brandens là gì - Nghĩa của từ brandens

brandens có nghĩa là

Anyone born with the name Branden is clearly considered the alpha male of all males. Women drool over the presence of a Branden, and will try desperately to get into a Branden's pants. They are shaped perfectly, tone, have beautiful hair, amazing eyes, perfect skin. A Branden is always pleasurable in bed and know's sex by perfection. Any Branden is instantly adapted to liquor and can handle mass amounts in a short amount of time without getting sick, they are an alcohol champ. A Branden is extremely experienced in the arts of combat and be very dangerous when irritated, keep caution when a Branden gets angry unless you're an attractive female... then be happy. Branden's are usually very romantic but balance it out with a very strong sexual side, the scent of a Branden will make a female love. Branden's always have very big urethra's, and are able to pleasure women with ease. Everyone will eventually have a love for a Branden. A Branden will eventually rule the planet Earth.


"Hey girls.."
"You see that man over there?"
"He must be a Branden, sexy and hung like a horse."
"Lets get em' girls!"

brandens có nghĩa là

a guy who is fucking awesome. who says whaaaaaaa like a pimp. is pefect in every way,hair and all. respective to the ladies. doesnt like younger women. drinks beer like a champ/ mans man. likes to get into iegall activity. aggressive only wen intoxicated. makes you smile.


i want a guy like branden ?

brandens có nghĩa là

Brandens, (usually males), are very funny, and smart! They may seem quiet in public, but are really outgoing when they're with their friends. Brandens are normally very tall, with long legs. They're normally very cute and attractive! Brandens normally have curly hair, and are very skinny. They enjoy being awesome all day, everyday. Brandens are always there for their friends, and always will be. They make great boyfriends, and treat any girl well. They're very kind, funny, talented, and sweet. If you know a Branden, keep him in your life!


"Branden, You're so awesome!"
"Damn, Branden is cool!"
"Ooooh, What's HIS name? He's CUTEEE!"
"That would be Branden."

brandens có nghĩa là

Cool, amazing, generous, sexy guy. Loves to dance to Britney spears or Beyonce! The one with all the new music! A walking celebrity encyclopedia! A guy with a great butt! The one everyone looks forward to seeing! The one everyone wants advice from. The cool guy that everyone likes to be around. The one with FOUR best friends. The short but sexy one. The one I call mine!


Branden is a sexy "Watch yo mouth"!

brandens có nghĩa là

Anyone named Branden is obviously the guy you go to when you are feeling down. He will always be there for you and help you through your toughest times. He is also a really fun person to be around, always making sure he never leaves any of his friends out. Branden is sweet, loving and compassionate towards everyone he knows. If you meet a Branden, be sure to keep him around. He is also really good in bed, but will adapt to whatever you like, and will never force you to do anything you don't like.


Person 1: "Who's that over there?"
Person 2: "I don't know but he is really hot!!"
Person 1: "I bet he's a Branden"

brandens có nghĩa là

amazing guy hot asf a branden will always be there for you and will never let you down. A branden wll confort you when youve had a hard day and will wipe away your tears when you cry i love a branden


dammm branden back at it again with your hot as looks

brandens có nghĩa là

very funny,good friend,good boyfriend whoever has the name Branden is unique in a lot of ways he is very good with the girls he’ll be there when they need him and the one girl he really likes you might have a future with


Branden is really funny

brandens có nghĩa là

Branden is simply branden. The only way to identify Branden is as a bolder. Brandens speech is a little off. Kinda. He will never really finish a word. He’ll just add in ja or st to the end of his word. So yah that’s Branden.


Branden: Do youz wants do somein tanit
Guy 1: what?!

brandens có nghĩa là

Brandens doubt it but they are some of the most adored people. Brandens are looked up to, for their levelheaded ness, their warmth, and their intellect. He’s someone you want to discuss all the topics with. He’s an intellectual, and so incredibly attractive because of it. He’s polite and old fashioned, he’s rare. A gem. Though he can be super cynical sometimes, but he’s working on it. Brandens are romantics and they’re insightful. They have an ability to see deep beyond the obvious and conspicuous. His friends adore them and he’s doesn’t know it, but there’s one girl that’s always thinking about him.


Yeah, me and Branden are hanging out tonight, he’s taking me out to that new place, I can’t wait to see him.

brandens có nghĩa là

Branden is really hot and a boy who plays basketball and football and on his free time he enjoys playing the game “fortnite” hes extremely cute in “GREY SWEATPANTS” 🥵🥵🥵 but he’s rather shy and keeps to himself most of the time, he’s not a player really he’s only had one girl friend. a boy with the name branden is most likely to have a twin brother... who is really ugly but the more easy going twin. in conclusion a dumb girl named “aubree” will like him and not know how to get over him.


why is branden so hot in gray sweatpants?

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