Sum of exterior angles of a polygon

We will learn how to find the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon having n sides.

We know that, exterior angle + interior adjacent angle = 180°

So, if the polygon has n sides, then

Sum of all exterior angles + Sum of all interior angles = n × 180°

So, sum of all exterior angles = n × 180° - Sum of all interior angles

Sum of all exterior angles = n × 180° - (n -2) × 180°

                                      = n × 180° - n × 180° + 2 × 180°

                                      = 180°n - 180°n + 360°

                                      = 360°

Therefore, we conclude that sum of all exterior angles of the polygon having n sides = 360°

Therefore, measure of each exterior angle of the regular polygon = 360°/n

Also, number of sides of the polygon = 360°/each exterior angle

Solved examples on sum of the exterior angles of a polygon:

1. Find the number of sides in a regular polygon when the measure of each exterior angle is 45°.


If the polygon has n sides,

Then, we know that; n = 360°/measure of each exterior angle

                                = 360/45

                                = 8

Therefore, the regular polygon has 8 sides.

2. The exteriors angles of a pentagon are (m + 5)°, (2m + 3)°, (3m + 2)°, (4m + 1)° and (5m + 4)° respectively. Find the measure of each angle.

Hints: The sum of all exterior angles of a polygon is 360°.


We know,the sum of all exterior angles of a pentagon is 360°

Therefore, (m + 5)° + (2m + 3)° + (3m + 2)° + (4m + 1)° + (5m + 4)° = 360°

⇒ m + 5 + 2m + 3 + 3m + 2 + 4m + 1 + 5m + 4 = 360°

⇒ 15m + 15 = 360°

⇒ 15m = 360° - 15°                          

⇒ 15m = 345°    

⇒ m = 345°/15°

⇒ m = 23°

Therefore, the first angle = m + 5°           

                                   = 23° + 5°

                                   = 28°

Second angle = 2m + 3°

                   = 2° × 23° + 3°

                   = 46° + 3°

                    = 49°

Third angle = 3m + 2

                = 3° × 23° + 2°

                = 69° + 2°

                 = 71°

Fourth angle = 4m + 1

                  = 4° × 23° + 1°

                  = 92° +1°

                  = 93°

Fifth angle = 5m + 4°

                = 5° × 23° + 4°

                = 115° + 4°

                = 119°


Polygon and its Classification

Terms Related to Polygons

Interior and Exterior of the Polygon

Convex and Concave Polygons

Regular and Irregular Polygon

Number of Triangles Contained in a Polygon

Angle Sum Property of a Polygon

Problems on Angle Sum Property of a Polygon

Sum of the Interior Angles of a Polygon

Sum of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon

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Why is the sum of exterior angles of a polygon always 360?

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon (remember only convex polygons are being discussed here) is 360 degrees. This is a result of the interior angles summing to 180(n-2) degrees and each exterior angle being, by definition, supplementary to its interior angle.

Do all exterior angles add up to 360?

Let sum of all exterior angles be 'E', and sum of all interior angles be 'I'. E = n × 180° - (n -2) × 180°. Hence, The sum of all the exterior angles of a polygon is 360° .

What is the sum of exterior and interior angle of a polygon?

The sum of an adjacent interior angle and exterior angle for any polygon is equal to 180 degrees since they form a linear pair. Also, the sum of exterior angles of a polygon is always equal to 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the exterior angles of a concave polygon?

The sum of the exterior angles of a concave polygon is 360°. This means just like all the other polygons, the exterior angles always add up to 360° for all concave polygons.

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