paedophilic là gì - Nghĩa của từ paedophilic

paedophilic có nghĩa là

Scum sucking piece of shit who preys on children for their sexual pleasure

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1. He's a paedophile and should have his nuts cut off.
2. He's a convicted paedophile and as such will probably have his nuts cut off when he gets to prison.

paedophilic có nghĩa là

Kiddie fiddler - usually linked to primary school education

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1. He's a paedophile and should have his nuts cut off.

paedophilic có nghĩa là

2. He's a convicted paedophile and as such will probably have his nuts cut off when he gets to prison.

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paedophilic có nghĩa là

1. He's a paedophile and should have his nuts cut off.

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1. He's a paedophile and should have his nuts cut off.

paedophilic có nghĩa là

2. He's a convicted paedophile and as such will probably have his nuts cut off when he gets to prison. Kiddie fiddler - usually linked to primary school education Alan Jackson loved his job, because he could watch the six year-olds changing for gym a sicko A Paedophile (sometimes spelled Pedophile) is someone who feels a sexual attraction towards young children. They arfe not necessarily a child abuser - it is possible to have a sexual attraction to children and NOT rape them, just as it is possible for a gay person to live all of their life in "the closet".

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Paedophile: Hello

paedophilic có nghĩa là

The Greek origin of the word means "lover of children". For this reason it was appropriated by people with sexual urges towards children (although the Greek use is far broader and most often has no sexual connotations - for instance a "Russophile" can someone who likes to visit Russia or who supports Russian foreign policy). It has now become a descriptive or hostile term for such people.

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Refers to child molesters and child rapists, as well as people who view sexual images of children and those who would like to do so. Current usage makes it unclear whether it is a sexual orientation or a class of actions.

paedophilic có nghĩa là

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (or paedophilia) is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The child must be at least five years younger in the case of adolescent pedophiles aged 16 or older

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Strictly speaking, it refers only to those interested in pre-pubescent children. (Attraction to teenagers is hebephilia). All paedophile activities which involve actual children are forms of child abuse.

paedophilic có nghĩa là

correct spelling for a man who likes or fantasises of sex with young children. Much like a vampire, he lurks in the night. When a child is struck, that child will itself become a recluse and eventually a paedophile, passing it on to any they strike. The only known cure is a stake though the heart or castration. Must be separated form 'regular' prisoners while in jail for their crimes, otheriwse their life expectancy is about 2 days before they get nonce bashed. Dude1: A peadophile on msn tried to get me to meet up with him in the park after dark!
Dude2: I got peadophiled once when i was 5. My dad says when i'm older ill turn into one As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (or paedophilia) is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The child must be at least five years younger in the case of adolescent pedophiles aged 16 or older Brennan is a prime example of a paedophile.

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Dude he has a mangina!! A Paedophile is also known as Pedo Paedo Paedophile or Kiddie Fiddler It's common in Britian to say Nonce Definition: You Person 1 Hey, why was Boris Johnson arrested? Person 2 Oh, he noncd a kid.

paedophilic có nghĩa là

someone who is a paedophile

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Person 3 Oh shit, I best be on the run!

paedophilic có nghĩa là

Someone who is interested in children in a sexual way called Phil.

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Person 2 Why? Person 3 I'm an offending paedophile - I noncd a kid!

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