Which surgical procedure involves diverting urine flow through an isolated loop of bowel?


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Ch 20

Which artery provides the blood supply to the bladder? vesicle artery
What is the chemical type of urinary calculi that accounts for the majority of these cases? Calcium based
Which blood test can indicate the possibility of prostatic cancer? PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
Which diagnostic tool involves the use of intravenous dye and radiological films to view the urological system? Intravenous Urogram
What type of suture is appropriate for closure of a ureterotomy? 4-0 to 6-0
What are some of the procedures performed on women with stress incontinence? Stamey, anterior colporrhaphy, MMK (Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz)
What procedure is a radical orchiectomy? Very extensive
Know male and female anatomy.
What are the 2 types of dialysis? 1. Hemodialysis 2. Peritoneal dialysis
Know the various incisions used in GU. inguinal, scrotal, abdominal, gibson, flank, lumbar
*What is a Wilm’s tumor? aka: nephroblastoma (malignancy affecting the kidney)
How does Hemodialysis work? removing blood from artery, adding vital substances and returning it to a vein.
How does Peritoneal dialysis work? Peritoneum cavity acts as the semipermaeable membrane
*What is the treatment for a Wilm's tumor? kidney removal
*What are 3 sources for a kidney transplant? 1. cadavers 2. living relatives 3. unrelated living donors
*Why is the left kidney usually taken from a cadaver? because the LEFT renal artery is longer
*In a renal transplant, what are the kidneys flushed with before being packed in sterile ice slush? Collins Solution
*In a radical nephrectomy, where is the incision made? Through posterior peritoneum
*What type of catheter is used after an open cystostomy? Malecot or Pezzer
*How is an open cystostomy closed after a _____ catheter has been inserted? pursestring
1. What is the medial border of the kidneys that receives the renal blood vessels called? Hilam
2. Which outer portion of the kidney contains the glomeruli? Cortex
3. Which structures unite to form the renal pelvis? Major calyces
5. Which muscle is responsible for emptying the bladder and closing the bladder orifice? Detrusor muscle
6. Which important clinical landmark is marked by ureteral and urethral orifices? Trigone
8. What is the name of the portion of the skin covering the distal base of the penis that forms a free fold? prepuce (foreskin)
9. Which portion of the male reproductive system can be found passing through the spermatic cord and eventually conducting semen into the prostatic urethra? Ductus(Vas Deferens)
10. Which rare condition is indicated by an overproduction of cortisol by the cortex of the adrenal gland? Cushing Syndrom
12. Which disorder is marked by multiple fluid-filled, benign cysts in the parenchyma of the kidney? Polycystic Kidney Disease
13. Which congenital condition is marked by the absence of the anterior wall of the urethra? Epispadias
16. Which extraperitoneal incisional option can be used to access the lower portion of the ureter? Gibson
17. Which surgical procedure involves diverting urine flow through an isolated loop of bowel? Ilealio conduit
18. What is a Koch pouch? Uterine sac made out of portion of bowel
19. How are adrenalectomies performed? TRADITIONAL INCISION
What type of incision is made for a radical orchiectomy? Inguinal
24. Which prostatectomy procedure involves an incision into the bladder to remove the prostate en bloc? suprapubic prostatectomy
25. Why is the right kidney located slightly lower than the left? due to liver location
26. What is a Vasovasostomy? reanastomosis of vas deferens (reversal of vasectomy)
29. What do the medulla of the adrenal glands do? Epinephrine & norepinephrine
30. Which muscles surround the kidney? Psoas
31. What is the vascular supply for the Bladder? Superior/ inferior vesicle arteries
32. How long is the male urethra approximately? 20 cm
33. What is the function of the tunica albuginea? Covers the testes
34. What is Cushing’s and Addisons disease? Symptoms? (KNOW SYMPTOMS) central body obesity, glucose intolerance, hypertension, hirsutism, osteoposis, kidney stones, emotional instability, menstrual irregularity
35. What is Pheochromocytoma? tumor affecting the medulla of the adrenal gland
38. A white blood cell count over ____ usually indicates infection. 10,000
39. Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is a nuclear medicine study that is specifically designed to detect which condition? Pheochromocytoma
40. What is the purpose of using an O’Connor shield? digital manipulation of prostate
44. If seeding of malignant cells is a concern, what might the bladder may be filled with prior to the urethral transaction? formalin solution
45. The Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure may be performed in conjunction with what procedure? Abdominal Hysterectomy
46. What is a Varicocelectomy repairing? Abnormal dilation of spermatic veins
47. If the ureters are difficult to identify when the bladder is opened, what may be used intravenous to facilitate locating the orifices? Indigo Carmine
50. Urinary Calculi DX: Blood tests, Urine C&S, X-ray, US, CT, IV Urogram (IVP)
52. Direct access to adrenal glands, kidneys, & proximal ureters Flank *muscles have to be cut
55. Removed at the upper or lower pole of the kidney Subtotal Nephrectomy *Flank incision
56. Defect covered with: a patch of peritoneum, omental fat, redundant renal capsule Partial Nephrectomy
57. Done for a kidney transplant Simple Nephrectomy
59. Tack up bladder (mild stress incontinence) Anterior Coloporrhaphy
60. Simple, minimally INVASIVE procedure for placing a self- fixating sling to support the urethra SPARC sling system
61. Supports the vagina beside the urethra, “Bladder neck suspension” procedure alleviates the pressure placed on the urethra Burch procedure
62. Ureters are difficult to identify when bladder is opened, ____ may facilitate locating the orifices IV indigo carmine

What is a surgical procedure for diverting the passage of urine?

Cystostomy. A cystostomy is a surgical procedure where a doctor inserts a small tube into your bladder through the skin of the lower abdomen. The tube allows urine to drain from your bladder into a bag outside your body.

What is a urinary diversion called?

There are 2 basic options for urostomy surgery, often called urinary diversion. The 2 types are named for how the pathway that allows urine to pass from the body is diverted (re-routed or changed) during the procedure. Incontinent diversion, sometimes called a standard or conventional urostomy.

What is Cystostomy procedure?

Cystostomy is the general term for the surgical creation of an opening into the bladder; it may be a planned component of urologic surgery or an iatrogenic occurrence. Often, however, the term is used more narrowly to refer to suprapubic cystostomy or suprapubic catheterization.

What is cystectomy with urinary diversion?

If the bladder is removed through a radical cystectomy, our surgeons may be able to create a new bladder, called a neobladder. If that's not possible, we will create a new way for the urine to leave the body. This is called urinary diversion.

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