Enthusiasm danh từ là gì

Enthusiastic là gì? Enthusiastic đi với giới từ gì?là câu hỏi của rất nhiều người khi học tiếng Anh. Bài viết này, Ngolongnd sẽ giải đáp thắc mắc của các bạn.

Enthusiastic đi với giới từ gì?

Nội dung chính:

  • Enthusiastic là gì?
    • Tính từ
  • Enthusiastic đi với giới từ gì?
    • Enthusiastic + about
    • Enthusiastic + in
  • Enthusiastic đi với các từ nào?
    • Trạng từ
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  • Danh từ enthusiasm đi với các từ nào?
  • Các từ liên quan với Enthusiastic
    • Từ đồng nghĩa
        • adjective
    • Từ trái nghĩa
        • adjective

Enthusiastic là gì?


Tính từ

Hăng hái, nhiệt tình; say mê: showingenthusiasm:

VD: The participants were veryenthusiastic, and over 2200 adults participated, almost twice as many as we had originally estimated.

Enthusiastic đi với giới từ gì?

Enthusiastic + about

You dontseemvery enthusiasticabouttheparty dont youwantto gotonight?

He was quite enthusiastic about the idea.

Enthusiastic + in

| inenthusiastic in their support of him

Enthusiastic đi với các từ nào?

Trạng từ

ADV.all, extremely, highly, immensely, incredibly, really, very, wildly

Shes all enthusiastic about China now that shes been there.

The audience was wildly enthusiastic.

| less than, not overly, not particularly

Mrs Neil did not seem particularly enthusiastic about her job.

| largelyFilm critics are largely enthusiastic about the thriller.

| fairly, quite | genuinely

  • very:extremely,genuinely,highly,hugely,incredibly,really,so,tremendously,very,wildly

I am very enthusiasticaboutscience and I would encourage everybody to study it.

  • not very:not over,not overly,not too

To be frank I wasnt over enthusiasticaboutthe idea at first.

  • particularly:particularly

The children were particularly enthusiasticaboutusing the computer.

in a way that affects others:infectiously

The lecturer is infectiously enthusiastic.

  • too:over-,overly,too

I must confess that Im not over-enthusiasticaboutwashing the car.

My sometimes overly enthusiastic approach to life annoys some people.

Động từ

  • be,become,feel,get,remain,seem,sound

We try to encourage young people to engage with books and become enthusiasticaboutreading.

Danh từ enthusiasm đi với các từ nào?

  • considerable enthusiasm
    The villagers showed considerable enthusiasm for the public elections.
  • enormous enthusiasm
    They went to volunteer activities after work; there was an enormous enthusiasm.
  • great enthusiasm
    The study is written with great enthusiasm and appreciation for the didactic methods of the treatise.
  • initial enthusiasm
    Thus, my initial enthusiasm was tempered a little by the end of the book.
  • lack of enthusiasm
    In 1933 the executive appears not to have met for six months and postponed a mission owing to lack of enthusiasm.
  • popular enthusiasm
    Amongst the most concrete expressions of popular enthusiasm for education were independent primary schools.
  • religious enthusiasm
    The relationship between religious enthusiasm and enlightened philosophy, however, could be closer than is often thought.
  • tremendous enthusiasm
    There is tremendous enthusiasm in the beginning, but later, as problems begin to become evident, usage rates drop and eventually stabilize at a substantially lower level than the peak.
  • wave of enthusiasm
    If physicians allow themselves to be uncritically swept up in the wave of enthusiasm for so-called alternative medicine, they risk misinforming and harming their patients.
  • widespread enthusiasm
    The country had made a promising head-start in 1991, without the burden of a national debt and amidst widespread enthusiasm.
  • wild enthusiasm
    The police or the fire brigade might be involved, and in their wild enthusiasm they might do irreparable damage to a building of historic importance
  • youthful enthusiasm
    It is an informal work of youthful enthusiasm for literature, and as such an impressive performance.

Các từ liên quan với Enthusiastic

Từ đồng nghĩa

adjectiveagog,animated,anxious,ardent,athirst,attracted,avid,bugged,concerned,crazy about* ,devoted,dying to,eager,earnest,ebullient,exhilarated,exuberant,fanatical,fascinated,fervent,fervid,forceful,gaga,gone on,gung ho* ,hearty,intent,keen,keyed up,lively,nutty* ,obsessed,passionate,pleased,rabid,red-hot* ,rhapsodic,spirited,tantalized,thrilled,titillated,unqualified,vehement,vigorous,wacky* ,warm,wholehearted,willing,zealous,mad,afire,emotional,gung ho,impassioned,interested,perfervid

Từ trái nghĩa

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