human là gì - Nghĩa của từ human

human có nghĩa là

Self-absorbed animals in clothes.


Chimpanzee: This planet might actually be pretty cool if those pompous, pretentious, selfish humans weren't running around like they owned the show. Wait, I'm an animal... how the hell am I talking?

human có nghĩa là

A species of idiots that, unfortunately, WE ALL belong to.


"Humans are complete and utter buffoons."

human có nghĩa là

The smartest creature in the world that still acts like a dumb animal from time to time.


Apparently, human civilization prefers stupidity for a survival trait, and merely uses the geniuses as instruments for inching along human progress.

human có nghĩa là

A particularly noisy and destructive type of talking primate, having long since forgotten its place in the scheme of things, which is currently set about the task of permanently altering the biosphere of Earth in order to render it incapable of supporting life.

This talking primate alone suffers from a debilitating kind of self-reinforcing gullibility and delusion that results in an almost immovable self-importance and dualism. This condition causes humans to over-populate, over-consume and render their own environment uninhabitable.

It is theorised that humans, so afflicted, are attempting to self-soothe their collective unhappiness by committing mass suicide. Two such attempts are recorded in their recent history. Success in this effort would secure the place of humans in the category of "evolutionary cul-de-sac."

A small minority of humans exist in varying states of liberation from this delusional state. However, said minority is generally ignored by the larger civilization.


If you're annoyed by this definition, it's because you're a human.

human có nghĩa là

A race on "Earth", that makes it's way through all there is by enslaving or destroying anyone or anything in it's way.
Claims to be civilised and moral, but fails to demonstrate it through it's actions.
Also is not to be trusted. These humans will betray you or anyne else if it serves their purpose.
Suffers from a severe superiority complex.


Look at me dad, i am crawling into space. I am only just here because it has taken me this lng to get enough money because of rules i created. Whoops, said too much!!

human có nghĩa là

The only true monsters on the planet earth.


When humans ruled the world.

human có nghĩa là

Human (n.): A race with the capabality of intelligence, which has more disadvantages than advantages. The ability to imagine makes the species greedy, and in turn kills itself off. The race lives on the planet Earth and will soon destroy itself and possibly the planet along with it.

When not loved enough, the human will act in evil ways only for the purpose of making oneself feeling superior.


I hate being human.

Being in the army is de-humanizing.

human có nghĩa là

An INCREDIBLY ignorant and egotistical species. Claims to have "invented" all things that it benefits from, and is the first species to put FOOD under lock and key, making it a commodity.


The armadillo was killed by a human in its automobile.

human có nghĩa là

NASA found this definition in what seemed to be an Alien type of dictionary, after a ufo crash that was covered up. it was recently decoded.

Human-pathetic, and smelly monkeys who have primitive technology(the internet is their greatest..Ha!ha!ha!Ha!ha!)and language/writing.
the weakest primeapes on planet Earth!

the only species who kill each other becuase of looks and different skin color!

A species in the universe who "claim" to be intelligent.
the laughing joke of the universe.


(SETI discovered this conversation of Two unknown Extraterrestrial species shortly after the 9-11 events!
it has recently been decoded.)
E.T#1-hey look those humans are fighting again.

E.T#2-dont they ever quit? Have they gone nuclear yet?

E.T#1-no, not yet! they just flew one of those, slow, ugly, pathetic, mettalic suedobird thingies into two of their large mettalic buildings, killing many of their own species again!

E.T#2- metal suedobird?. Oh- you must mean what they call an airplane.

E.T#1 yeah, i think thats what its called.

E.T#2- WHAT. those humans are so barbaric. i wonder what they are fighting over now. ill bet its skin color again!..ha, what a bunch of idots.

E.T#1-yeah, you can never figure a human out. oh and get this it happened on the peice of land called america.

E.T#2-no shit. WOW! if i recall right, america is the land full of humans with different skin colours right,

E.t#1- yep. they're the worst ones when it comes to fighting each other.

E.T#2- Oh i just remembered, America is the land with the best.. uh whats it called now,..Army!
I bet they go nuclear.

E.T#1 oh i hope so, that,ll be some show to watch!

human có nghĩa là

A largely upright, semi-advanced homonid with approximately 3.96 limbs. The typical human is dull, enjoys sex, food, games with balls, and cathode-ray tubes.
Englishmen are not to be confused with humans. They bear some apparent similiarities, but in fact belong to a lower genus.


Britney Spears is a human.
This is controversial and awaits confirmation.

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