fairfield county là gì - Nghĩa của từ fairfield county

fairfield county có nghĩa là

A county in the southern part of Connecticut. It has ultra wealthy towns like New Cannan, Westport, Darien, Southport and of course Greenwich. It is the wealthiest county on the East Coast. It contains beaches, estates, and great shopping districts. It also has some of the best school systems in the country.


"Fairfield County is the gateway to New England"

fairfield county có nghĩa là

The real deal about fairfield county is that it is the underage drinking capitol of the world because there is nothing else to do for a minor at night. And since most towns like Wilton, Westport, and Darien are extraordinarly rich, the mommy's and daddy's all go away for constant house parties. As for Norwalk, it is not the scum of the earth, but actually has some of the largest mansions and not to mention Stew Leonards and his fortune (By the way he belongs to a country club in Norwalk). The only thing is that Norwalk, Stamford, and Bridgeport are the only urban towns and the largest in the county. Thus there bound to have some minority, poorer population that doesnt exist in the "beautify villas of Greenwich and New Cannan." We are also not the "ghetto" as all of you claim norwalk to be. Just because not every house doesn't cost over a mill and has their own yacht does not mean were poor. Norwalk is at least what the actual real world looks outside of Fairfield Prep and your Range Rovers. Another thing that's great is that the preps are actually scared of Norwalkers. If you have long hair or wear a t-shirt and walk around Westport, don't be surprised to send kids running. Don't worry, if your from any of the rich white towns, its not your fault your so smug and rude. It's just your natural surroundings, so have fun when Daddy's credit card runs out. FC is also a great place to go insect hunting.


The WASP population of Fairfield County has soared to astronomical proportions.

fairfield county có nghĩa là

Fairfield County is the richest part of the East Coast. There are those extremely rich towns such as Greenwich, New Canaan, Darien, Wilton, and Westport, but Norwalk, Bridgeport, Stamford, Newtown, Easton, and Redding aren't as low as people make them seem. Norwalk and Bridgeport are NOT ghetto. Yes, they have their share of violence, but every town does. Greenwich and New Canaan are not just full of snobs either. Money does not make people who they are. There are a select few that think it does, but that is not what Fairfield County is about. It is a very diverse county and Norwalk, Bridgeport, and Stamford hold credit for most of that. The "rich bitches" can think whatever they want to think, but when it comes down to it Fairfield County is also full of the most fake people in the East Coast as well.


Unlike Wilton and Greenwich, Norwalk consists of the most real, down-to-earth people in Fairfield County.

fairfield county có nghĩa là

Connecticut's southwesternmost county, really more a part of the New York suburbs than New England. Boasts the second-highest per-capita income in the country (after Teton Co., Wyoming, vacationland of the rich & famous) and is home to some towns famous for their ritziness (Greenwich, Westport, Darien, New Canaan). Contrary to the F.C.'s stereotype as a very rich, white, homogenous place, Fairfield County is home to several depressed urban areas (Bridgeport, Stamford, South Norwalk). In addition, the northern part of the county (Bethel, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Monroe, etc.), while still "suburban", is much more indicative of the rest of the country, largely free of the pretentious old-money attitude of the wealthy coastal towns. Many inhabitants of the southern part of the county commute to New York City; most of the rest of the county's population works either in Stamford or in one of the large office parks scattered around Greenwich, Wilton, Westport, Fairfield, Norwalk, Danbury, etc. Great public schools. Out-of-control home prices.


We wanted to move to Fairfield County, but land was just too expensive. We moved just outside of Hartford instead and are doing just fine, thank you.

fairfield county có nghĩa là

Richest county in one of the richest states in the richest country in the world. Bridgeport and Norwalk are the only two places in ffld county where you can find hard working people. People from westport, darien, greenwich... are afraid of people from bpt. and nwlk. Im damn proud to be from BPT.


Westport kid : " Oh man ... I saw this kid from bridgport the other day... I almost pooped! Luckily I was right by the club so I stopped off and changed my tennis shorts, can you believe that??.. luckily he knew I was from Westport so he knew I was gay and left me alone... crazy huh?"
Bridgeport kid : " Right now I wish murder was legal."

fairfield county có nghĩa là

According to a recent report the lower coastal section is richest region in America. This uptight, horrible area has towns like New Canaan, Westport and Darien where the cops pull you over for anything. Homes under 2.5M are nothing special and just look like regular homes. The place isnt normal!


dont move here unless you want to compete with everyone about who has more

fairfield county có nghĩa là

Fairfiel county is a wealthy county, either top or second richest in the country. However some towns, such as norwalk bridgeport or stamfort have major problems just as any other city, ive lived in norwalk all my life and have fam in the port and i can tell you these towns make you feel like being in another state after visiting say wilton or westport. bridgeport has some ruff areas and lots of crime (at least in all the parts ive been to) and norwalk expecialy sono has some of the worst shit ive seen. most people get the impression only sono is bad in norwalk, however there are real gangs in other parts of the town and even gangs with wiggers in some parts


im so glad we have all this money and live in fairfield county

i hope we dont get jumped on the way to the bus stop

fairfield county có nghĩa là

The south-western most county in Connecticut. Often made out to be an exclusive, whites-only country club. Fairfield county is not a gated community. Fairfield county encompasses several different towns, each with their own distinct personality:

Greenwich, a large suburb close to New York City. This town is home to many commuters and has a bustling urban center.

Stamford is a city by itself, although many of its residents to work in New York.

Fairfield is one of the eastern-most towns in the county, and offers a more affordable alternative for those willing to make a longer commute. It is also home to a college-Fairfield University.

Some smaller towns in Fairfield county include:

Darien, a modest, coastal community with some shopping and a main-line train station.

New Canaan, a secluded suburb that is home to a mix of doctors and teachers and private-jet owning financiers and industrialists.


Fairfield county contains some of the most sought after properties outside of New York City.

fairfield county có nghĩa là

Very wealthy county, includes such places as greenwich, new cannan, and darien. All those places are crap compared to stamford which includes a very impressive North Stamford as well as "baby new york" downtown area.


If your annual salary is under 150,000, you probably don't live in fairfield county

fairfield county có nghĩa là

The wealthiest county in the US, its home to preppy, sporty and ridiculously good looking scum. Home of some of the most obnoxious peoplpe on earth, especially those in greenwhich and new canaan, they even look down on people from FC. Best example, stamford. My area, north stamford has a higher gross income than any other town in the FC so everyone who puts stamford in with the "bad areas" guess again, there are appartments here that cost more than homes in those "high class" neighorhoods.

We drink, we smoke, we snort, we have sexx, we are the most pampered generation out there, o and we spend all of our money on cigarettes


dude, where in fairfield county can i buy?
go to POCHO man, they sell and dont ID
POCHO?! there are minorities there!
I know! they dont even import them!