Asias next top model 5 contestants poiler năm 2024

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Jennica Sanchez, Anjelica Santillan, and Maureen Wroblewitz from the Philippines are trying to make it to the top!

MANILA, Philippines – There are 3 Filipinas trying to make it to the top on Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 5!

Jennica Sanchez, Anjelica Santillan, and Maureen Wroblewitz are the Philippines’ bets in the reality TV competition this year.

They’ll be up against 11 other ladies from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

Judging this season is the Philippines’ Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach, along with the show’s host Cindy Bishop, celebrity and fashion photographer Yu Tsai, and model Cara G McIlroy.

Here’s a look at the 3 ladies from the Philippines who are competing this season, plus some facts about them from the Asia’s Next Top Model website!

Anjelica Santillan

Anjelica Santillan is 22 years old and hopes to launch her modeling career in order to help support her mom and brother. If modeling doesn’t work out, she’ll be an international flight attendant or will study law.

Jennica Sanchez

Outgoing Jennica, 20, already has quite a following on Instagram, where she has more than 79,000 followers. Jennica also dreams of being an actress or a performer.

Maureen Wroblewitz

Eighteen-year-old Maureen was discovered on Instagram when she was 15. She decided to finish her studies and move from Germany to the Philippines to pursue a modeling career.

Previous models from the Philippines who have gotten close to winning the competition include Monika Sta Maria, Julian Flores, Jodilly Pendre, Katarina Rodriguez, and Stephanie Retuya.

Asia’s Next Top Model airs on April 5. Who are you rooting for this season? Sound off in the comments! –

Most everyone I know (at least those who follow the program on Star World) is nagging me if Maureen Wroblewitz of the Philippines has finally won the country’s first-ever top place finish in Season 5 of Asia’s Next Top Model.

Truly, I cannot give a definitive answer to the question for two (2) good reasons:

courtesy of AsNTM

  1. I did receive sound-offs from at least two sources that the Philippines won (as Season 5 has completed filming many weeks back) but without valid photo proof and only unbridled persistence that she indeed finished as

    1, I can only take the claims as possible hype to raise the unified interest of Philippine viewers to watch the remaining episodes and jack up the ratings.

  1. If I indeed hold factual information that Maureen surpassed the efforts of all previous Filipinas who came soooo close to victory, then I wouldn’t want to spoil the excitement in deference to the request of the producers to withold any major spoiler. Even if I was not personally hooked up by their media people for Season 5, I still respect the efforts of the show to build up a proper momentum for the finale.

Cycle 5 also known as Asia's Next Top Model 5: Expect the Unexpected is the fifth season of Asia's Next Top Model.

The season aired on April 5, 2017. Filming for season five took place in Singapore and Malaysia.



The season featured 14 contestants: three from Indonesia and the Philippines, two from Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, and one each from Taiwan and Vietnam. China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal and South Korea were unrepresented. Taiwan marked its comeback after its absences from the two previous seasons.


The prize package for this season included a Subaru Impreza, a cover and fashion spread in Nylon Singapore, and a modeling contract with Storm Model Management in London.

Hosts & Judges[]

Cindy Bishop and Yu Tsai returned as judges for panel this season, while Kelly Tandiono departed from the show, and was replaced by Cara G. McIlroy. Pia Wurtzbach also appeared as a recurring judge.

Asia’s Next Top Model returns again for its fifth cycle. I did an overall cycle recap for Cycle 3 on my other blog, but comes Cycle 4, I lost interest. Cycle 4 was quite lackluster despite featuring probably the most pleasant group of contestants on any reality shows on earth - ever. But, in the end of the day, it is the photoshoot that matters and for the previous cycle, it was just, enh.

Anyhow, having watched the first episode of this cycle, I have hopes, darling. With the tagline “Expect the unexpected,” this cycle promises more surprises and tougher challenges for the contestants. Speaking of whom, let’s assess them one by one.

Line up, bitches.

R Nametha (Nametha) from Singapore

Prediction: Will probably be eliminated in the second or third week.

She’s a professional model, apparently. But I suspect she’s one of those people who gets to be model because they’re super tall and super thin. Not getting “top model” from her.

Anjelica Santillan (Anjelica) from the Philippines

Prediction: Probably won’t make it to, say, the Top 8?

(Spoiler alert) Anjelica has already been eliminated in the first episode. She’s not giving me any “top model” vibe, but I thought she’d last longer.

Jennica Sanchez (Jennica) from the Philippines

Prediction: Will be eliminated very early on in the competition, but I don’t know. They’ve already eliminated one Philippine contestant so I guess now she’ll stay much longer than she deserved to be.

Instagram models are Satan’s tools to lead humanity astray.

Minh Tu Nguyen (Tu) from Vietnam

Prediction: Won’t make it to Top 6 or 7.

I have a feeling that Tu would have a really tough time in this competition. Her body shape would surely be an issue, especially during high fashion photoshoot. She leans more on the sexy side to me.

Dorothy Petzold (Dorothy) from Thailand

Prediction: Won’t make it past Top 5, probably.

You can really see how she channel her inspiration, Cara Delevigne, in her modelling. I predict she would struggle in a more commercial shoot. Gal has RBF (Resting Bitch Face).

Alicia Ahmad (Alicia) from Malaysia

Prediction: Won’t make it past Top 6 or 7.

Meh. She should really stand out with her edgy chick persona and tattoo, but she seems rather bland somehow.

Heidi Grods (Heidi) from Thailand

Prediction: Top 5 or 6, probably.

Meow! Love this sex-kitten vibe she’s giving. If she utilize it well, I think she can go very far.

Layla Ong (Layla) from Singapore

Prediction: Based on this picture alone? Top 5 or 4.

She has these really amazing, distinctive features. Was kinda disappointed watching her handle the photoshoot in Episode 1. I think she can go very far, but if she didn’t keep her shit together, she’d be eliminated very early in the competition. Kinda remind me of Nicole from C2 though.

Veronika Krasnasari (Veronika) and Valerie Krasnadewi (Valerie) from Indonesia

Prediction: Would go far if they don’t fuck up too badly.

Twinning! Double trouble! Whatever. Aside from the fact that they’re twins, these two are quite forgettable. I bet the judges (producers) will keep them long enough for ratings. One episode and I’m already tired of this twin-shctick. Yes, we get it, they once shared the same womb. Who gives a shit?

Shikin Gomez (Shikin) from Malaysia

Prediction: Top 4 or 5, max.

Getting a strong Tuti vibe from this girl. Totally has the drive to stay very long in this competition.

Maureen Wroblewitz (Maureen) from the Philippines

Prediction: Runner-up or winner.

Wanna know what a top model looks like. THAT’S what she looks like. Plus, it’s high time AsNTM has a winner from the Philippines, after teasing them for so many cycles.

Cindy Chen (Cindy) from Taiwan

Prediction: Top 3 or 4, provided she doesn’t fuck up too bad.

Looking at this picture, it’s easy to think she is one of the girls who’d go far in this competition. But Cindy (the host) was right - this competition isn’t just about having a pretty face. I looked through the photos from the first episode thinking, “Which one is Cindy, again?” and boy, she fucked up, HARD, for the first photoshoot. I think the judges would love her though.

Who is the winner of Asia's Next Top Model Cycle 5?

Maureen WroblewitzAsia's Next Top Model, Cycle 5 / Winnernull

When did Maureen Wroblewitz won Asia's Next Top Model?

PHILIPPINES' Maureen Wroblewitz is the first Filipina to be hailed “Asia's Next Top Model (ANTM) Cycle 5” winner on Wednesday, June 28. Filipina-German Wroblewitz bagged the title after competing against Shikin Gomez of Malaysia and Minh Tu Nguyen of Vietnam in the finale episode.

Who is the Malaysian model in Asia's Next Top Model?

Nurfashikin "Shikin" Gomez is a Malaysian Model.

Who won Asia's Next Top Model 2017?

Maureen Wroblewitz Asia's Next Top Model 2017.

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