Is there a problem with Splashtop?


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In Isnotdown, you can check immediately if Splashtop Remote Desktop works perfectly, or on the contrary, it is registering some kind of problem to offer its services.


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The Splashtop Remote Desktop service seems to be working!

Problem solved? Still can't connect to Splashtop Remote Desktop? Continue with Step 2.

Turn it on again. Clear internet cookies and browser cache.
Still stuck and not enjoying Splashtop Remote Desktop, then go to Step 3.

Temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall running in the background. Now if you can access Splashtop Remote Desktop, be aware that your security software is causing problems. Try adding Splashtop Remote Desktop in the set of trusted sites.

DNS is a service that translates Splashtop Remote Desktop into a machine-readable address called an IP address. In most cases, this work is done by your ISP. If only specific sites are not opening, it is likely to get corrupted.

Splashtop Streamer for Ivanti app may not be working for you due to some issues that your device may have or your internet connection problem.  If you think that Splashtop Streamer for Ivanti app has an issue, please post your issue using the comment box below and someone from our community may help you. Also in the mean time you can try the fixes mentioned below.

Splashtop Business - Remote Desktop app may not be working for you due to some issues that your device may have or your internet connection problem.  If you think that Splashtop Business - Remote Desktop app has an issue, please post your issue using the comment box below and someone from our community may help you. Also in the mean time you can try the fixes mentioned below.

  • Gregg,  sorry to hear the issues.  I checked with our team, and here is the initial feedback:

    Windows only allows a single user login (console or RDP). If someone logs in with RDP remotely, the console session will get logged out, and vice versa. As you try to remote in using Splashtop into the console session, the RDP will disconnect.

    It’s possible to use Splashtop and RDP together, but as you connect with Splashtop, you should Not log to the windows login of the Console and should just immediately switch to the RDP terminal session.  Our team reviewed the video.   Seem like what you have done in the video is exactly as described. As long as you do NOT log into the Windows console session, and then switch to the RDP session, then Splashtop & RDP session can co-exist.

    Our team actually found a potential issue that terminal session switching doesn't work for selective Windows 7 machines.... this might be the cause for the issue here as you tried to switched to terminal session on WIn7.  Vast majority of tested Win7 works, but seem like a few corner cases/configs of win7 will have switching issue.  Our team will post a response for you at Splashtop support site (your ticket) shortly with a workaround to resolve the corner case win7 issue.  Next streamer update will fix these win7 corner cases, targeting end of June (in 2 weeks).   Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  

    Thank you.

  • Cant you just use VNC or something similar?

    (i haven't tried this it is just a blind suggestion)

    Is there a problem with Splashtop?
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  • deanmoncaster wrote:

    Cant you just use VNC or something similar?

    (i haven't tried this it is just a blind suggestion)

    Sure, I could "just use" VNC, or AnyDesk, or TeamViewer, or any of the dozens of other remote support tools, but let me ask you this question. WHY would you recommend doing so, when my question was about a specific problem with a specific application, i.e., Splashtop? Using any of the others is IRRELEVANT to my issue with SPLASHTOP.


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  • Mark,

    The "Windows only allows a single user login" response was the ONLY type of response I initially received ("Splashtop and RDP use the same ports, so this would force one user using a RDP/Splashtop to boot the other user off."), and they kept focusing on that point, which is what made me so angry. I told them EXACTLY what I was doing and even included an image of the selection choices (see second image above) that shows the choice of active user, with the caveat that "...I cannot select the user's session. I only can click the "(Console) - Connected" session. They chose to ignore that and kept focusing on the Console session.

    I am mad because they kept ignoring what the were being told. It felt like I am dealing with Dell support techs with their blinders on.I will do their suggested workaround and try it again.Thank your much less frustrating help!Gregg

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  • Mark,The question “Where have YOU been all my life?” comes to mind. Renaming the file worked perfectly!

    Why didn’t Vincent (the first responding tech have this same information?

    Why did it take THREE detailed emails to get to this resolution when as you noted, this is a KNOWN ISSUE?


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  • greggmh123 wrote:


    The "Windows only allows a single user login" response was the ONLY type of response I initially received ("Splashtop and RDP use the same ports, so this would force one user using a RDP/Splashtop to boot the other user off."), and they kept focusing on that point, which is what made me so angry. I told them EXACTLY what I was doing and even included an image of the selection choices (see second image above) that shows the choice of active user, with the caveat that "...I cannot select the user's session. I only can click the "(Console) - Connected" session. They chose to ignore that and kept focusing on the Console session.

    I am mad because they kept ignoring what the were being told. It felt like I am dealing with Dell support techs with their blinders on.I will do their suggested workaround and try it again.Thank your much less frustrating help!Gregg

    Thanks Gregg.   Please do keep me posted if the workaround helps.  I will work with our team actively to help resolve if the issue persists. Thanks.

  • For future readers, Mark's response that "Our team will post a response for you at Splashtop support site (your ticket) shortly with a workaround to resolve the corner case win7 issue" was the fix (renaming a specific file). I don't want to post that exact file because I don't know if they want it publicized.


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  • greggmh123 wrote:

    deanmoncaster wrote:

    Cant you just use VNC or something similar?

    (i haven't tried this it is just a blind suggestion)

    Sure, I could "just use" VNC, or AnyDesk, or TeamViewer, or any of the dozens of other remote support tools, but let me ask you this question. WHY would you recommend doing so, when my question was about a specific problem with a specific application, i.e., Splashtop? Using any of the others is IRRELEVANT to my issue with SPLASHTOP.


    Because you came on a forum with extremely limited to none knowledge on the software in question after originally not getting the answer you were looking for and getting nowhere with the one and only set of people that could actually help you.

    If the problem were to persist and you needed something to help you i said "can't you use VNC?" until some fix was offered.

    So don't be like that when others are trying to give you a sounding board on a forum that, by anyones logic would be less use than the support department of the software you had an issue with.

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  • greggmh123 wrote:

    For future readers, Mark's response that "Our team will post a response for you at Splashtop support site (your ticket) shortly with a workaround to resolve the corner case win7 issue" was the fix (renaming a specific file). I don't want to post that exact file because I don't know if they want it publicized.


    Thanks Gregg.  Sound like it is working.  Our team's plan is to add the fix in upcoming release of new streamer (agent) targeting in two weeks... so there will not be a need for the workaround shortly.  Thanks again for helping to uncover the corner case win7 issue with terminal switching.

  • I hope that it will be a "moo point" by then anyway. They are back to work, and the new computers should be going in soon.


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  • deanmoncaster wrote:

    greggmh123 wrote:

    deanmoncaster wrote:

    Cant you just use VNC or something similar?

    (i haven't tried this it is just a blind suggestion)

    Sure, I could "just use" VNC, or AnyDesk, or TeamViewer, or any of the dozens of other remote support tools, but let me ask you this question. WHY would you recommend doing so, when my question was about a specific problem with a specific application, i.e., Splashtop? Using any of the others is IRRELEVANT to my issue with SPLASHTOP.


    Because you came on a forum with extremely limited to none knowledge on the software in question after originally not getting the answer you were looking for and getting nowhere with the one and only set of people that could actually help you.

    If the problem were to persist and you needed something to help you i said "can't you use VNC?" until some fix was offered.

    So don't be like that when others are trying to give you a sounding board on a forum that, by anyones logic would be less use than the support department of the software you had an issue with.

    "Because you came on a forum with extremely limited to none knowledge on the software in question"

    Well, I did post in the Remote Support forum and tagged the Splashtop rep, and I have seen dozens of people on here recommend Splashtop, so I don't get your point about "a forum with extremely limited to none knowledge". LOTS of people here use Splashtop. Shame on me for thinking that an actual Splashtop user could test what I asked!


    Regarding your "after originally not getting the answer you were looking for and getting nowhere with the one and only set of people that could actually help you" comment, you seem to have missed the point of why I posted here in the first place. I posted here because the Splashtop team WAS NOT HELPING because they repeatedly did not read what I had sent to them that CLEARLY STATED the issue was trying to connect to the "Active" session and NOT to the Console session. I got multiple incorrect answers from them, so I came here seeking better answers, only to be greeted with something that is blatantly obvious (use an alternative), BUT does not address the issue at hand. Your "Cant you just use VNC or something similar?" unqualified point (you said nothing about "If the problem were to persist..." to qualify it), while good-hearted, went without sayingOF COURSE I could use an alternative, but that is not what I asked about. Had I asked "Can someone give me a good alternative while I work out a problem with Splashtop?", THEN your response would have been perfectly fine and I would have thanked you for the suggestion. However, all it did was detract from the point.

    ----------------"a sounding board on a forum that, by anyone's logic would be less use than the support department of the software you had an issue with."

    Yes, LOGICALLY, they SHOULD know more, BUT as I noted in my second sentence, "They have COMPLETELY MISSED what I am telling them or have given me false information." That is why I posted here, asking for a specific set of steps to be tested USING SPLASHTOP, but you answered "Cant you just use VNC or something similar?", which is completely unrelated to Splashtop's issue. No, obviously, I cannot use VNC or anything else to test this specific Splashtop issue. Did you seriously think I was unaware that other remote support tools exist? That would be the only reason I can think of for someone to say that. Of course I know that alternatives exist, but NONE of them can answer the specific SPLASHTOP test steps I asked about. As I said before, "Using any of the others is IRRELEVANT to my issue with SPLASHTOP."

    Do you see that your response was no different than me asking a specific Exchange server question in the Exchange forum and getting a "Can't you use a Kerio server or something similar?" response? THAT is why your response frustrated me.


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  • My response frustrated you because you were under the cosh, feeling pressure and the one people that could help you weren't helping you as you needed.

    I was your vent point.

    Just because you may know of other remote support tools doesn't mean that you have actually considered using one to test whether they also exhibit the same issue in the scenario.

    I also note the plethora of splash top users that have flooded this thread clambering over each other to help you.

    So again, don't be like that when you've come to others for help when your actual only source of help isn't helping you because then other people may be reticent to help you in future in case you get your knickers in a twist again.

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  • deanmoncaster wrote:

    My response frustrated you because you were under the cosh, feeling pressure and the one people that could help you weren't helping you as you needed.

    I was your vent point.

    Just because you may know of other remote support tools doesn't mean that you have actually considered using one to test whether they also exhibit the same issue in the scenario.

    I also note the plethora of splash top users that have flooded this thread clambering over each other to help you.

    So again, don't be like that when you've come to others for help when your actual only source of help isn't helping you because then other people may be reticent to help you in future in case you get your knickers in a twist again.

    I have posted useless answers to others' thread before when I misinterpreted their issues. The difference between you and I here is that when they corrected me, I acknowledged it that I screwed up and didn't try to defend my unhelpful answers. Had you simply acknowledged that your answer had nothing to do with Splashtop specifically, we wouldn't be continuing this ridiculous dance.

    "My response frustrated you because you were under the cosh" is incorrect. It frustrated me because I see these types of "answers" all over the place that contribute nothing to the conversation and usually end up in them getting derailed, just like this one. I see that type of response, but I don't reply to them because they are not in my post thread. If they are in my post thread and they contribute little or nothing to the issue, then sometimes I do respond in frustration.

    You were my "vent point" ONLY because your response had nothing whatsoever to do with the specifically outlined issue and set of test steps FOR THE SPLASHTOP PRODUCT that I asked if others could test.

    Regarding your "Just because you may know of other remote support tools doesn't mean that you have actually considered using one to test whether they also exhibit the same issue in the scenario" comment, I have ZERO NEED to know if SOMEONE ELSE'S PRODUCT does have the same problem, because I already know that Splashtop CAN DO what I need...just not on THIS CLIENT'S computers. It does not matter if every other vendor on the planet cannot connect to an active RDP session, because I already KNOW that Splashtop CAN do it by design with their Splashtop Streamer. BTW, their SOS product DOES work on these problem systems...which I figured out a few days after my post.

    Did I ask if other remote support tools had the issue? No, I did not, and the reason that I did not ask is because IT IS IRRELEVANT if others have the same problem. I know that Splashtop has the ability to do what I need as I showed in my post, so I asked a very targeted select audience this question, "So, can any other Splashtop users verify that this scenario works?" What if 100 people all jumped in and said that their other product works, would that have helped figure out why SPLASHTOP did not work? NO! Therefore, ANY response mentioning a product other than Splashtop is 100% irrelevant. I don't get why you fail to comprehend that simple fact.

    Regarding your "I also note the plethora of splash top users" comment, I looked for a Splashtop-specific forum and found Remote Support. Silly me for thinking that all the Splashtop users I see here nearly every time someone asks about remote support would be silent on the issue.

    Again, look at my scenario of an Exchange problem and someone suggesting Kerio. It's 100% irrelevant to getting the Exchange issue fixed.Now, please excuse me, but my knickers just came out of the wash and I need to go iron them.Gregg

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  • "BTW, their SOS product DOES work on these problem systems...which I figured out a few days after my post."

    Ahh so my suggestion was valid and you tried it (without consciously knowing it), testing other remote desktop apps does not exhibit the same issue, ergo you could discount an actual PC problem and could have proven to the technical team, seeing as they were being so obtuse, that it was the splashtop software that was at fault if they tried to tell you it wasn't. QED.

    /me smug mode enabled

    "Again, look at my scenario of an Exchange problem and someone suggesting Kerio. It's 100% irrelevant to getting the Exchange issue fixed."

    Actually it would allow you to work out whether you have an exchange error or a network error.

    It is a bit extreme and long winded but it would allow you to confirm exchange was at fault, but ultimately it isn't actually an irrelevant suggestion and it does depend on what the issue is as to whether you would do this. 

    "Exchange isn't receiving emails" can you use kerio to see if that receives email? USEFUL 

    "Exchange crashes on install" can you use kerio? not useful to get the answer as to why exchange isn't installing but proves that you don't have a local PC issue with installing software and allows you to discount the local PC being unable to install anything as the source of the problem.

    "Splashtop wont let me connect at the same time as an end user!" can you use VNC? useful because it allows you to see if the PC is preventing you or splashtop isn't working as it is meant to.

    Using kerio is a useful suggestion that may or may not guide someone to a fix depending on the issue at hand.

    Just because you cannot see the value in a suggestion doesn't automatically render it irrelevant.

    Now hopefully you understand why i said "can you use VNC?".

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  • deanmoncaster wrote:

    "BTW, their SOS product DOES work on these problem systems...which I figured out a few days after my post."

    Ahh so my suggestion was valid and you tried it (without consciously knowing it), testing other remote desktop apps does not exhibit the same issue, ergo you could discount an actual PC problem and could have proven to the technical team, seeing as they were being so obtuse, that it was the splashtop software that was at fault if they tried to tell you it wasn't. QED.

    /me smug mode enabled

    "Again, look at my scenario of an Exchange problem and someone suggesting Kerio. It's 100% irrelevant to getting the Exchange issue fixed."

    Actually it would allow you to work out whether you have an exchange error or a network error.

    It is a bit extreme and long winded but it would allow you to confirm exchange was at fault, but ultimately it isn't actually an irrelevant suggestion and it does depend on what the issue is as to whether you would do this. 

    "Exchange isn't receiving emails" can you use kerio to see if that receives email? USEFUL 

    "Exchange crashes on install" can you use kerio? not useful to get the answer as to why exchange isn't installing but proves that you don't have a local PC issue with installing software and allows you to discount the local PC being unable to install anything as the source of the problem.

    "Splashtop wont let me connect at the same time as an end user!" can you use VNC? useful because it allows you to see if the PC is preventing you or splashtop isn't working as it is meant to.

    Using kerio is a useful suggestion that may or may not guide someone to a fix depending on the issue at hand.

    Just because you cannot see the value in a suggestion doesn't automatically render it irrelevant.

    Now hopefully you understand why i said "can you use VNC?".

    OMG! You just don't get it. You are wrong, pure and simple.

    Your ridiculous "Ahh so my suggestion was valid" comment is WRONG...AGAIN!!! Even though Splashtop SOS just happens to work, SOS ALSO IS 100% IRRELEVANT to the Splashtop issue that I had with the regular Splashtop product. Therefore, your recommendation of "Cant you just use VNC or something similar?" was WRONG, still is wrong, and always WILL BE WRONG as it relates to the SPECIFIC ISSUE that I posted, which was connecting with Splashtop (NOT Splashtop SOS) to the active RDP session. Geez, you may as well have recommended trying to open Excel without issue. Whoopee! It's also just as irrelevant as your suggestion.

    Testing SOS was merely curiosity, and the fact that it worked HAD ZERO EFFECT in helping find out why the regular Splashtop product did not work on those problem computers. Do you get it now? It's ONE specific product with ONE specific issue on SOME computers, and NO OTHER PRODUCT matters, not even one of their own other products. Neither VNC nor SOS uses the Splashtop file that was the root of the "known issue" that was unknown to my Splashtop techs so ALL other products are irrelevant, even SOS.------------"testing other remote desktop apps does not exhibit the same issue, ergo you could discount an actual PC problem and could have proven to the technical team, seeing as they were being so obtuse, that it was the splashtop software that was at fault if they tried to tell you it wasn't. QED."

    You seem to be as qualified at reading English and looking at pictures as Splashtop's support was. Number one, you failed to comprehend the images in my post that I said I had sent to them, PROVING that THEIR PRODUCT can do it on both Win 7 and Win 10. They were telling me it couldn't be done at first. There was ZERO NEED to involve testing other products because I already had proven to them that THEIR product works on other computers and that their software was at fault. Number two, even if VNC worked, VNC would prove NOTHING, simply because it isn't Splashtop, and the issue was specific to a certain Splashtop product. It could not be the computer hardware or any other software problem because the choice to connect to the active RDP session DID NOTHING when clicked in spite of it showing in their software. Testing VNC or something similar, even SOS, would be have been irrelevant. Proving that someone else's product works when I had already proven that their own product can work would have been a waste of time. By the time I tested SOS, Splashtop already had the answer because it was a"known issue", but MY techs didn't know about it.


    You really should keep "smug mode" off. It just made you look like a fool when you tried in vain to defend the Exchange scenario with added, unrelated information about testing with Kerio. Your ""Exchange isn't receiving emails" can you use kerio to see if that receives email? USEFUL" comment is USELESS because you failed to read the scenario correctly. Go back and read what I posted about the Exchange scenario. Do you see that ITALICIZED word "specific" right before "Exchange server" in the scenario? That means an issue SPECIFIC TO Exchange servers, so recommending Kerio or any other mail server is 100% IRRELEVANT because a "specific Exchange server" issue is NOT a network problem and "isn't receiving emails" is not "specific" to Exchange. So, "Actually it would allow you to work out whether you have an exchange error or a network error" is also USELESS, and "Using kerio is a useful suggestion" is wrong, because I already know in that scenario that it is a "specific" Exchange server issue. Using Kerio is a USELESS suggestion.

    OMG, It's absolutely AMAZING what READING PROPERLY can do for a person! You should try it some time! Smugness, right back at you, except properly backed up this time.--------------

    "...because it allows you to see if the PC is preventing you or splashtop isn't working as it is meant to" IS WRONG. Why? Because as I noted several times and proved with images, I already KNEW that Splashtop "isn't working as it is meant to" work on those computers (all 15, but two different models). I did not need ANY other steps to prove that. All I needed was someone with good reading skills to read what was right in from them and NOT miss it like you and they did.


    "Just because you cannot see the value in a suggestion doesn't automatically render it irrelevant." I agree, but there was NO value in the suggestion and THAT is what made it irrelevant to the specific Splashtop (not SOS) issue at hand. It was made automatically irrelevant BY YOU the second it mentioned something outside of the specific Splashtop issue and specific requested Splashtop test steps. It's NOT a matter of opinion; it is FACT that it is irrelevant to the specific situation.


    "Now hopefully you understand why i said 'can you use VNC?'"

    Oh, I understood that completely when I first read it. You said it because you failed to properly read and comprehend the issue at hand and that the requested test steps had nothing to do with ANYTHING other than the specific software and specific situation outlined in my original post.

    ---------Finally, the fact that Splashtop themselves, minus my support techs, knew about the problem PROVES ONCE AGAIN that my points have all been correct and that "Cant you just use VNC or something similar?" was IRRELEVANT to this specific issue.

    No matter how many ways you try to twist my SPECIFIC ISSUE to fit your answer, YOU ARE WRONG.Gregg

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  • I think i just played chess with a pigeon......

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  • deanmoncaster wrote:

    I think i just played chess with a pigeon......


    A pigeon has better reading skills than you did.

    I'll say it one last time. My original post outlined a SPECIFIC issue with Splashtop and requested someone else test with Splashtop using the Splashtop-specific steps outlined. Therefore, your recommendation of using ANY other product was 100% wrong because NO other product could test the SPECIFIC issue with Splashtop.

    Regarding the SPECIFIC example scenario of Exchange/Kerio, you were also wrong for the reasons noted above.

    For this specific set of circumstances, your reply was WRONG and always will be wrong. Your inability to acknowledge that FACT (that you are human and you made a mistake) is absolutely BIZARRE. You were WRONG. Why the BIG DEAL you made out of it? We all make mistakes like YOU did. Move on!


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  • For any poor soul who may still be following this thread, the original SPECIFIC issue with Splashtop has been fixed with their release on 6/21/20 of the Splashtop Streamer version, a product specific to Splashtop and NO other product.

    The new Splashtop Streamer fixes the SPECIFIC Splashtop issue I noted in my original post and as noted multiple times, it is 100% unrelated to ANY other products suggested or mentioned.

    Note: items in bold text were highlighted in case someone else has poor reading skills.


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  • BTW, who is "Denis (LiteManager)" and why is he spicing every post?


  • deanmoncaster wrote:

    I think i just played chess with a pigeon......

    You sound like someone who would go to the doctor complaining of pain in the third finger of your right hand, and when the doctor asks, "Can I amputate your left foot?", you agree to it. It's irrelevant to your specific situation, but hey, hack it off and see if it fixes the problem!Gregg