A medical assistant is preparing to apply a compression bandage

Contrary to your belief of this blog being a how-to guide to build the perfect turkey wrap for lunch or how to drop a beat, it is actually a how-to-guide on all the different types of bandaging techniques. We shadowed our SBBCollege Santa Maria Medical Assistants and watched how they learned the different types of wrapping forms.

Medical assistant students were informed by the instructor on all the following roller bandage wraps listed below. They used roller bandages, which are long strips of material made of either elastic, cotton, or linen.  These bandages are applied to provide support to a strain or sprain. It is used to dress the hurt ligament and applied firmly without cutting off circulation. Every wrap starts off with the roll of bandage being placed on the softer material side on the injured area.

1. Circular Bandaging: Considered one of the more basic and easier types of bandaging for medical assistant students, this dressing is most commonly used on arms, legs, chest, or abdomen. While holding the roll in place, you unroll the bandage toward you while keeping the spacing equal as you cover higher parts of the injured limb. You continue to wrap around the injured area and use tape or a clip to hold the bandage together.

A medical assistant is preparing to apply a compression bandage

2. Figure-of-Eight Bandaging: This bandaging technique involves the strips of bandage crossing each other to form the figure eight. The wraps will cross over at an “X” point and it is usually where the limb flexes. While wrapping the wrist, you loop around the wrist a couple times, then across the front of the hand between the inside of the thumb and pointer finger, then back around the front of your hand, around your wrist and repeat.

A medical assistant is preparing to apply a compression bandage

3. Spiral Bandaging: This form of bandaging that our medical assistants learn is named spiral because of a V-shaped fold that forms when wrapping. You start with wrapping the affected area a couple of times, then you scale the bandage up about an inch, twist around and come back down. (Up an inch, then you twist down.) The distance of the wrap should be consistent, while wrapping the injured limb. Once complete, you will notice that the wrap has the V-shape.

A medical assistant is preparing to apply a compression bandage

4. Reverse Spiral Bandage: Slightly more challenging than the Spiral Bandage wrap, this technique requires the bandage to be folded back on itself (Our students got extra credit for learning and perfecting the reverse spiral bandage!). While wrapping the limb, twist the bandage over itself. When twisting the bandage make sure that you’re still mindful of the bandage distance as you are scaling up on the limb. This is one of the more complex bandaging techniques our medical assistant students learn.

A medical assistant is preparing to apply a compression bandage

It is important for a medical assistant to learn all the following wrap techniques because each of them serve a different purpose. These wrap techniques are to create pressure points on the affected area, whether it’s swelling, bleeding, or a sprain, these techniques are applied to provide support and comfort for the injured body part.


The SBBCollege Medical Assisting Program provides the skills and knowledge for students to become medical assistants. Our program includes hands-on training to enable students to master the skills of administrating injections, sterilizing instruments, venipuncture procedure, and much more. Students can complete the program in about 9 months, including on-the-job training!

Have questions about our nursing program or the nursing field in general? We’re happy to answer all of them. Call us today at 866-749-7222!

Time to Read: About 2 minutes

This information will help you know what to do after your therapeutic phlebotomy (fleh-BAH-toh-mee) procedure.

Therapeutic phlebotomy is a blood draw that’s done to treat a medical problem, such as having too much iron in your blood. With therapeutic phlebotomy, more blood is drawn than during a regular blood draw. Your doctor will decide how much blood will be drawn based on the reason you’re having the procedure.

If you can, it’s helpful to drink more liquids than usual before your therapeutic phlebotomy procedure. Aim to drink 8 to 10 (8-ounce) glasses of liquids for 1 day before your procedure.

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What to Expect During Your Procedure

You will sit in a chair in the treatment area for your procedure. During your therapeutic phlebotomy procedure, a nurse will use a needle connected to a blood collection bag to draw a certain amount of your blood. After the right amount of blood is drawn, the nurse will remove the needle and place a pressure bandage (bandage that wraps around your arm) over the needle site (the place on your arm where the needle was).

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Instructions After Your Procedure

  • Leave the pressure bandage on your needle site for 3 to 6 hours after your procedure.
  • Avoid activities that may strain the arm used during your procedure (such as exercise and heavy lifting) for at least 1 day after your procedure.

You may feel lightheaded or dizzy after your therapeutic phlebotomy procedure. To help keep this from happening:

  • Drink more liquids than usual for 1 to 2 days after your procedure. Try to drink at least 8 to 10 (8-ounce) glasses each day.
  • Avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine (such as coffee, tea, and cola) for the rest of the day after your procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise (such as jogging) for 1 day after your procedure.
  • Don’t smoke for at least 1 hour after your procedure.
  • Don’t take a hot bath for the rest of the day after your procedure.

If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, sit down and place your head between your knees. You can also lie down flat and raise your feet and legs slightly. For example, you can rest them on a couple of pillows.

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Caring for Your Needle Site

You may have discomfort, bleeding, swelling, or bruising at your needle site. Follow the guidelines below to help with these side effects.

Guidelines for managing discomfort

  • Hold ice or a cool pack over the site for 10 to 15 minutes, then take it off for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as needed.

Guidelines for managing bleeding

  • Raise your arm above your head and apply pressure with your other hand for 5 minutes or longer.
  • Cover the site with a bandage or put the pressure bandage back on the site, if needed.

Guidelines for managing swelling

  • Raise your arm above your head and apply pressure for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Hold ice or a cold pack over the site for 10 to 15 minutes, then take it off for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as needed.

Guidelines for managing bruising

  • Hold ice or a cold pack over the site for 10 to 15 minutes, then take it off for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as needed to help the bruising fade.

Bruises may spread around your needle site and take about 7 to 10 days to go away.

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Call Your Healthcare Provider’s Office if You Have:

  • Discomfort, bleeding, or swelling that isn’t helped by following the guidelines above.
  • Bleeding that you can’t stop.
  • A fever of 101° F (38.3° C) or higher.
  • Redness, warmth, or pain at your needle site.
  • Any other unexpected side effects.
  • Any questions or concerns.
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When a medical assistant is documenting data in a patient's progress note which of the following abbreviations is acceptable for use?


Which of the following pieces of legislation keeps health care staff safe from retaliation?

Occupational Health and Safety Laws The Occupational Safety & Health Act is a federal law that protects workers from retaliation for complaining to their employer, OSHA, or other government agencies about unsafe conditions in the workplace.

Which of the following terms as a procedure that involves an incision into the eardrum?

A myringotomy is a surgery performed on your tympanic membrane (eardrum). A tiny incision is created in your eardrum to allow fluid to drain from your middle ear. Myringotomy is most often recommended to treat otitis media with effusion (fluid in the ear). On average, myringotomy recovery takes about four weeks.

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Which of the following duties is a medical assistant allowed to perform independently? Prescribe medication.