Get the point là gì

Nghĩa của cụm từ "Get to the point"?

Giải thích nghĩa của cụm từ "Get to the point"

Nghĩa là đi thẳng vào vấn đề, không lòng vòng.

Đồng nghĩa: Come to the point.

Ví dụ:

He talked and talked, but never got to thepoint.

Anh ấy nói và nói, nhưng không bao giờ đi vào vấn đề.

Cùng Top lời giải tìm hiểu thêm các cụm từ đi với Get nhé:

I. Cụm từ với "GET"

1. Get about : lan truyền

2. Get ahead : tiến bộ

3. Get at sth : tìm ra, khám phá ra

4. Get at sb : chỉ trích, công kích

5. Get away from : trốn thoát

6. Get away with : thoát khỏi ( sự trừng phạt)

7. Get back : trở về

8. Get sth back : lấy lại

9. Get behind : chậm trễ

10. Get down : làm nản lòng

11. Get down to sth : bắt tay vào việc gì

12. Get in/into sth : được nhận vào

13. Get off : rời khỏi, xuống (xe, mát bay)

14. Get on : lên ( tàu xe..)

15. Get on with : hòa thuận

16. Get out : lộ ra ngoài ( tin tức… )

17.Get out of : lẫn tránh

18. Get over: phục hồi, vượt qua

19. Get through : vượt qua

20. Get through to sb : làm ai hiểu được điều gì

21. Get together : tụ họp

22. Get up to : gây ra

23. Get up : thức dậy

24. Get up something : từ bỏ cái gì đó

25. Get away with: bỏ trốn.

26. Get go on: Hãy đi về

II. Cụm từ "TO GET"

To get used to : trở lên quen với

To get rid of : loại bỏ, tháo rỡ, vứt bỏ, ném đi

To get through : hoàn thành, hoàn tất

To get (be/keep) in touch with sb : giữ liên lạc với

To get on (well) with sb : thoả thuận với ai

To get sb st/ st for sb : lấy cho ai cái gì

To get along : tiến bộ, sống ổn định, vui vẻ

To get lost : lạc đường, biến mất

To get on one””s never : quấy rầy, làm ai bực mình, phát cáu Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile to bug)

To get away : lẩn tránh, lẩn trốn

To get away with : trốn tránh hình phạt, thoái thác công việc

To get even with : trả đũa, trả miếng

To get the better of : thắng, thắng thế

To get in : lên tàu xe ( xe hơi)

To get on : lên tàu xe ( các phương tiện vận chuyển khác)

To get up : thỉnh giấc, thức dậy

To get along with : hoà thuận Biểu tượng cảm xúc smile to get on with)

To get back : quay lại, trở về

To get over : lành bệnh, vượt qua, gượng dậy

To get to : bắt đầu, đạt đến, đi đến ( bỏ to với home, there)

To get better, worse…. : trở lên tốt hơn, xấu hơn

To get sick, tired, busy… : bị bệnh, mệt, bận

To get a rise out of : khiêu khích

To get off one””s chest : diễn tả cảm xúc của mình

To get through : trao đổi với ai,làm cho người ta hiểu

To get back : Có thể trở lại

To get down : có thể xuống

Thử tài qua bài tập trắc nghiệm với get

Chúng ta đã biết ý nghĩa của cáccụm động từ với get, vậy chúng được áp dụng cụ thể trong những ngữ cảnh cụ thể nào? Những bài tập vận dụng dưới đây chính là câu trả lời.

a/ If you want to … in work, you have to look confident.

A: Get ahead

B: Get over

C: Get in

D: Get out

b/ I don’t see you anymore. … of my way!

A: Take out

B: Come out

C: Get out

D: Think out

c/ I have enough money to … until tomorrow.

A: Get in

B: Get on

C: Get to

D: Get by

d/ I need to … with my work.

A: Get away

B: Get in with

C: Get on

D: Get through

e/ Don’t trust him. He …

A: Gets across

B: Gets around

C: Gets at

D: Gets away

Đáp án:

a/ A – If you want to get ahead in work, you have to look confident. (Nếu bạn muốn thăng tiến trong công việc, bạn nên tự tin hơn)

b/ C – I don’t want to see you anymore. Get out of my way! (Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy anh thêm nữa. Tránh ra!)

c/ D – I have enough money to get by until tomorrow. (Tôi không có đủ tiền để vượt qua ngày mai)

d/ C – I need to get on with my work. (Tôi cần phải tiếp tục với công việc của mình)

e/ B – Don’t trust him. He gets around. (Đừng tin anh ta. Anh ta lăng nhăng lắm)

2020 Presidential debate. Photo courtesy:

“Get to the point” = đi vào trọng tâm -> nghĩa là hay ngưng nói lòng vòng và nói về vấn đề chính.

Ví dụ

At Amras Communications we don’t mince words (nói thẳng, nói toạc móng heo) we like to get to the point. You may be able to capture a potential investor’s attention but you will only have it for a very limited time, so make sure you get everything they need to know across before they move on to their next task. Always remember to KISS — Keep It Short and Simple.

It was the longest night of my life. The debate dragged on forever. And he continued to not answer the questions. Well, he did answer. His replies just didn’t have much to do with the questions that were asked. It was frustrating. It was annoying. I don’t mind saying, it ticked me off. There were important issues on the table. Could we just get to the point already?

People have egos and neuroses. Asking them to, you know, get to the point already could “be perceived as aggressive, or combative (hiếu chiến),” says the journalist Lea Goldman, a former senior executive editor at A&E, Hearst, and Refinery 29 who’s done more than her fair share (cực kỳ nhiều) of interviews. If you really want or need some information from the person who is talking, Goldman notes, then “the goal is always that you make your subject as comfortable as possible so they open up to you as much as possible.”

Ngân Nguyễn

Bài trước:

get the point Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

get the point

understand the idea or the message Did you get the point of his talk? What was the main idea?

get the point

To understand, comprehend, or grasp something. Yeah, I get the point, Mom—I won't leave my bike in the driveway anymore. That's why it's important. Do you get the point now?Learn more: get, point

get the point (of something)

to understand the purpose, intention, or central idea of something. I wish he would stop telling jokes and get to the point of his speech.Learn more: get, point

get the ˈpoint (of something)

understand somebody’s explanation: You haven’t got the point of what I’m trying to say.Oh, I see. I get the point.Learn more: get, point
Learn more:

Get the point là gì

2020 Presidential debate. Photo courtesy: Ron Frazier

"Get to the point" = đi vào trọng tâm -> nghĩa là hay ngưng nói lòng vòng và nói về vấn đề chính.

Ví dụ

At Amras Communications we don’t mince words (nói thẳng, nói toạc móng heo) we like to get to the point. You may be able to capture a potential investor’s attention but you will only have it for a very limited time, so make sure you get everything they need to know across before they move on to their next task. Always remember to KISS — Keep It Short and Simple.

It was the longest night of my life. The debate dragged on forever. And he continued to not answer the questions. Well, he did answer. His replies just didn’t have much to do with the questions that were asked. It was frustrating. It was annoying. I don’t mind saying, it ticked me off. There were important issues on the table. Could we just get to the point already?

People have egos and neuroses. Asking them to, you know, get to the point already could “be perceived as aggressive, or combative (hiếu chiến),” says the journalist Lea Goldman, a former senior executive editor at A&E, Hearst, and Refinery 29 who’s done more than her fair share (cực kỳ nhiều) of interviews. If you really want or need some information from the person who is talking, Goldman notes, then “the goal is always that you make your subject as comfortable as possible so they open up to you as much as possible.”

Ngân Nguyễn

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