Bản WORD sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 tập 1

Cuốn sáchBài Tập Tiếng Anh 8 Tập 1 ” do tác giả Mai Lan Hương – Hà Thanh Uyên biên soạn (Có đáp án) được biên soạn theo chương trình mới của Bộ giáo dục & Đào tạo, nhằm giúp các em học sinh có thêm tài liệu để ôn luyện và thực hành môn tiếng Anh lớp 8.

Bài tập tiếng Anh 8 – tập 2 gồm 6 đơn vị bài tập (Từ Unit 7 đến Unit 12), được biên soạn theo sát nội dung của 6 đơn vị bài học trong sách Tiếng Anh 8 – tập 2. Mỗi đơn vị bài tập gồm 5 phần:

Phần A – Phonetics: các bài tập ngữ âm giúp củng cố khả năng phát âm và khả năng nhận biết các âm được phát âm giống nhau hoặc khác nhau.

Phần B – Vocabulary and Grammar: các bài tập về từ vựng và ngữ pháp giúp ôn luyện từ vựng và củng cố kiến thức ngữ pháp trong từng đơn vị bài học.

Phần C – Speaking: các bài tập đặt câu hỏi, hoàn tất đoạn hội thoại, sắp xếp đoạn hội thoại, giúp rèn luyện kỹ năng nói.

Phần D – Reading: các đoạn văn ngắn với các hình thức điền vào chỗ trống, chọn từ để điền vào chỗ trống, đọc và trả lời câu hỏi, đọc rồi viết T (true) hoặc F (false), giúp luyện tập và phát triển kỹ năng đọc hiểu.

Phần E – Writing: các bài tập viết câu hoặc viết đoạn văn giúp luyện tập kỹ năng viết.

Sau phần bài tập của mỗi đơn vị bài tập có một bài kiểm tra (Test for Unit) và sau 3 đơn vị bài tập có một bài tự kiểm tra (Test Yourself) nhằm giúp các em ôn tập và củng cố kiến thức đã học.

Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới (Chương trình thí điểm), loạt bài giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 mới (Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 8 mới) gồm đầy đủ các phần Phonetics, Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Test yourself giúp bạn học tốt môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới hơn.

  • Giải bài tập sgk Tiếng Anh 8 thí điểm

83 Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 8 - Cô Giang Ly (Giáo viên VietJack)

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      LỚP 6

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 (Lưu Hoằng Trí)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 (Vũ Thị Phượng)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 (Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên)

      LỚP 7

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (Lưu Hoằng Trí)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (Vũ Thị Phượng)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên)

      LỚP 8

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 (Lưu Hoằng Trí)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 (Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 (Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên)

      LỚP 9

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Lưu Hoằng Trí)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 - Tập 1 và Tập 2 (Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên)

Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng Anh 9 - Tập 1 và Tập 2 (Đại Lợi)

      LỚP 10

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 (Lưu Hoằng Trí)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 (Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn)

Bài tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh 10 (Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa)

      LỚP 11

Bài tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 (Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa)

      LỚP 12

Bài tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12 (Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa)

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Cảm ơn các bạn đã đọc. Mình xin tặng Unit 1 - Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 (Bùi Văn Vinh)



 leisure activities



GERUNDS: Danh động từ

I. FORMATION (Cách thành lập)

Danh động từ (gerund) được thành lập bng cách thêm ING sau động từ thường.

Ex: to go - going; to think thinking; to read - reading; to swim - swimming, etc...

II. USES (cách dùng)

1. Subject (Danh động từ làm chủ ngữ)

Ex: Going to the cinema is fan.

 Reading books is my hobby.

2. Stand after a preposition (Đứng sau giới từ)

Ex: I am thinking about going camping in the mountain.

 She is afraid of going there.

Một s động từ và tính từ có giới từ theo sau bởi danh động từ.

To look forward to (trông mong); surprised at (ngạc nhiên); busy (bận rộn); to insist on (khăng khăng, nài nỉ); to be interested in (thích thú).

3. Object (Danh động từ làm tân ngữ sau một số động từ)

Ex: He likes swimming.

 I have finished doing my homework.

Một s động từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ:

to finish, to prevent (ngăn cn), to avoid (tránh), to delay (hoãn lại), to enjoy (thích), to deny (chi bỏ), to dislike, to consider (cân nhắc), to imagine (tưởng tượng), to risk (liều lĩnh), to support (ủng hộ), to suggest (đ nghị), to quit (từ bỏ)...

Chúng ta cũng có th đặt “not” trước “gerund” đ ch nghĩa ph định.

Một số động từ dùng với cả “to infinitive” và “gerund” (ing -form). Nghĩa của chúng sẽ khác nhau.


I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. laughed B. washed C. danced D. played

2. A. beds B. dogs C. porters D. books

3. A. pictures B. watches C. buses D. brushes

4. A. homework B. mother C. open D. judo

5. A. leisure B. eight C. celebrate D. penalty

6. A. fun B. sun C. surf D. cut

7. A. bracelet B. cake C. make D. hat

8. A. although B. laugh C. paragraph D. enough

9. A. comedy B. letter C. princess D. cinema

10. A. high B. sight C. this D. find

II. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others.

1. A. satisfied B. socialize C. volunteer D. exercise

2. A. information B. technology C. community D. activity

3. A. library B. museum C. melody D. favourite

4. A. protection B. addicted C. computer D. goldfish

5. A. skateboard B. sticker C. adore D. leisure


I. Choose the best answer.

1. My dad doesn’t mind          my mom from work every day.

 A. pick up B. picked up C. picking up D. picks up

2. Using computers too much may have harmful effects         your minds and bodies.

 A. on B. to C. with D. onto

3. I love the people in my village. They are so          and hospitable.

 A. friendly B. vast C. slow D. inconvenient

4. Among the       , the Tay people have the largest population.

 A. groups B. majorities C. ethnic minorities D. ethnic cultures.

5. People in the countryside live         than those in the city.

 A. happy B. more happily C. happily D. less happy

6. Viet Nam is           multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups.

 A. a B. an C. the D. A and C

II. Give the correct form of the following verbs.

1. Mai enjoy             crafts, especially bracelets. (make)

2.         you ever           a buffalo? (ride)

3. The children used to           a long way to school. (go)

4. They hate             their son texting his friends all day. (see)

5. Do you fancy               in the park this Sunday? (skateboard)

III. Complete the sentences with the verb + -ing.

1. Susan hates                 boxing but she loves football.

2. I don’t like                 in the pool at the sports centre.

3. Does she like               shopping in the supermarket?

4. Peter loves                 judo.

5. They enjoy                 the Olympics on TV.

6. My brother and I really like                in the Alps in February.


I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or False (F).

 In my opinion, using the computer as your hobby can be harmful to both your health and your social life. Firstly, sitting all day in front of the computer can cause health problems such as eye-tiredness and obesity. Secondly you may get irritated easily. Besides, if you use the computer too much, you will not have time for your family and friends. In short, computers should only be used for a limited time.

1. Using the computer too much can make your eyes tired. 1. ______

2. Using the computer too much is not good for you. 2. ______

3. We still can spend a lot of time with our family and friends. 3. ______

4. According to the writer, we can use the computer for a long time. 4. ______

5. Computers should only be used for a limited time. 5. ______

II. Read the passage carefully.


 I live in a village by Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is three kilometers away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and feed the chickens. At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The adults watch TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run around playing games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere.

 My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our home products like vegetables, fruits, eggs... He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in the town square. I love those trips.

 On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky Way. We dream of faraway places.

Answer the following questions.

1. Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?


2. What do the children do on starry nights?


3. Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?


III. Supply suitable words to complete the following passage.

 Our classes take place for three hours every morning             (1) Monday to Friday. The maximum class size                                           (2) twenty and the average is ten. We use modern methods of                                           (3) and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorder. You will only be successful                                           (4) improving your English, however, if you work hard and                             (5) speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short                                           (6) in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a                                           (7) at the most suitable level.

 There are two classes              (8) the elementary level; one is for complete beginners and the                                           (9) is for students who know a                             (10) English. In both classes, you will practise simple conversations.


I. Use the words and phrases to write a passage.

1. In/ 1970s, skateboarding suddenly/ become very popular.

2. At first, skateboarders/ move slowly/ flat, smooth areas.

3. Then they/ begin/ ride quickly. This/ be called “freestyle” skateboarding.

4. Soon they/ be skateboarding skillfully up ramps/ doing tricks in the air.

5. This/ be called “ramp” skateboarding. Then they/ start skateboarding/ doing tricks/ the street.

6. This/ be “street-style” skateboarding - a combination of freestyle/ ramp.

7. For this, the skateboarders/ need protective clothing/ as knee and elbow pads/ helmets. This/ allow them/ skateboard safely.

8. Today skateboarding is still/ very popular sport, and there/ are lots of competitions.










II. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one

1. My house is smaller than your house.

 Your house ......................................

2. I love listening to music.

 I like...........................................

3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.

 The white dress ..................................

4. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

 Mary ..........................................

III. Rearrange the sentences to make a suitable by writing the correct number (1-10) in each blank.

_____A. One study stated that “sending text messages and using Facebook while doing homework were bad for overall GPA”.

_____B. According to Facebook, in 2012, there are over 618 million active users per day, and over a billion active users per month.

_____C. But does too much time on social networking sites harm students’ schoolwork?

_____D. One small girl said that checking text messages and Facebook on her smartphone was the biggest obstacle to her homework.

_____E. Several studies have showed opposite results.

_____F. Some students are turning on software such as “Block Facebook” to block certain websites on their computers, and allow them to have only certain amounts of time on Facebook so that they can focus on homework.

_____G. In this study, there was no relation between an excess of social media and a below average grades.

_____H. One 2010 study showed that only 37% of “heavy” media users had grades lower than the average, while 35% of “light” social users had lower in average grades.

_____I. Other studies have found a negative relationship between social medial usage and overall Grade Point Average (GPA).

_____J. Social networking can help connect people with friends, give people the chance to share pictures online, and help people communicate easily.

IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: “in, at, on, after, under, between, beside, out of, above, beneath”.

1. There is a bus station ..................... the end of this road.

2. Keep those medicines ..................... the childrens reach.

3. I lost my keys somewhere ..................... the car and the house.

4. Come ..................... and sit ..................... your sister.

5. D comes ..................... C in the alphabet.

6. The boat sank ..................... the waves.

7.  Don’t shelter ..................... the trees when it’s raining.

8. Please put these books ..................... the bookshelf ..................... the desk.

I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. stopped B. agreed C. listened D. cleaned

2. A. meat B. seat C. great D. mean

3. A. call B. land C. fall D. ball

4. A. rather B. them C. neither D. think

II. Match a word in column A with its antonym in column B.

III. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. People in my country are very warm and           . (FRIEND)

2. An             is a child whose parents are dead. (ORPHANAGE)

3. L.A Hill is a                writer. (HUMOR)

4. I’m             sorry for the delay. (EXTREME)

5. She looks more              than her sister. (BEAUTY)

6. I am           enough to have a lot of friends. (LUCK)

7. They enjoy the              summer evenings in the countryside. (PEACE)

8. Those cats look            . (LOVE)

9. It was               of him to offer to pay for us both. (GENEROUSITY)

10. Role-play is                in developing communication skills. (HELP)

IV. Choose the correct answer; A, B, C or D.

1. We       to the countryside two months ago.

 A. go B. have gone C. went D. will go

2. What will you do if you        the final examinations?

 A. will pass B. would pass C. pass D. passed

3. I wish my summer holiday            longer.

 A. will be B. is C. were D. has been

4. I asked him            he came from.

 A. where B. who C. what D. which

5. It rained hard.         , my father went to work.

 A. Therefore B. However C. Because D. So

6. Your sister writes poems and stories,         she?

 A. does B. doesn’t C. will D. won’t

7. Laura fell asleep during the lesson           she was tired. 

 A. so B. but C. because D. therefore

8. How much             do you want?

 A. bananas B. eggs C. candies D. sugar

9. Do you know the man         you met at the party yesterday?

 A. what B. which C. whom D. whose

10. Tomorrow the director will have a meeting           8:00 am to 10:00 am.

 A. between B. from C. among D. in

11. The doctor advised me         jogging every morning.

  A. went B. go C. to go D. going

12. The bike        I have just bought is every cheap.

 A. which B. where C. what D. who

13. We will start our trip          6 o’clock          the morning.

 A. in / in B. at / in C. in / at D. at / at

14. He said he             come back later.

 A. will be B. will C. would be D. would

15. We             anything from James since we left school.

 A. haven’t heard B. heard C. don’t hear D. didn’t hear

16. If I             a bird, I would be a dove.

 A. would be B. were C. am D. will be

17. The children sang        during the trip.

 A. happily B. happiness C. unhappy D. happy

18. This newspaper        everyday.

 A. is publishing B. publish C. published D. is published

19. You have lived in this city since 1998,       ?

 A. haven’t you B. didn’t you C. did you D. have you

20. My students enjoy            English very much.

 A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. to learn

V. Complete the text with the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

Who are the   best   (0- good) drivers?

 Which drivers are the                    (1- safe) on the roads? According to a recent survey, young and inexperienced drivers are the                                           (2- likely) to have an accident.                                           (3- old) drivers are                                           (4- careful). Gender makes a difference, too. Young men have the                                                        (5- bad) accident records of all. They are generally

          (6- aggressive)                (7- old) drivers. They also choose                              (8- fast) cars with                                           (9- big) engines.

 One of the               (10- interesting) facts in the survey is that passengers have an effect on the driver. When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving becomes                                           (11- bad). When their wife or girlfriend is in the car, however, their driving is                                           (12- good). But the opposite is true for women. Their driving is                                                        (13- dangerous) when their husband or boyfriend is in the car!

VI. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in brackets.

1. There are four ................................. in my house. bookshelf

2. The photocopy is between the ................................. and the drugstore. bake

3. Is your brother an .................................?   act

4. Mai’s sister is a .................................   sing

5. We must be ................................. when we cross the road. care

6. This tree has a lot of green .................................  leaf

7. Is your father a .................................?   business

8. I’m Vietnamese. What’s your .................................? nation

9. Air ................................. is a big problem in many cities in the world. pollute

10. Yoko is from Japan. She is .................................  Japan

VII. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

1. look / does / she / what / like?

=> __________________________________________________

2. is / she / as / Mai / easy-going / not / as.

=> __________________________________________________

3. classroom / to / they / the / outside / the / prefer.

=> __________________________________________________

4. time / I / most / my / with / spend / of / Hoa

=> __________________________________________________

5. in / sun / the / rises / East / the

=> __________________________________________________

6. a / received / Lan / letter / yesterday / her / from / friend.

=> __________________________________________________

7. not / get / is / she / to / old / married / enough.

=> __________________________________________________

8. long / is / a / girl / she / with / nice / hair.

=> __________________________________________________

VIII. Read the text and fill in the blank with the suitable word.

 The normal working day in Britain is (1)            9 a.m to 5 p.m, so most offices are open 9-5. Schools usually start at 9 o’clock, too, but they (2)                             at about 3.30. Shops usually (3)

      from 9 to 5.30 Monday to Saturday and (4)             shops open from 10 to 4 on Sunday, too. Restaurants (5)                             pubs usually open from 11 a.m to 11 p.m. Some (6)                                           come for a few hours in (7)                                           afternoon. People usually (8)                             a meal between 1 and 2 in the afternoon and between 7 and 9 in the evening. Clubs don’t usually open (9)                             about 10 or 11 p.m and they close at 2 or 3 a.m. Museums normally open at about 10 a.m and (10)                             dose at 5 or 6 p.m.

IX. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each gap.

 I surf the Internet every day, but I’ve never (1)             more than an hour at a time online. I’ve got a laptop and also a smartphone, so I can (2)                                           the Internet anywhere. Today, for instance, I’ve been (3)                             three times.

 Mainly I just (4)        my friends. I read online magazines and I look (5)        information, too. I also compare prices of things, (6)                                          I’ve never bought anything online because I don’t think it’s safe.

 I’m not an Internet addict, but some of my friends (7)            . One friend of mine always looks (8)                                           because he spends all night online. Although he’s got a lot of bad marks for the exams, he hasn’t (9)                                           his habits.

 In my experience, it’s very useful for people who use the Internet (10)            .

1. A. spend B. spending C. spent

2. A. have B. use C. play

3. A. online B. Internet C. computer

4. A. write B. email C. send

5. A. at B. in C. for

6. A. because B. but C. although

7. A. is B. were C. are

8. A. tired B. hard C. happily

9. A. change B. to change C. changed

10. A. sensible B. sensibly C. sensibleness

X. Read the following passage and answer the questions.


 Every four years people all over the world watch the Olympic Games. It is a time for all kinds of people to unite in peace. Some of them join together to compete for gold medals. Millions of other people watch them on television.

 Why do we have the Olympics? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games were in Greece in 776 B.C. There was only one event. People ran a race the length of the stadium. The Games lasted one day.

 Slowly people added more events. The Games were only for men, and women could not even watch them. Only Greeks competed. They came from all parts of the Greek world. The time of the Games was a time of peace, and the government let everyone travel safely. Kings competed against common people. The winners became national heroes.

 The first modern Games were in 1896 in Athens. The Greeks built a new stadium for the competition. Athletes from several countries competed. Then there were Olympics every four years in different cities in Europe and the United States until 1952. After that they were held in Melbourne, Tokyo, Mexico City, an

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