the burrito là gì - Nghĩa của từ the burrito

the burrito có nghĩa là

Burritoing (Verb) - The act of wrapping yourself in multiple blankets, nearing, but not reaching, the point of suffocation.

Ví dụ

Cam was burritoing while watching a movie! He was so comfy wrapped up in all the blankets!

the burrito có nghĩa là

Definitively not the kind of shitty food Taco Bell sells and people thinks that's mexican food

Ví dụ

Cam was burritoing while watching a movie! He was so comfy wrapped up in all the blankets! Definitively not the kind of shitty food Taco Bell sells and people thinks that's mexican food

the burrito có nghĩa là

John: Damn!! I just saw some big piece of shit on the table!!!

Ví dụ

Cam was burritoing while watching a movie! He was so comfy wrapped up in all the blankets!

the burrito có nghĩa là

Definitively not the kind of shitty food Taco Bell sells and people thinks that's mexican food

Ví dụ

Cam was burritoing while watching a movie! He was so comfy wrapped up in all the blankets!

the burrito có nghĩa là

Definitively not the kind of shitty food Taco Bell sells and people thinks that's mexican food

Ví dụ

John: Damn!! I just saw some big piece of shit on the table!!!

the burrito có nghĩa là

Dave: Dude...That was my Taco Bell burrito

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The act of stealing the covers from one's spouse by rolling up in them. My wife burritoed the covers last night and I froze my ass off!

the burrito có nghĩa là

a really fat joint

Ví dụ

man i wanna hit that burrito

the burrito có nghĩa là

When you roll yourself in a think blanket/comforter to the point where you make yourself look like a burrito.

Ví dụ

Tonight I am going Burrito and watch some Netflix tonight.

the burrito có nghĩa là

In the Sonara desert of northern Mexico, a dehydrated man called Juan Cuathalmetalmoctolpethactuactl, deprived of sex for more than 6 hours, met an attractive woman. The Mexican-Peruvian seductress agreed to make sweet love to Juan until the morning. When he woke up, he only saw a donkey, and realised he had hallucinated. There had been no Mexican-Peruvian seductress, and Juan was sad. Still, he accepted his son as if he was non-donkey-related. What came next, is legend. As Juan wanted his son to always know where he had come from, he decided to call him Burro ("donkey"). But Burro grew up to be a tiny Mexican, so his friends soon started calling him Burrito. This irritated him, so at the age of 10, on a schooltrip to Guadalajara, one night he decided to roll all of his classmates tightly into their own bed sheets, later claiming he "only Burrito'ed" them. The Mexican Policia sent him to Hocpoctolocpatecl Prison, in the South. There, he gained the nickname Bean, due to his amazing skills with beans which he developed during many lonely hours in the cell. Burrito "Bean" got out of prison 26 years later, ready to make it big. What followed was a chain of more than 6'000 stores, collected under the quality brand name, Taco Bell. And their first product? Exactly, the Bean Burrito, invented by and named after Burro "Bean" Cuathalmetalmoctolpethactuactl. Moreover, the specific product name Burrito has become a general term for anything looking like the original burrito.

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nice burrito

the burrito có nghĩa là

bên phải? bên phải?! You should hear the story...

Ví dụ

The act of rolling yourself up in a blanket to become a human burrito.