Which characteristic is a criterion for diagnosing borderline personality disorder Quizlet

Oppositional defiant disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of disobedience, argumentativeness, angry outbursts, low tolerance for frustration, and tendency to blame others for misfortunes, large and small. Conduct disorder is characterized by more serious violations of social norms, including aggressive behavior, destruction of property, and cruelty to animals. In kleptomania, individuals cannot resist the urge to steal, and they independently steal items that they could easily afford. Irresistible impulses to start fires characterize pyromania: repeated fire setting with tension or arousal before setting fires; fascination or attraction to the fires; and gratification when setting, witnessing, or participating in the aftermath of fire.

"Attention seeking," "excitable," and "emotional" describe people with histrionic personality disorder. These individuals are lively and dramatic and draw attention to themselves by their enthusiasm, dress, and apparent openness. They are the "life of the party" and, on the surface, seem interested in others. Their insatiable need for attention and approval quickly becomes obvious. There are two main ways their need to be "center stage" is exhibited: (1) their interests and topics of conversation focus on their own desires and activities, and (2) their behavior, including their speech, continually calls attention to themselves. These needs are inflexible and persistent even after others attempt to meet them. Persons with histrionic personality disorders are quick to form new friendships and just as quick to become demanding. Because they are trusting and easily influenced by other opinions, their behavior often appears inconsistent. Their strong dependency need makes them overly trusting and gullible.

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing suspiciousness and mistrust of people in general. Individuals with these traits refuse to assume personal responsibility for their own feelings, assign responsibility to others, and avoid relationships in which they are not in control of or lose power in. These individuals are suspicious, guarded, and hostile. They are consistently mistrustful of others' motives, even relatives and close friends. Actions of others are often misinterpreted as deception, deprecation, and betrayal, especially regarding the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends and associates. People with paranoid personality disorder are unforgiving and hold grudges; their typical emotional responses are anger and hostility. They distance themselves from others and are outwardly argumentative and abrasive; internally, they feel powerless, fearful, and vulnerable. Their outward demeanor often seems cold, sullen, and humorless.

Conduct disorder is characterized by more serious violations of social norms, including aggressive behavior, destruction of property, and cruelty to animals. Children and adolescents with conduct disorder often lie to achieve short-term ends, may be truant from school, may run away from home, and may engage in petty larceny or even mugging. Oppositional defiant disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of disobedience, argumentativeness, angry outbursts, low tolerance for frustration, and tendency to blame others for misfortunes, large and small. Children with oppositional defiant disorder have trouble making friends and often find themselves in conflict with adults.Episodes of aggressiveness that result in assault or destruction of property characterize people with intermittent explosive disorder. In kleptomania, individuals cannot resist the urge to steal, and they independently steal items that they could easily afford.

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Which characteristic is a criterion for diagnosing borderline personality disorder?

The Criteria for a Diagnosis BPD is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotion, as well as marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: Chronic feelings of emptiness.

What is the main characteristic of borderline personality disorder?

With borderline personality disorder, you have an intense fear of abandonment or instability, and you may have difficulty tolerating being alone. Yet inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you want to have loving and lasting relationships.

What are the 3 main characteristics of a personality disorder?

Personality disorders are characterized by patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving, and interacting that deviate from cultural expectations and cause significant distress and problems functioning.

Which symptoms should the nurse assess to identify borderline personality disorder when interviewing clients?

Assessment findings for clients hospitalized with borderline personality disorder may include the following:.
Feelings of emptiness..
Self-mutilation and self-harm..
Suicidal behaviors, gestures, or threats..
Extreme mood shifts that occur in a matter of hours or days..

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