIDS epidemic, and that caused a fear in people. 6. Drugs were used heavily in the 80s. People just acted as if they didn't give a crap, kind of like they do in this millenium. 7. Although rap was new in the 80s, it was mostly corny, with the exception a few rappers. To sum up everything, basically the 80s was defined by Michael Jackson, The Cosby Show, and the whole drug revolution. The 80s were better than the 2000s, but they surely weren't better than the 1990s.


"The 1980s are left best forgotten!"

1980 có nghĩa là

A decade that began on January 1, 1981 and ended on December 31, 1990 by the technical definition of a decade (counting 1-10 instead of counting 0-9, same as 2001 began the millennium). However, the politics, music, fashion, and general culture that defined the 1980s stretched beyond the technical definition. Many see the entire first half of the 1990s as simply a continuation of the 1980s, and the last few years of the 1970s as a precursor to the 1980s. The reason this occured was because the 1970s and 1990s for the most part did not contain as many decade-specific defining cultural traits and were simply interim decades between two major decades (ie: the 1960s, the 1980s, the 2000s). Broadest definitions of the 1980s can typically range from 1976, the year Jimmy Carter was elected, to 1994, the year that the internet became easily accessible to the public.


1. I know the movie "China Moon" was released in 1994, but look at the way everyone's dressed, the music, the type of film used. Anyone who says that it's not a 1980's movie is an elitist. 2. You're telling me that Gary Numan's "Cars" isn't a 1980's song because it was released in 1979? Fuck you.

1980 có nghĩa là

The decade of cocaine, roller blading, weird fashion, the best sex, simpler times and the finest females. America was the number one place to be in the world. Also a time when New York and New Jersey (East Coast) were the hottest places, and took back America as the best place to be; from the previous West Coast and the South. Also the era when Japanese cars took over the American market in popularity. Like Mazda, Honda and Toyota. And of course, some of the craziest music produced by human beings, ever.


Sometimes you wish society was just like the weird ol' 1980s. To a European, if you were ADIDAS, you're an Eastern European. To an American, if you were ADIDAS you're representin' the retro 1980s.

1980 có nghĩa là



"Madonna is the definition of the 1980's.

1980 có nghĩa là

Worst year in history On that year Danijel was born


This is the worst year ever its like the 1980 again im going to shoot my balls

1980 có nghĩa là

The two years that must have been pretty exciting to have lived through in recent memory. We had high crime rates, highest murder rates ever, music genre battles. Jimmy Carter being replaced by Ronald Reagan. Lots of good albums released from loads of music genres. All in all, both seemed to be pretty baffling; with tons of confusion and division.


2020, 2021 is beginning to look similar to 1979, 1980.

1980 có nghĩa là

A hipster from the 1980s decade (and yes, they actually existed).


Some wrong generation kids today complain about hipsters without realizing that 1980s hipsters existed. In fact, hipsters have been around since the 1940s.

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