When performing a venipuncture on a child, what tube would be best to use?

Samples must be venipuncture or arterial line/puncture; no heelstick samples. Cord blood is NOT preferred.

Sample must be filled up to the marker line as indicated on the tube.

1.8 ml light blue top Microtainer® tube can be obtained from Hematology at ext. 456-5090

BNP (B-Type Natriuretic Peptide)

0.5 mL lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube

Bilirubin, Micro 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Blood Culture 1 mL per protocol Fungal Blood Culture 1 mL per protocol Basic Metabolic Panel 0.7 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes BMP, bili, triglyceride, MG 0.7 mL light green or gold Microtainer® tube – collect 2 Microtainer® tubes CBC 0.5 mL lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Copper 1.7 mL red or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 4 Microtainer® tubes OR 1.7 mL plain royal-blue-top Microtainer® tube Cortisol 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes CMV (Cytomegalovirus) IgG & IgM 0.5 mL gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
CPK 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
CRP 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
DIC Screen (PT, PTT, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Platelet Count)

0.5 mL in lavender Microtainer® tube AND:

One 1.8 ml light blue top Microtainer® tube

Samples must be venipuncture or arterial line/puncture; no heelstick samples. Cord blood is NOT preferred.

Sample must be filled up to the marker line as indicated on the tube.

1.8 ml light blue top Microtainer® tube can be obtained from Hematology at ext. 456-5090.

Direct Coombs (Direct Antiglobulin Test) & Indirect Coombs 1.5 mL pink-top or lavender-top Microtainer® tube Electrolyte Panel 0.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Ferritin 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Glucose 0.5 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Hemoglobin & Hematocrit 0.5 mL lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Hepatic panel 0.7 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes HIV Antibodies/P24 Screen VISHAS (STAT) or VISHAA (Routine)

Collect 2 full - 0.5 mL gold or red top Microtainer® tubes


0.7 mL light green, lavender, or red Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes

Ionized Calcium 0.4 mL light green Microtainer® tube ON ICE - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Lactate 0.4 mL light green Microtainer® tube ON ICE <30 minutes - collect 1 Microtainer® tube LH (Luteinizing Hormone) 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Lipase 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Liver Panel (Hepatic Function Panel) 0.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Magnesium 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Osmolality, Serum 0.3 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Phosphorus 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Phos, Alk Phos, BMP 0.7 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Progesterone 0.8 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes Prolactin 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes PT, PTT, Fibrinogen

One 1.8 ml light-blue top Microtainer® tube

Samples must be venipuncture or arterial line/puncture; no heelstick samples. Cord blood is NOT preferred.

Sample must be filled up to the marker line as indicated on the tube.

1.8 ml light-blue top Microtainer® tube can be obtained from Hematology at ext. 456-5090

Factors: II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, or XIII

One 1.8 ml light-blue top Microtainer® tube

Samples must be venipuncture or arterial line/puncture; no heelstick samples. Cord blood is NOT preferred.

Sample must be filled up to the marker line as indicated on the tube.

1.8 ml light-blue top Microtainer® tube can be obtained from Hematology at ext. 456-5090

Reticulocyte Count 0.5 mL lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube

Respiratory Virus Panel

(Adenovirus, Human Metapneumovirus, Influenza Virus Type A/B, Parainfluenza Virus Type 1, 2, 3 and RSV-Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

Preferred: 2 mL nasopharyngeal wash, tracheal aspirate or respiratory sectretions in screw-capped, sterile container. Acceptable: Nasopharyngeal swabs

Specimen required: 2 mL aspirate or 4 nasopharyngeal swabs
Minimum required: 1 mL aspirate of 3 nasopharyngeal swabs

PCR will be performed for influenza and RSV, Immunofluorescence will be performed for Adenovirus, Human Metapneumovirus and Parainfluenza 1, 2, 3 Syphillis Antibody Screen 1 mL - collect 2 gold Microtainer® tubes SGOT 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
SGPT 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Thyroid Function TSH, T4, T3

0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube for any single test - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes

1.5 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube for any 2 or 3 tests - collect 3 Microtainer® tubes

Thyroxine (T4) Free 0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes TSH, Free T4

0.8 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube for 1 test - collect 2 Microtainer® tubes

1.2 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube for both tests - collect 3 Microtainer® tubes

TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity) 0.5 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Toxoplasma IgG & IgM 0.5 mL gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Triglycerides 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Uric Acid 0.4 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube
Urine Drug Screen RDSI: 1 mL urine
UDS: 6 mL urine Urine Electrolytes 0.4 mL spot urine in a screw-cap tube

Therapeutic Drug Levels

Amikacin 0.5 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Digoxin 0.5 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Dilantin 0.4 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Gentamicin 0.4 mL red or light green Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Phenobarbital 0.4 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Theophylline 0.4 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Tobramycin 0.4 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube Vancomycin 0.4 mL red Microtainer® tube - collect 1 Microtainer® tube

Send-Out Test

mL whole blood in Microtainer® unless otherwise specified

17-Hydroxyprogesterone, HPLC-MS/MS SST (X17OHP)

0.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 full Microtainer® tubes

Average TAT: 2-6 days Smith-Lemli-Opitz Screen, Plasma aka 7-Dehydrocholesterol Reductase Deficiency
Test Code: SLO

0.2 mL in light green or lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 full Microtainer® tube

Average TAT: 5-9 days Acylcarnitine, Quantitative (YACRN)

0.2 mL in light green or lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 full Microtainer® tube

Patient Preparation: Collect specimen just prior to a scheduled meal or feeding.

Average TAT: 4-7 days Mycoplasma Pneumonia, PCR Qualitative (XMPPCR)

Respiratory specimen: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), bronchial brushings, nasopharyngeal swab, sputum, tracheal aspirate, pleural fluid or CSF

Swabs: Place in viral transport media (ARUP supply # 12884)

CSF: 0.5 mL transfer in sterile container

Respiratory specimen: Transfer to sterile container or viral transport media

Average TAT: 2-6 days

Aldosterone (XALDOS)

1 mL gold or red Microtainer® tube - collect 2 full Microtainer® tubes

Average TAT: 1-3 days

Amino Acids, Blood (XAMACP)

0.5 mL in light green Microtainer® tube - collect 1 full Microtainer® tube

Patient preparation: Draw specimen prior to feeding or 2-3 hours after a meal.

Average TAT: 3-7 days

Amino Acids, Urine (XAA)

3.0 mL random urine. First-morning void is preferred.

Pediatric Min: May be able to perform with a minimum of 1.0 mL; however, this is dependent on creatinine value. More than 1.0 mL may be required if urine is very dilute.

CRITICAL FROZEN: Deliver to lab immediately

MUST submit history form with specimen: http://ltd.aruplab.com/Tests/Pdf/16

Average TAT: 4-9 days

Androstenedione (XANDRO)

0.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 full Microtainer® tubes

Patient preparation: Specimen should be collected between 6-10 a.m.

Average TAT 2-6 days Aneuploidy panel by FISH
aka Newborn Fish panel (XNBANU)

collect 1 full mL dark green (sodium heparin) Microtainer® tube

MUST submit history form with specimen: http://ltd.aruplab.com/Tests/Pdf/20

Average TAT: 2-5 days

Caffeine (XCAFF)

0.4 mL in red, gold, or lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 full Microtainer® tube

Average TAT: 2-7 days Carnitine Free & Total (XCARN)

0.4 mL in red, gold, or lavender Microtainer® tube - collect 1 full Microtainer® tube

CRITICAL FROZEN: Send to lab immediately after collection.

MUST submit history form with specimen: http://ltd.aruplab.com/Tests/Pdf/16

Average TAT: 2-6 days

Chromosome Analysis (XRTC)

2.0 mL dark green (sodium heparin) Microtainer® tube

MUST submit history form with specimen: http://ltd.aruplab.com/Tests/Pdf/20

Average TAT:4-12 days

Dehyroepiandrosterone [DHEA] (XDHEA)

0.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 2 full Microtainer® tubes

Average TAT: 2-6 days 5-a-Dihydrotestosterone by Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Serum (XDHT)

1.2 mL red or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 3 full Microtainer® tubes

Average TAT: 2-6 days Fatty Acid Profile (YPOX)

0.3 mL red or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 1 full Microtainer® tube

Patient Preparation: collect specimen prior to next feeding

Average TAT: 4-7 days HIV 1 DNA PCR Qualitative ZHIVQ

1.0 mL - collect 2 full lavender Microtainer® tubes

Average TAT: 2-3 days Renin Activity (XRENIN)

2.5 mL pink-top or lavender-top Microtainer® tube

Average TAT: 2-5 days Cytogenomic SNP Microarray (XSNPM)

1.0 mL - collect 2 full lavender Microtainer® tubes

MUST submit history form with specimen http://ltd.aruplab.com/Tests/Pdf/76

Average TAT: 12-16 days

Testosterone Free & Total (XTESTF)

1.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 3 full Microtainer® tubes

Patient Preparation: Collect between 6-10 a.m.

Average TAT: 2-6 days

Testosterone Free (XFTESF)

1.6 mL light green, red, or gold Microtainer® tube - collect 3 full Microtainer® tubes

Average TAT: 2-6 days

Urine Organic Acids Screen (YOAU)

4.0 mL Urine in a sterile container

Pediatric Min: If insufficient collection volume, submit as much specimen as possible in a single container; the laboratory will determine if volume is sufficient for testing.

What type of needle may be used for pediatric patients younger than 2 years?

For toddlers (1–2 years): There are two options for injection site and needle length: Anterolateral thigh muscle – use 1"–1¼" needle, 22–25 gauge. Deltoid muscle – if muscle mass adequate, use ⅝"–1" needle, 22–25 gauge.

What color tubes are used for which tests in phlebotomy?

Red Top. ADDITIVE. None. MODE OF. ACTION. Blood clots, and the serum is separated by. ... .
Purple Top. ADDITIVE. EDTA. MODE OF. ACTION. Forms calcium salts to remove calcium. ... .
Dark Blue. Top. ADDITIVE. EDTA- MODE OF. ACTION. ... .
Yellow - Black Top. ADDITIVE. Broth mixture. MODE OF. ... .
Light Brown. Top. ADDITIVE. Sodium heparin or EDTA (read label) MODE OF..

Which of the following tubes should be drawn first?

The correct order of draw follows: Blood culture tube or bottle. Sodium citrate tube (eg, blue closure) Serum tubes, including those with clot activator and gels (eg, red, red-speckled, gold closures)

Which vein is the first vein a phlebotomist should attempt to find?

After the needle selection, phlebotomists begin to look and feel for a viable vein. The first attempt is the antecubital fossa area, starting with the median cubital vein, then the cephalic vein, and the basilic vein. If none of these veins work, then the phlebotomists use the hand veins.