Bài tập dang to infinitive and gerund lớp 11

  1. Gerund là hình thức “Verb + ing” được dùng tương tự như danh từ. Gerund có thể làm các chức năng trong câu như sau:
  1. Chủ từ (Subject)

- Swimming is good for our health.

  1. Túc từ (Object)

- My brother practises speaking English every day.

  1. Sau giới từ (After prepositions: in, on, at, of, with, without, by, about, to, before, after, from )

- She left the party without saying goodbye to anyone.

  1. VERBS + GERUND: một số động từ thông dụng được theo sau bằng Gerund:

- admit: thừa nhận

- avoid: tránh

- delay: trì hoãn

- deny: phủ nhận

- detest: ghét

- dislike: không thích

- consider: suy xét

- enjoy: thích, khoái

- feel like: cảm thấy thích

- finish: hoàn thành

- (not) mind: không ngại

- give up: từ bỏ

- imagine: tưởng tượng

- involve: dính líu

- keep (on): tiếp tục

- miss: bỏ lỡ

- postpone: hoãn lại

- practise: luyện tập

- put off: hoãn lại

- risk: đánh liều

- spend (time): dùng thì giờ

- suggest: đề nghị

- waste (time): phí thì giờ

- can’t stand: không chịu nổi

- Susie considered looking for another job.

- Some wanted to go by train. The others suggested going by bus.

  1. Những động từ sau đây có thể theo sau bằng Gerund hoặc To-infinitive mà ý nghĩa không thay đổi: start, begin, continue, intend, like, love, hate.

- Miss Ha started teaching/ to teach in this school ten years ago.

- He continued working/ to work even though it was very late.

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Nội dung Text: Bài tập chia động từ môn tiếng anh lớp 11 - infinitives and gerunds

  1. Chia động từ - INFINITIVES AND GERUNDS A. PHẦN LÍ THUYẾT I. Infinitives  To infinitive (Nguyên mẫu có To) b. Form (Cấu trúc) Khẳng định: to + V1 Phủ định: not to + V1 Bị động: to be + V3/-ed c. Functions (Chức năng) Subject (Chủ ngữ) To learn English is very necessary. To speak English fluently is very difficult. Complement (bổ ngữ) His hobby is to collect stamps. What I like is to swim in the sea. Object of an adjective (Tân ngữ của tính từ) It is necessary to learn English. I am happy to live here. Adverb of purposes (Trạng từ chỉ mục đích) He saved money to buy a bike. He bought this book to read. Object of a verb (Tân ngữ của động từ) a. Động từ đi sau các động từ dưới đây thường ở dạng to V1 Agree Offer Decide Appear Forget* Refuse Attempt Plan Seem Learn Promise Manage Arrange Pretend Dare Threaten Fail Hope Afford tend b. Có hai cấu trúc sau những động từ này: Want Ask Expect Mean Would like Would prefer help V + to + V1 V + object + to + V1 I want to go there I want you to go there He would like to come. He would like me to come c Những động từ dưới đây thường được sử dụng với cấu trúc: V + object + to + V1 Tell Remind Force Enable Persuade Order Warn Invite Teach get d. Những động từ sau được sử dụng với hai cấu trúc: V + V-ing V + object + to V1 He doesn’t allow smoking in his house. He doesn’t allow anyone to smoke in his house. Advise recommend encourage Allow permit  Bare infinitive (Nguyên mẫu không To) Sau các động từ sau các động từ khác thường ở dạng V1: make, let, help, notice, watch, hear, see, used t, had better, would rather, … II. Gerunds (Danh động từ) a. Form (Cấu trúc)
  2. Khẳng định: V+ ING Phủ định: NOT + V-ING Bị động: BEING + V3/-ed b. Functions (Chức năng) Subject (Chủ từ) Smoking is bad for our health. Learning English is very useful. Object of a preposition ( Tân ngữ của giới từ) Sau giới từ động từ phải luôn luôn được sử dụng dưới dạng Gerund. He is very interested in learning English. My father gave up smoking many years ago. He is looking forward to seeing you. Sau đây là một số tính từ + giới từ: Accustomed to :(quen với) - Afraid of - successful in ( thành công về ) - hopeful of ( hy vọng về ) - bored with ( chán ) -capable of ( có khả năng ) - (be) used to ( quen với) - proud of ( hãnh diện về ) - responsible for ( có trách nhiệm về ) - excited about (kích động về ) - interested in - famous for - fond of - ashamed of ( xấu hổ về ) -surprised at ( ngạc nhiên về ) - tired of ( chán ), tired from ( mệt ) opposed to ( phản đối ) essential to ( cần thiết ) - worried about ( lo lắng về ) Complement (Bổ ngữ) His hobby is collecting stamps. Object of a verb (Tân ngữ của động từ) Danh động từ thường đi sau một số động từ dưới đây: Stop Enjoy Fancy Admit Consider Miss Finish Mind Imagine Deny Involve Postpone Delay Suggest Avoid Practice risk regret keep prefer appreciate mention like hate I don’t mind helping you. He denied stealing the car. I hate doing my homework. Danh động từ còn được dùng sau một số cụm từ sau: It’s no use, look forward to, can’t help, can’t bear, have difficulty, there is no point in, it is worth, spend / waste (time) ,it is no good … B. PHẦN THỰC HNH 1. He wanted (see) _____________________the house where the president was born. 2. He is expected (arrive) _____________________in a few days. 3. I would like him (go) _____________________ to a university but I can’t (make) him go. 4. I am looking forward (see) _____________________ you. 5. I arranged (meet) _____________________them there. 6. He urged us (work) _____________________faster. 7. I wish (see) _____________________the manager. 8. It is no use (wait) _____________________him. 9. He warned her (not touch) _____________________the wire. 10. Don’t forget (clock) _____________________the door before (go) _________________to bed. 11. My mother told me (not speak) _____________________too anyone about it. 12. He tried (explain) _____________________but she refused (listen) _____________________. 13. At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) _____________________between the courses. 14. He decided (disguise) __________________ himself by (dress) _______________as a women. 15. I am prepared (wait) _____________________here all night if necessary. 16. Would you mind (show) _______________me how (work) _____________________the lift. 17. After (walk) _________three hours we stopped (rest) ___________and let the others (catch) ______________up with us.
  3. 18. I am beginning (understand) _____________________what you mean. 19. The boy likes (play) _____________________games but hates (do) ________________exercises. 20. I regret (inform) _____________________you that your application has been refused. 21. I don’t allow (smoke) _____________________in my drawing-room. 22. I don’t allow my family (smoke) _____________________at all. 23. He surprised us all by (go) ____________away without (say) ________________‘Good-bye’. 24. Please go on (write) _____________________; I don’t mind _____________________ (wait). 25. He wore glasses (avoid) (be) _____________________recognized. 26. Before (give) _______________evidence you must swear (speak) ___________________the truth. 27. I tried (persuade) ______________him (agree) _____________________with your proposal. 28. Your windows need (clean) ______________.Would you like me (do) ___________them for you. 29. Would you mind (shut) _______________the window? I hate (sit) _______________in a draught. 30. I can’t help (sneeze) ____________; I caught a cold yesterday form (sit) _________in a draught. 31. Stop (talk) _____________________; I am trying (finish) _____________________a letter. 32. His doctor advised him (give) _____________________up (jog) _____________________. 33. My watch keeps (stop) _____________________. 34. People used (make) ___________________fire by (rub) ____________two sticks together. 35. He hates (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it (ring). 36. If you go on (let) _____________________your dog (chase) _____________________cars he will end by (be) _____________________run over. 37. I prefer (drive) _____________________to (be) _____________________driven. 38. I advise you (start) _____________________ (look) _____________________for a flat at once. 39. Would you mind (lend) _____________me some money? I forgot (cash) __________ a cheque. 40. (Lie) _____________on the beach is much more pleasant than (sit) _____________in the office. 41. She like her children (go) _____________to the dentist every six months. 42. An instructor is coming (show) _____________us how (use) _____________the machine. 43. I have no intention of (go) _____________to that film; I couldn’t bear (see) _____________my favorite actress in such dreadful part. 44. I suggest (telephone) _____________the hospitals before (ask) _____________the police (look) _____________for him. 45. After (hear) _____________the conditions I decided (not enter) __________for the competition. 46. Some people seem (have) __________the passion for (write) _____________to the newspapers. 47. He expects me (answer) _____________by return but I have no intention of (reply) _____________at all. 48. He postponed (make) _____________a decision until it was too late (do) _____________anything. 49. Try (forget) _____________it; It isn’t worth (worry) _____________about it. 50. There is no point in (remain) _____________in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything (help) _____________the people who have (stay) _____________ there.

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