Employment trends là gì

You are looking for talents? You have difficulty approaching the marketing? You may want to know these top 10 recruitment trends in order to increase the chance of hiring the right people.

Employment trends là gì

Recruitment these days

These days, umployment rates are decreasing. There are more job openings than people to recruit. Thus, many companies are struggling to fill open positions. Traditional strategies such as a short advertisement posted on a newspaper may no longer help them attract job seekers. They may have to change the way they approach their candidates as well as the way they market their companies as recruitment requires a lot of creativity and effort.

There are trends in fashion, food, travel. There are also trends in recruitment. If you do not follow the trends, you cannot stand out from multiple companies which are aslo looking for talents.

1. Recruitment goes mobile

Mobile devices become more and more popular all over the world. They are the last things you see before sleep and the first things you grab in the morning. You use mobile devices to connect with friends, family and customers. You use mobile devices to learn, to work and for entertainment.

Many job seekers use mobile devices to look for open positions and apply for jobs. Using mobile devices is becoming the most common way to find a job. However, many companies do not develop mobile-friendly platforms. This should be changed.

Employment trends là gì

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2. Optimize social media for hiring

It is hard to find someone who is not using social media.

Những việc làm hấp dẫn

Employment trends là gì

Maintenance Manager

TP.HCM, Bình Dương , Đồng Nai Cơ khí/ Máy móc, Đồ gỗ/Nội thất , Sản Xuất

Employment trends là gì

Administration Deputy Manager | Phó Phòng Hành Chính (Sản Xuất, $1500, LA9521)

Bắc Giang Bán hàng Tiêu dùng nhanh, Hành chánh/Thư ký , Nhân sự

Employment trends là gì

Strategy Manager

TP.HCM, Long An, Tây Ninh Kế toán/Tài chính/Kiểm toán , Tiếp thị/ Thương hiệu , Bán hàng Nông nghiệp

Employment trends là gì

Plant Manager

TP.HCM, Long An, Tây Ninh Cơ khí/ Máy móc, Sản Xuất

Employment trends là gì

Marketing Manager

Hà nội, Bắc Ninh, Hưng Yên Bất động sản, Quảng cáo/Khuyến mãi/PR, Tiếp thị/ Thương hiệu

While LinkedIn is considered the most professional social channel used for recruiting, Facebook or Twitter can sometimes give you surprises. In addition, websites such as forums, blogs and job boards are often used for job hunting. This depends on the channel they use to search for jobs. Thus, getting to know your potential candidates’ favorable social channels can help you optimize the advantages of social hiring.

You can use social network to not only post job opening but also engage with job seekers and encourage potential candidates to apply for open positions.

3. Employer branding

Employer branding is sometimes called pre-recruiting process. First impression is always important. Many job seekers review the company’s profile when they see a job advertisement. And you should know that company’s website, company’s social channels and online reviews can affect the job seekers’ perception of your company.

Employer branding is used to describe a company’s reputation as an employer. It is not the reputation as a seller. A strong employer branding can help your company become attracted to job seekers. Brand marketing strategies should help your company gain more organic searches and job applications.

Employment trends là gì

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4. Candidate experience

There are many job openings in the job market. In this market, candidates acts like user, and job openings are products that companies want to sell. Candidates have many choices to choose from. Thus, they are learning more carefully about each job opportunity, including working conditions, salary and benefits, and the company itself. They want to understand clearly about your company to assess if they can fit your culture.

They pay attention to the recruitment process. Usually, they want it to be fast, easy-to-approach and transparent.

It is important to ensure your cosumers and candidates have a positive experience with your company. This can help you engage them in.

5. Hiring people with soft skills

When looking for talents, employers want people with both hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills such as coding, teaching, designing make you match a specific job’s description. People are not born with hard skills but can learn them. Soft skills such as leadership skills, communication skills are essential for every position. People can also learn soft skills in life.

Employers tend to agree that soft skills are valuable. And most of them assess candidates’ soft skills during interviews. However, you can see that many employers still post job openings requiring hard-skills because they may not know how to evaluate candidates’ soft skills.

Emloyers choose candidates with experience and technical background because of the job requirements and the clients’ demands. But they still want candidates with a full set of compentencies including teamwork skills, critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, and problem solving skills.

Because the decrease of unemployment rates, companies tend to skip experience and knowledge requirements and focus on soft skills to attract more candidates.

Employment trends là gì

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6. Recruitment automation tools

Firstly, what are recruitment automation tools? They are softwares used in recruitment process. New trend in using recruitment automation tools is softwares offer multiple (usually two) in one tools.

Recruitment automation tools help recruitment team in atttracting, searching, engaging candidates, as well as scanning applications. Using hiring softwares can also make recruitment process quickly and more productive.

Many companies are losing their potential candidates to their competitors who are quickly involved automation tools in their recruitment process. Using recruitment tools is now a new trend in recruitment process.

7. Employee referrals

This is said to be one of the most effective way to hire new talents. Employee referrals can also help shorten the time needed and reduce the cost.

Ask your employee, offer rewards for people who present the right person to fill open position. This can motivate them to help in the recruitment process.

Using employee referrals is still a popular recruitment trend even in the next few years.

8. Collaborative hiring

Hiring talent is now not only the responsibility of the human resource team but also other teams in the company. Collaborative hiring is a recruitment method in which human resource deparment of the company and other deparments work together to find the right person for the position. This method helps the company recruit better candidates. Because human resource team knows well about human resource, and specific team knows well about specific field. They can hire the person who has the right skills, knowledge, experience, as well as the personality that makes him/her fit the company’s culture.

Although collaborative hiring does not always deliver the best results, this method can help boost engagement between employees in the companies.

Employment trends là gì

9. Flexible working conditions

There are more and more job seekers who want to find jobs with flexible working conditions. Many people want to be freelancers. Many others even want to work for themself. Thus, offering candidates more opportunity to be flexible can increase the chance they accept the contract.

In these years, as younger generations become the majority in the workforce, employers have to change the working experences to response to their preferences: modern working conditions such as the option to work remotely. People tend not to follow traditional 9-to-5 officer hours. They want to control their working time. When you offer them flexibility, they can adjust their working patterns in a way that they feel most comfortable in. And technology nowadays can help them do this without affecting the work quality and productivity.

10. Job description-based position and project-based position

Sometimes, recruiting employees for full-time positions is difficult: they do not want to work for your company for a long period of time, or they do not meet the job requirements. It is time for you to look for a new recruitment method – like project-based hiring.

Project-based hiring can help you recruit people who are the best in specific field or people who are the best fit for specific project. In this situation, you are looking for results, not for people.

Employment trends là gì

Employment trends là gì

Image sources: Internet.