Lỗi window cant not file windir systerm32 rundill32.exe

Done this more than once and nothing, I can't seem to find any infections and I have run sfc also. I have even downloaded a copy of the file and tried replacing it manually. I hope someone can help.

  • 2

On a side note what other functions are not working correctly? Is the control panel ok etc .......



Well-Known Member
  • 3

I should have explained further, control panel does not work either. As far as ie and any other program they seem to work fine. I also used the exe file association fix, nothing, I'm really stumped here. I guess I should add that the file doesn't look like the rest of the exe files in the system 32 folder, it looks like an ms word document.

Last edited: Jun 19, 2012

  • 4

You need to find out what is running that file?

Use process explorer or dependancy walker.

Can you remove the file or rename it?


Last edited: Jun 19, 2012

The Tech Professor

  • 5

Hello CLC,

I had a computer a couple of weeks ago that had this problem and these were the steps that I used. Hope this will help!

  1. I went into the c:\windows\system32\dllcache folder and found the rundll.exe file.
  1. I copied the rundll.exe file and pasted it into the c:\windows\system32 folder (this is where it should be by default, this is where you want it to be).
  1. I rebooted the machine.
  1. I was no longer in “.dll hell”, everything worked great and I was able to access Control Panel and complete the “fix”.

Best wishes, The Tech Professor

  • 6

You resolved the symptoms by replacing the missing file, yet you did not find the source of the problem. Even though you did get the system working again, I urge you to make sure all important data on the drive is backed up and then run a full diagnostic of the drive to ensure that the drive is not failing.

It is almost every day that I have a drive come in here after a tech fought with the drive trying to fix a missing dll issue, thinking it was caused by a virus when the original issue was a failing hard drive.

  • 7

    To resolve this issue, follow these steps: Put the Windows XP CD ROM disk in the CD ROM drive. Click Start, and then click Run. Type expand X:\i386\rundll32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe in the Open box, where X is the letter of your CD ROM Drive. Restart the computer.
Done this more than once and nothing, I can't seem to find any infections and I have run sfc also. I have even downloaded a copy of the file and tried replacing it manually. I hope someone can help.

As others have said I would test the drive for problems to weed that out as an initial cause of the issue. However...

Replacing the file from the CD or dllcache is one thing, but you didn't mention after you've tried this, DOES THE FILE ACTUALLY EXIST IN \windows\system32???

If so, you might have an IFEO hijack. If not, then you're doing something wrong... and what exactly have you used to scan for malware?


Well-Known Member
  • 8

Yes I have replaced the file more than once, something is changing the file every time it is replaced. I believe I missed an infection at this point. I did clear the dll cache and ran a sfc scannow. I can see the rundll32.exe file in the system32 folder but like I said it doesn't look right. I will look into the infection you have mentioned and as far as what I've used, sas, mbam, iobit malware fighter, and combofix. I've also ran the bitdefender rescue disk and the avast boot time scan. I will check the drive and report back, thank you all for you advice. (will these scanners pick up the IFEO hijack?)

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