sonias là gì - Nghĩa của từ sonias

sonias có nghĩa là

Sonia is a gorgeous masterpiece created by God to bring beauty into this world and get rid of ugly people.


Gosh there's so many ugly people here, where's Sonia when you need Her.

sonias có nghĩa là

Sonia is shy and quiet at first, but after a while she is crazy, outspoken, and not afraid to take a stand. She is very sweet and caring, and gives people second chances. But if you try to walk all over her or her friends, she'll make sure you know what you did wrong. Sonia doesn't like talking in front of a crowd, but when she does people listen. Sonia has the ability to come up with a powerful argument quickly, and uses that in her favor. Sonia's very picky about who gets to know her, but those who get to, are very lucky.


boy: do you have any Sonias around here?
girl: yeah, my best friend is a Sonia.
boy: LUCKY!!

sonias có nghĩa là

The most beautiful girl ever. Become her best friend and get to know her amazing personality. She is very sweet and the most comfortable person to talk to. If you're lucky, she'll eventually like you.


Dude: Hey man, whats your gf like?
Other dude: She's a sonia, man!
Dude: Aww lucky!!!

sonias có nghĩa là

A beautiful european girl , she is very careing and kind at heart. She is loud, sexual, crazy and her stupidity makes her friends laugh. She knows how to put a smile on anyones face with her dirty jokes and can always be exactly what you need right when you need it. Sonia's are awesome to hang with because they can make a positive situation out of anything they are truely one of a kind and special in every way they act. Sonia's smile is cute and her eyes have a warm twinkle to them , she has one of the hottest bodies out and likes to flaunt it to her special someone ;) She likes someone at the moment but is actually too shy to say it straight. She is a leader and knows how to get things done but when it comes to love she is lost and needs that "person" to step up and lead the way. She knows how to take a joke but can be very hard on herself and sensitive at times, she will never show it though. She always puts on a brave face for everyone trying not to show how she feels. She gives the best relation ship advice even though she hasnt had a proper one herself. She will put others problems before her own and go out of her way to make her friends feel good about themselves... People seem to judge her on her obvious beauty and assume she has done more then she has - when in reality she hasnt even had her first kiss yet, she is waiting for the right guy to sweep her off her feet.


" Woah who is that?"
" thats sonia"
" she cute as!"
" she is a handful haha :P"

sonias có nghĩa là

The name is Greek in Origin is and means wisdom. The person who holds this name can live up to the reputation or not. I know of only a few Sonia's and they have been awesome people most often friendly to all and kind.


Wise, Sonia, Sonya, Wisdom, Friendly, Reputation, kind

sonias có nghĩa là

Sonia is the funniest person ever!!! She gives the best advice especially on dating even tho she has never had a relationship. She loves food!



sonias có nghĩa là

Sonia is a type of person you can speak about your problems to. Once you meet her she's a very sweet angel. She's always there when you need her. She's a super gorgeous girl created by god. She's a bitch but in a good way. She knows how to make people sthu. Sonia is the best person you could ever meet. She's the type of person you can cry on, laugh with, and once you lay your eyes on her or talk to her you wish you could be with her for the rest of our life. Although if you do something wrong she is not afraid to rip your throats out. If you have a friend named Sonia then you're very lucky


Girl: Who is that?
Boy: That's Sonia. She's an amazing person!
Girl: I want her to be my friend already!

sonias có nghĩa là

The most beautiful girl in the world, she makes her boyfriend feel so special and lucky to have her. There is no other girl out there that can be anywhere remotely close to how amazing Sonia is.


Yazerd just won the lottery, no, even better actually he won himself a Sonia

sonias có nghĩa là

Sonia is a very caring friend family girlfriend she cares highly too much at times she doesn't notice that she won't put herself before anyone else even though she can be annoying its not really her being annoying she loud because she loves to be heard she's open to making and meeting new people each day she is hilarious she makes you laugh with anything she says she is bold she is rare she is more than what you can expect but she is all about loyalty you can't really notice her pain unless she is at her breaking point if you have a friend family member or girlfriend named Sonia look out for her and make sure she's as happy as she true to make you remind her that you love her!


Wooah sonia is coming I missed her so much!!

sonias có nghĩa là

A soft, beautiful, and sexy woman. Sonia's over 40 are almost always considered to be MILFs. When people first see a Sonia from across the room, they think she's sexy, but stuck up. She's definitely sexy - but she's not stuck up. She is actually very shy at first, but her stunning beauty and sexy body cause people to misinterpret her shyness as conceit. Sonias can be very critical of others, but are most critical of themselves. In fact much of their shyness comes from the fear of what others are thinking of them. Sonia's are some of the most giving people in the world, but often don't get credit for their generosity, because they also are known to ask directly for what they want. If you are ever lucky enough to have sex with a Sonia, they will ruin you for all other women. It will be the best sex you ever had. She will find out what really turns you on, and will use that to give you the most mind blowing orgasm of your life... And then the next time you have sex will be even better. Sonia's love all animals. And all animals love Sonia. Sonias are so sexy, they attract both men and women, and they can make both men and women obsess over them. If you want to keep a Sonia, you must do everything they ask and even try to anticipate their needs. Because remember... once you have sex with her, you'll never want to have sex with anyone else!


Girl: who's that hottie in the corner over there?
Boy: oh! That's Sonia! I used to date her.
Girl: She makes me want to see what it's like to kiss a girl! But she looks stuck up.
Boy: Naaah. Sonia's not stuck up she's just shy...and sexy as hell!!!
Girl: You wanna make out?
Boy: No thanks. I'm only interested in Sonia!

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