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Steam Remote Play might not work due to an outdated Steam client or if you are using a beta version. Moreover, different network settings like IP, IPV6, or more than one network connection may also cause issues with Steam Remote Play.

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Steam Remote Play Not Working

The issue arises when the user tries the Remote Play feature of Steam, but the connection fails (sometimes the game starts on the host but nothing on the guest). In some cases, a black or sliced screen is shown. For some users, if the connection is made, the controllers, mouse, or keyboard do not work or gets hold of the wrong characters.

In some rare cases, the users could use the Remote Play feature when they reversed the guest and host role of systems. The issue mainly arises after an OS or Steam client update. The problem has affected nearly all the Steam and non-Steam games, although, for some users, only one or two games were concerned. Almost all the desktop OS (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) are affected.

Before proceeding with the solutions, restart your systems and networking devices. Additionally, check if any other streaming or remote desktop applications (Chrome Remote Desktop, Remotr, etc.) are running in the background on any of the systems. Also, try to avoid the Big Picture mode until the issue is resolved. Make sure the Steam client and the game are both launched with administrative rights.

Solution 1: Disable/Enable Remote Play in the Steam Settings

The Remote Play issue could be a result of a temporary glitch of Steam modules. The glitch can be cleared by disabling and then enabling the Remote Play in the settings of the Steam client.

  1. Launch the Steam client on the host system and open its Menu.
  2. Now open Settings and then in the left pane of the window, click on Remote Play.
  3. Then uncheck the option of Enable Remote Play.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Disable Remote Play in the Steam Settings
  4. Now repeat the same process to disable Remote Play on the guest system and then restart your systems.
  5. Upon restart, enable remote play on the guest system and then on the host system.
  6. Now, check if the Steam Remote Play is working fine.

Your antivirus and firewall applications play a vital role in the security of your data and device. You may encounter the Remote Play error if your antivirus/firewall application is blocking the resource essential for the operation of Steam Remote Play. In this case, allowing the Steam-related traffic through the antivirus/firewall applications of your system may solve the problem.

Warning: You may progress at your own risk as editing the antivirus/firewall settings may expose your system/data to threats like viruses, trojans, etc.

  1. Temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall applications on the host.
  2. Now check if the Remote Play issue is resolved. If not, then temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall applications on the guest.
  3. Now, check if the Steam Remote Play is working fine. If so, then edit your antivirus/firewall applications to allow the Steam-related traffic. You may have to forward UDP ports 27031 & 27036 through your router. Also, forward TCP ports 27036 & 27037 through your router. Do not forget to enable your antivirus/firewall after allowing the Steam-related traffic.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Allow Steam-Related Ports Through the Firewall

Solution 3: Disable Other Network Connections of the Host and Guest Systems

Steam Remote Play has a known bug due to which the said feature malfunctions if your host/guest systems have more than one network connection (including virtual machine connections). In this context, disabling other network connections of the host/client systems (except the network connection in use) may solve it.

  1. On your host system, right-click on the network/wireless icon in the system tray and then select Open Network and Internet Settings.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Open Network and Internet Settings
  2. Then, in the section of Advanced Network Settings, click on Change Adapter Options.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Change Adapter Options
  3. Now, right-click on any of the adapters that you are not using and then click on Disable.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Disabling the unnecessary adapters
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to disable all the network adapters (except the one you are using).
  5. Now, disable all the network adapters (except the one you are using) of the guest.
  6. Then check if the Steam Remote Play is working fine.
  7. If not, restart both the systems and then check if the Remote Play issue is resolved.

Solution 4: Release/Renew IPs of Your Systems

Remote Play not working properly could be a result of a temporary glitch of the communication modules of your system. Whenever there is an IP refresh (if you are using a DHCP server), the Steam client may fail to find the other system and thus cause the Remote Play issue. In this case, renewing the IPs of the host and guest system or using a static IP may solve the system.

  1. Power off your router and disconnect the LAN cable (if you are using WIFI, then disable the WIFI connections) from both the systems (host and guest).
  2. Then launch the Steam client (on both systems) and try to use Remote Play (which will fail as there is no network connection). After that, exit the Steam client.
  3. Now power on the router and connect the LAN cables to the system (or enable the WIFI connections).
  4. Then check if Steam Remote Play is clear of the issue.
  5. If not, then on the host system, click on the Windows button and type CMD. In the list of results, right-click on Command Prompt and then in the context menu, click on Run as Administrator.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Opening elevated command prompt
  6. Now, key-in the following commands one by one and press the Enter key after every command:ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Renewing IP
  7. Now, on the guest system, repeat steps 5 to 6 and then check if the Remote Play issue is resolved.
  8. If not, then on your guest system, press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run command box.
  9. Then key-in the following command and then press the Enter key:steam://open/console
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Launch the Steam Client with Console
  10. Now, type the following in the Steam console (where the local IP address is IP of your host system).connect_remote <local IP address>:27036
  11. If the issue persists, then set static IPs of both the systems and check if the Remote Play issue is resolved.

Solution 5: Disable IPV6 of the Network Connection

There are two Internet Protocol versions, IPV4 and IPV6. IPV6 was introduced to overcome the limitations of IPV4, but it has its share of issues. Many of the systems, routers, applications, etc. may fail to adapt to the IPV6 (in some circumstances), and the same could be the reason for the current Remote Play issue. In this scenario, disabling IPV6 of the network connection (for host and guest) may solve the problem.

  1. Right-click on the network or wireless icon on the system tray and select Open Network and Internet Settings.
  2. Now, in the section of Advanced Network Settings, click on Change Adapter Options.
  3. Then, right-click on the network connection you are using and then, in the context menu, select Properties.
  4. Now scroll down and uncheck the option of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6).
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Disabling IPv6
  5. Then click on the OK button and check if Steam Remote Play is working fine.

Solution 6: Join (or Leave) the Beta Program of Steam

The beta program is used to test the application before making the application available to the general public. The beta program comes with the latest features (and the patches to the known bugs) to be tested, and it can have its share of bugs. You may encounter the Remote Play error if you are a participant in the beta program of the Steam client. Moreover, if you are using a stable version, then switching to a beta version of the client (in which the bug creating the issue may already have been patched) may solve it.

  1. Launch the Steam client on the host system and open its Menu.
  2. Now open Settings and then in the left pane of the window, select Account.
  3. Then click on Change under the Beta Participation Option.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Click on the Change Button for the Beta Participation of Steam
  4. Change the Beta option to Opt-Out of Beta (if you are participating in the Beta); otherwise, select the Beta Steam Updates.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Select Your Beta Participation Option
  5. Now click on Restart Steam. Repeat the same process for the guest.
  6. After joining (or leaving) the Beta, check if Steam Remote Play is working fine.

Solution 7: Disable Hardware Encoding in the Steam Settings

Hardware encoding is used to capture, compress, and convert the audio/visual data to a suitable format for streaming or recording. The Remote Play issue may arise if the hardware encoding mechanism of your host or guest system/GPU is hindering in the operation of Steam Remote Play. In this scenario, disabling the hardware encoding in the Steam settings may solve the problem.

  1. Launch the Steam client on the guest system and open its Menu.
  2. Then open Settings and select Remote Play (in the left pane of the window).
  3. Now click on the Advanced Client Options and then uncheck the option of “Enable Hardware Decoding.”
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Disable Hardware Decoding of the Steam Client
  4. Then check if Steam Remote is working fine. If not, disable hardware decoding of the host system and check if the Remote Play issue is resolved.

Solution 8: Reinstall the Steam Client

If the issue persists, even after trying the above solutions, then most probably, the Remote Play issue is a result of the corrupt installation of the Steam client itself. In this case, reinstalling the Steam client may solve the problem.

  1. On the host system, launch the File Explorer of your system and navigate to the following path:C:\Program Files\Steam\
  2. Now, backup the Steamapps folder to a safe location.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Copy steamapps folder
  3. Then make sure no Steam-related process is running in the Task Manager of your system.
  4. Click on the Windows button and then click on Settings (the gear icon).
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Open Settings of Your System
  5. Then, open Apps and expand Steam.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Open Apps in Windows Settings
  6. Now, click on the Uninstall button of Steam and then follow the prompts on your screen to uninstall the Steam client.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Uninstall the Steam Client
  7. Then restart your system and, upon restart, launch the File Explorer of your system and navigate to the installation directory of Steam to delete any remnants in it. Usually, it is:C:\Program Files\Steam or C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam
  8. Then click on the Windows button and then in the Windows Search bar, type Registry Editor. In the list of results, right-click on Registry Editor and then in the context menu, click on Run as Administrator.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Open Registry Editor as Administrator
  9. Now, navigate to the following path:For 32-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Valve\ For 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve
  10. Now, in the left pane of the Registry Editor window, delete the Valve folder.
    Secure desktop capture exe Steam
    Delete the Valve Folder
  11. Then, navigate to the following path:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam
  12. Now, in the left pane of the Registry Editor window, delete the Valve folder.
  13. Then exit the registry editor and restart your system. You can also use App Zapp (Mac) or IOBit Uninstaller (PC) to remove any leftovers of the Steam installation.
  14. Repeat the same steps on the guest system to uninstall the Steam client.
  15. Upon uninstallation, reinstall the Steam client, and hopefully, the Steam Remote Player is working fine.

If the issue persists even after trying all the solutions, then try to revert to an older version of Steam. You can also try another service like Parsec, TeamViewer or Parallel Access, etc. to stream and then switch to Steam Remote Play. Moreover, check if you can stream to mobile platforms like the Android or iOS version of Steam. If so, then check on the guest desktop while keeping streaming to the mobile version. Also, try to launch the problematic game with the non-Steam shortcut.