Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

​Count On Me Bruno Mars Easy Sheet Music And Tin Whistle Notes

​Count On Me Bruno Mars Easy Piano Keyboard /Flute Letter Notes Plus Sheet Music And Tin Whistle Tab which is set up for playing on your D tuned whistle.

Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

Count on Me Piano Sheet Music With letters

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We have added the letter notes of Count on Me – Bruno Mars song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Count on Me – Bruno Mars piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Count on Me – Bruno Mars Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G-A _C
Uh – um

_E _D _E-_E _E__D-_E_ _E
If you ever find yourself stuck

_E _D _E-_E _E _E _E
In the middle of the sea

_D _E__C__A___E_ _D_ _C
I’ll sail the world to find you

_E _D _E-_E _E__D-_E__E
If you ever find yourself lost

_E _D__E_ _E___E___G___E
In the dark and you can’t see,

_D _E _C_ A_ _E_ _D_ _C
I’ll be the light to guide you…

_F__ _F___G___A___ _G___E
Find out what we’re made of

_E_____F_ _E__ _D_ _C_ _F
When we are called to help

_E_____D_ _C___D
Our friends in need

_E___E_ _C_ _E_ _G
You can count on me

_C___ B__ _E___G
Like one two three

B__ B__ A
I’ll be there

_C__F__E_ _D_ _C__F__E
And I know when I need it

_D _C _C__E__G
I can count on you

_C___B__ _E__ _G
Like four three two

A_____ B___ B__ A
And you’ll be there

‘Cause that’s what friends

_C__ _F-_F_ _E__D__D__C
Are supposed to do, oh yeah

Whoa, whoa

_C-_D-_E _B-_A-_G
Oh, oh

_F _E
Yeah, yeah

_E___ _D-_E___F_ _G_ _E-_G _A
You’ll always have my shoulder

_B *C-_B
When you cry

_E__D-_E _F _G
I’ll never let go

_E-_G_ _A_ _B-*C
Never say goodbye

*D___*C___B_ _A
You know you can

Count on Me – Bruno Mars Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol-La _Do
Uh – um

_Mi _Re _Mi-_Mi _Mi__Re-_Mi_ _Mi
If you ever find yourself stuck

_Mi _Re _Mi-_Mi _Mi _Mi _Mi
In the middle of the sea

_Re _Mi__Do__La___Mi_ _Re_ _Do
I’ll sail the world to find you

_Mi _Re _Mi-_Mi _Mi__Re-_Mi__Mi
If you ever find yourself lost

_Mi _Re__Mi_ _Mi___Mi___Sol___Mi
In the dark and you can’t see,

_Re _Mi _Do_ La_ _Mi_ _Re_ _Do
I’ll be the light to guide you…

_Fa__ _Fa___Sol___La___ _Sol___Mi
Find out what we’re made of

_Mi_____Fa_ _Mi__ _Re_ _Do_ _Fa
When we are called to help

_Mi_____Re_ _Do___Re
Our friends in need

_Mi___Mi_ _Do_ _Mi_ _Sol
You can count on me

_Do___ Si__ _Mi___Sol
Like one two three

Si__ Si__ La
I’ll be there

_Do__Fa__Mi_ _Re_ _Do__Fa__Mi
And I know when I need it

_Re _Do _Do__Mi__Sol
I can count on you

_Do___Si__ _Mi__ _Sol
Like four three two

La_____ Si___ Si__ La
And you’ll be there

‘Cause that’s what friends

_Do__ _Fa-_Fa_ _Mi__Re__Re__Do
Are supposed to do, oh yeah

Whoa, whoa

_Do-_Re-_Mi _Si-_La-_Sol
Oh, oh

_Fa _Mi
Yeah, yeah

_Mi___ _Re-_Mi___Fa_ _Sol_ _Mi-_Sol _La
You’ll always have my shoulder

_Si *Do-_Si
When you cry

_Mi__Re-_Mi _Fa _Sol
I’ll never let go

_Mi-_Sol_ _La_ _Si-*Do
Never say goodbye

*Re___*Do___Si_ _La
You know you can

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