Những đoạn văn để học tiếng Anh

Có những cách nào hay để bạn có thể luyện kỹ năng giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh? Một trong những cách để bạn có thể kích thích não bộ, tăng khả năng vận dụng và tính sáng tạo cho bạn khi học tiếng Anh là các bài nói tiếng Anh. Có rất nhiều chủ đề nói thú vị để bạn có thể áp dụng cho các bài luyện nói tiếng Anh. Cùng Step Up xem những chủ đề dưới đây nhé.

Các bài nói tiếng Anh hay có thể tạo động lực học tiếng Anh, kích thích khả năng tư duy cho bạn. Luyện nhiều bài tập luyện nói tiếng Anh một cách thường xuyên sẽ giúp bạn có vốn bài nói phong phú và đa dạng. Sau đây là một vài bài luyện nói tiếng Anh thông dụng dành cho bạn.

Bài nói tiếng Anh về một chuyến du lịch 

Những đoạn văn để học tiếng Anh

Ok I’m going to tell you about a memorable car trip that I had several years ago. It was around 6 years ago, when I passed the university entrance exam with flying

colors. Of course, my parents were over the moon and they thought I needed something to blow off steam. On top of that, my family didn’t have many chances to go on vacation together, so we decided to have a road trip from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city. Normally, if people want to travel to Ho Chi Minh city, they would normally travel by plane, which is a two-hour flight. By contrast, travelling long distance by car is way more time-consuming and exhausting. At first, I was reluctant because I was carsick. But I do know this would have its own perks, I convinced myself to give it a go. And you know what, it was totally worth it. 

First of all, I could see beautiful landscape passing by with my own eyes. And whenever we saw something beautiful and interesting, my father stopped driving and we enjoyed the natural beauty together. For example, when my family went to Phu Yen, we were blown away by the stunning view of the rice paddy field. I took a lot of photos and showed them on Facebook. Second, I was able to try so many local delicacies along the way, like Banh xeo in Da Nang, Banh trang cuon thit heo in Quang Nam and so on. Actually it was the highlight of the trip I guess haha.

Last but not least, that was a precious chance for all of the family members to spend quality time with each other. We talked about things, we laughed, we sang together, which was truly an unforgettable experience.

  • over the moon (adj): cực kỳ vui sướng, hạnh phúc
  • to travel long distance: đi đường dài
  • be carsick: bị say xe
  • perks: lợi ích
  • give it a go = give it a try = have a crack at sth: thử làm gì đó
  • be blown away by sth: bị làm cho ngạc nhiên bởi thứ gì đó
  • the highlight of something: điểm nhấn, phần thú vị nhất của cái gì đó

Bài nói tiếng Anh về một nơi mà bạn có thể mua đồ gỗ

In my experience, when it comes to wooden furniture, you have to pay THẠCH THẤT a visit. That is a small village situated in the north of Hanoi, so it’s pretty far from my house. It has established a national reputation for high-quality furniture and when you visit it, I’m sure you will be amazed by the wide variety of products. I mean wooden chairs, tables and bookshelves are available in every nook and cranny there so it might take you a couple of hours to choose your favorite piece of furniture.

Những đoạn văn để học tiếng Anh

Bài nói tiếng Anh về một điều khiến bạn thấy vui vẻ

Several years ago, when I passed the university entrance exam with flying colors, my

parents were over the moon and they decided to reward me with something. Since I am a technophile, I asked them whether I could have the iPhone 6 and they said yes.

You know what, it was the flagship product of Apple at that time. I know that this phone was a bit pricey and I wondered whether it was worth every penny. But in fact, the phone was good value for money. I love it oh so much for countless reasons. The first thing that made me fall in love with the iPhone 6 is that it was my very first smartphone. Before that, I owned a Nokia phone and I could only make and receive a call and send some texts. That’s all. So I was really psyched about what I could do with it. I mean I could join social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, compose and send emails and even play games with great graphics.

Secondly, it was the latest product, which meant that I could discover new features that were available. For instance, the touch ID system was state-of-the art. That’s the kind of system that allows the owner to unlock the phone with their own fingerprints. That sounds awesome right. It took me a couple of days to get to know the phone.

Bài luyện nói tiếng Anh về một quán cafe mà bạn có thể đến nghe nhạc

Những đoạn văn để học tiếng Anh

Now I’m going to tell you about to coffee shop called Cong, which is a place I often visit to listen to live music. This café is conveniently located in the downtown of Hanoi. It is a lively place which is pretty popular among not only local people but also foreigners. I mean I could see Japanese, Indian, American people there, you name it. However, because it is quite far from my house, if I want to pay it a visit, I’d have to leave home early to avoid traffic congestion. I’m actually a regular at this coffee shop and most of the times, I go there alone to spend some me time.

There’re a lot of things that I love about this little place. But the biggest reason why I frequent it is the wonderful music played by the band. In every evening, some singers will take the stage and sing their heart out. In fact, they are not professional singers or household names, but they do have a beautiful voice. Another reason that I adore them is that they can play multiple musical instruments such as the guitar, the piano and so on, which makes the songs even better. On top of that, the prices of everything is reasonable. Normally, if you want to visit a place with good live music, the price may be exorbitant. But it’s not the case in Cong café. So I often recommend this place to all of my friends.

Xem thêm: Các bài hát tiếng Anh bất hủ

Bài luyện nói tiếng Anh về một nơi mà bạn yêu thích

Ah great. Now I will tell you about my all-time favorite botanical garden near my house, which is not really popular. It is a small garden with many park benches surrounded by a lot of trees and flowers, and it overlooks a small pond. I don’t think many people know about this little place, since there’re not many people there during the day. And of course, I don’t want to keep it to myself, since too many visitors can certainly spoil it with noise and litter. The things that made me love it is the peace and quietness. The new area that I just moved to is really noisy and bustling, and sometimes I feel exhausted with all the pressure from work. So this garden is like a safe haven for me to blow off steam and get away from the worries. Besides, getting closer to nature is another benefit you know. I could breathe in fresh air and enjoy gentle breezes every once in a while, which might be quite good for my mental health I think. Last but not least, the garden is the perfect spot for family gatherings or friend meetings.

Every now and then, I would have a picnic there, play outdoor games with friends and cement our friendships. Eating at restaurants, attending music concerts or going shopping can be boring and repetitive sometimes, so spending some time at the garden could be an amazing substitute.

Bài luyện nói tiếng Anh về một hoạt động để bạn cải thiện sức khỏe

Actually I’m a health-conscious kind of guy, and I do a lot of things to maintain health and wellness, ranging from eating a balanced diet, not smoking and drinking alcohol to doing physical exercise. But today I’m going to talk about one of my habits, which is going jogging after dinner. And I believe that this habit does help me to stay healthy. I’ve taken up this habit a long time ago, perhaps several months. There’s a small botanical garden with a lot of trees and flowers in my neighborhood, so that’s the ideal place for joggers. The best thing about it is that not many people know about this place, so it’s pretty quiet and tranquil. I love jogging mostly because it doesn’t require you to prepare much. Just a pair of trainers, some comfortable clothes and you’re totally ready for some running time. But it’s not the case when it comes to other activities like tennis and hitting the gym. For example,

membership and equipment can be a little bit pricey, especially for a person who’s living on a tight budget like me. In my opinion, going jogging on a regular basis can do wonders for my physical and mental health. First and foremost, I tend sit and glue my eyes to the computer screen all day long at work. So if I don’t exercise physically, that would be absolutely harmful. That’s why I always try to spare some time for this in the evening to burn some calories. Secondly, I can breathe in some fresh air, get closer to nature and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Whenever I go jogging, I feel completely relaxed and it seems to me that all of my worries disappear.

  • health-conscious (adj): quan tâm đến sức khoẻ
  • to maintain health and wellness: giữ thể trạng sức khoẻ
  • trainers: giày đi bộ
  • to hit the gym: tập gym
  • to glue my eyes: dán mắt vào
  • to spare some time: dành thời gian
  • to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city
  • life: tránh xa sự ồn ào náo nhiệt của thành phố

Trên đây là các bài luyện nói tiếng Anh mẫu theo chủ đề gợi ý cho bạn. Để có thể xây dựng cho mình các bài nói tiếng Anh đa dạng và hấp dẫn hơn nữa hãy bổ sung vốn từ vựng của mình mỗi ngày nhé. Với lộ trình cụ thể theo từng unit chủ đề từ vựng khác nhau, kết hợp các phương pháp học độc đáo: phương pháp học từ vựng qua chuyện chêm, học từ vựng qua âm thanh tương tự,… cuốn sách Hack Não 1500 từ tiếng Anh sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những bí quyết học từ vựng hiệu quả để áp dụng cho các bài luyện nói tiếng Anh. Đừng quên vận dụng những từ vựng đã học được và xây dựng các bài tập luyện nói tiếng Anh mỗi ngày để nâng cao kiến thức của mình nhé. Đón đọc những bài viết về Luyện nói tiếng Anh chuẩn, hay và thú vị để có cho mình những thông tin bổ ích.