illinois là gì - Nghĩa của từ illinois

illinois có nghĩa là

A midwestern state where you could see a Porshe and a John Deere tractor on the same country road on your way to eat a Pony Shoe (or if you're hungry, a Horse Shoe) with your neighbors who happen to be a farmer, a stock broker, a doctor, and a hippie (i.e., very diverse). Illinoisians are infatuated with the outdoors, as shown by the multitude of state parks throughout the state. Although there sometimes tends to be tension between the Chicagoans and Downstaters, both unite together in their loyalty and pride in Illinois.


Notable cities (from south to north): Decatur, Charleston-Mattoon, Springfield, Danville, Urbana-Champaign, Bloomington, Peoria, Rockford, Rock Island-Moline, Chicago and suburbs.

illinois có nghĩa là

Heaven on Earth

I am currently at school in Cleveland Ohio, trust all of Illinois rocks. I am from the suburbs of Chiacgo, i did not realize how good i had it until i came here.

First of all you cannot buy alcohol after 10 in ohio. they have no 24 hr. establishments, and their football team is the Browns.

The best things about Chigao are the pizza, Da bears, and that there is actually things to do here. those reasons alone are reason enough to live here.


"Obviously God is rooting for da bears, or else he would not have put them in Chicago."

illinois có nghĩa là

A state with Chicago and a couple major downstate cities. I-80 is the cutoff for what you call the beginning of downstate Illinois. Most of the state is farmland. People grow corn mostly. Cook County has some corn mixed in with the city. The Chicago counties are called collar counties. R Kelly and Barack Obama and Oprah are some of the famous Illinoisans. The capital is Springfield.


"That state is like Illinois, one city and rest of it farmland!"

illinois có nghĩa là

probably one of the best places in america. theres chicago and the Downstate, and they're both awesome. illinois has everything, from the big city to the rolling farmlands, from the mississippi valley to the hills in the south, from the cliffs and bluffs in the northwest to the beaches in the northeast. from the extreme seasons to the fast drivers, and the endlessly booming suburbs. illinois is an amazing place to have your home in, and an awesome place to grow up. oh yeah, its POP, not soda or cola or any of that shit


illinois is my home, and i love it. and we're not all hicks, even if we're farmers!!

illinois có nghĩa là

Illinois consists of two parts: Chicago, and the black abyss beneath it.
Chicago is known all around the world for producing many things, being windy, and the mafia.
But I’m not going to tell you about Chicago, you all seem pretty well-informed of it already. I’m going to tell you about …. Central Illinois. (“What? What did she say? There’s a CENTRAL Illinois?”)
The only reason I could see anyone ever coming here is there is moderately good school systems. Never mind the rednecks, terrible weather, and nothing to do—the schools are good!
Not everyone is a redneck, that’s an exaggeration. But there are a lot of people who have very distinct red-neck qualities. And don’t let me get started on the weather. The summers are dreadfully hot and the winters are freezing. I’ve grown up here all my life, and I’m still not used to it.
But there are … some good things. We’ve discovered you can make more money if you put “Lincoln” in front of anything. Hey, we’re the “Land of Lincoln,” why not?! We have a lot of nice parks, as an example one close to me: Lincoln Memorial Gardens. Lookie there, two of the things mention rolled into one!
The cornfields I grew up next to are constantly being cut up and houses are always being built, for we have such a good school system here everyone is just flocking in. For now, it’s a relatively nice place to raise you little ones. But in another ten, twenty years it’ll be vastly overcrowded. We’ll be like a new Chicago! Oh joy!


Look at how I am, a prime example of how your children will grow up living in Central Illinois. Unless you’re rich. That’s the next neighbourhood over.

illinois có nghĩa là

A state consisting of Chicago and Southern Illinois. The true Southern Illinoisans (located south of I-64) are constantly disputing whether the S in southern should be capitalized or not.


I grew up in Illinois.

illinois có nghĩa là

1. A State in the Midwest.
2. An amazing piece of music by the artist Sufjan Stevens. Recently named it the best album of 2005.


"Dude, Sufjan's new album 'Illinois' is pretty orgasmic; you need to check it out."

illinois có nghĩa là

A state where the multitudes in Chicago (and its collar) blame their woes on "Springfield" as if it weren't PRIMARILY elected officials and political players from Chicago (and its collar) making the decisions in Springfield.


Chicago Mayor Richard Daley wants to put additional pressure on Springfield to allow a casino in the city.

illinois có nghĩa là

A place that would be a WHOLE lot fucking better if Chicago just became it's own state other than Chicago it's a good place and GUESS WHAT MOST OF WHAT CHICAGOAN'S CALL SOUTHERN ILLINOIS WHICH IS BELOW I-80 WE LIKE NEW YORK PIZZA TOO BITCHES in my town in EASTERN ILLINOIS with one of the best universities in the the Midwest we have 15 pizza joints and like one maybe two are Chicago pizza and were not REDNECKS we have electricity and indoor toilets to just saying if you didn't move here from Chicago to downstate we just hate you for many reasons like the like 15 governors you voted in were corrupt and the like 5 that are in prison thanks


You live in Chicago.
No i live in Charleston.
Is that part of Chicago.
No its part of Illinois. You sure?

illinois có nghĩa là

A state in the midwest consisting of Chicago and the rest of Illinois. The capital, Springfield, is known for putting the name Lincoln in front of everything, a few are Lincoln Memorial Gardens, Abraham Lincoln capital airport, President Lincoln hotel and confernece Center, Land of Lincoln... The most rapidly developing area in downstate Illionois is Chatham which has roughly ten to eleven new residential developments, and the town only has 10,000 people. It's right next to Springield, and is known for its excellent school district.


I was visiting my Dad in Illiois and i realized Chatham developed a rush hour.

Illinois should be two states, downsate Illinois, and The Chicagoland area.

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